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as green as possible.”


      “Yes, as in the environment. Wherever possible we need to conserve, recycle, save the Earth.”

      Brock held up a hand as she looked like she would go into more explanation. “I get it. Kent Foster is the architect. He has an even more talented wife. Come to think of it, she’s better looking than Kent, too.” He laughed. “I’ve contracted her for the interior designing.”

      “Keeping it all in the family, huh?”

      Brock instantly sobered. “They’re not my family,” he snapped, and the air around them chilled.

      It was like walking on eggshells, Noelle thought dismally. She’d replayed their conversation in her mind at least three times since he’d bolted up out of the chair and began readying the grill for their steak dinner, she supposed.

      After the third time she figured to hell with it. If he was some crazy, emotional head case she could do without that drama. Hadn’t she had enough of that going on in her life already? No, she definitely was not in the mood. Therefore, her next thought was that she had no intention of dealing with Brock Remington on any level other than their work on the casino. In that area he seemed knowledgeable, confident, not nearly as agitated.

      From the moment she’d introduced herself to him he’d acted as if she’d done something to offend him personally. Which, by the way, in her past could have been entirely true. But Noelle was no longer that immature girl. She’d grown in the years she’d known the Donovans, in the time she’d watched her sister find the happiness she deserved. So again, she had no idea what Brock’s problem was.

      Hearing her cell phone chime, she stood, walked to where she’d placed her purse on the chair closest to the doorway that led into the house and retrieved it. After checking her caller ID first, she breathed a sigh of relief to see it was Jade.

      “Hi,” Noelle said with a smile.

      “Hi. You didn’t call when you landed so I worried.”

      “You always worry.”

      “That’s what big sisters do. So how’s it going? How was the plane ride? Is the Eastern Shore as beautiful in the summer as the brochure says? How’s Brock? Are you being nice to him?”

      “Whoa, hold on with the interrogation.” Noelle chuckled then looked over her shoulder to see that Brock still had his back to her, still focusing on getting the grill started. But as a precaution Noelle moved into the foyer of the house, out of his earshot.

      “The plane ride wasn’t as bad as I thought. Flying on a private jet is much more relaxing than going commercial. As for the scenery, from what I’ve seen it’s nice. Lots of trees and grass and pretty flowers. It’s hot as hell here, though.”

      “You’re used to the heat.”

      “No, Vegas heat is dry. This is sticky, sultry, but I shall survive.”

      “Ok, so how’s Brock? Linc said he just had his house built a couple of years ago. Is it nice?”

      “It’s a beautiful home. And it’s right on the water. There’s a small village just a few miles away that he said we’d visit maybe tomorrow to get more of the Eastern Shore feel. But I had a tour of the house and it’s okay, if you like this sort of thing.”

      “What’s that supposed to mean?”

      Even though she knew Jade couldn’t see her, Noelle shrugged. “I mean, it’s really nice, a little sparse for my tastes, but I get the impression he’s a man with minimal needs.”

      “Where is he now?”

      “Making dinner.”

      “Oh, a man that cooks. That’s heavenly. Linc can barely warm a bottle for the girls, let alone cook a meal.”

      “Calm down—it’s on the grill. That’s like second nature to them. If a man can’t handle a grill, he’s got real issues.”

      Jade laughed. “Well, I just wanted to check up on you and make sure things were going smoothly.”

      I wouldn’t exactly say smoothly, she thought, remembering the way Brock had just about raced away from her and their conversation. “I’m not on vacation, Jade. We’re going over the plans for the casino and I suspect we’ll get right to work tomorrow. It’s no big deal.”

      “It’s just that you’ve never been this far away from me, so allow me a little worry for the time being.”

      “I’m fine.” While Jade loved the progress Noelle had made—loved the fact that Noelle was no longer partying all night, sleeping most of the day, and basically tossing her life away—she still felt the need to protect her. Noelle respected that to a certain extent because for so long she had depended on her sister for everything—but now she didn’t, now she was standing on her own two feet. No matter what sticky situations they still seemed to walk her into.

      “You have two beautiful daughters to worry about now. I’m a big girl. If I can’t get myself out of the trouble I get into, then that’s my problem.”

      “Are you in trouble? What really happened with Luther, Noelle? Because you never did tell me a lot about him or why you two stopped seeing each other. All I know is that he had some issues letting go.”

      “No,” she answered quickly. “Luther is definitely not a situation. Besides, that’s over and done with and I’m not looking for another relationship until I can find a man who likes me for me and not just my physical attributes.”

      Jade sighed. “Listen to you. I remember a time when your physical attributes were your best asset. That’s what you used to say.”

      “Yeah, well, that ship has sailed,” Noelle responded. “There’s a new sheriff in town and she’s taking no prisoners so any man that steps to me now better be for real about being with me or else he can just keep on steppin’.”

      “I hear you, little sis. And you’re right. You deserve more than a man that simply wants you in his bed.”

      “And that’s what I plan to get.” Noelle sighed. “Even if I have to grow old and gray waiting for it.”

      Jade chuckled. “Me, I can see growing old and gray. You, on the other hand, will be fifty years old and counting with your hair dyed blond, your party dress on and, oh yes, the hottest, most expensive designer shoes you can find.”

      Noelle couldn’t help but smile—her sister knew her all too well.

      Chapter 4

      “I apologize for earlier,” Brock said after they’d finished cleaning up their dinner dishes. Although after Noelle’s phone call she’d come back out onto the porch as if nothing had happened between them, he felt horrible for the way he’d handled her innocent comment.

      It wasn’t her fault he had no real family. And truth be told, the Donovans had been more than welcoming to him. But Brock longed for a blood tie, a real live connection to the people he’d been born from. That’s why he’d come back to Maryland, to be closer to them, hoping that maybe, just maybe, his mother would come around.

      Unfortunately, that wasn’t meant to be.

      He’d long since stopped going to see his mother at the psychiatric hospital. She had no idea who he was anyway. A search for any other relatives had proved unsuccessful. So it was just him in this world, the last surviving Remington. That thought made him sad more often than Brock liked to admit.

      But that gave him no right to take it out on Noelle. Especially since over dinner he’d finally realized what his real issue with her was. He was attracted to her.

      That seemed simple enough. Boy meets girl, boy likes what he sees, boy wants girl. Discreet glances to her left hand showed no rings and no shadow of a ring, so he figured she was free. Yet why a man

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