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meant to dump the small pins on the bedside table beside her but, with her arms raised above her head and her body almost naked before him, he quite forgot to breathe, the pins falling to the carpet.

      He reached out and measured the span of her waist with both hands. Then he smiled. ‘So small, so feminine.’ He leaned forward and planted open-mouth kisses on the outside of each rounded breast. Her body quivered and waited as he slowly made his way closer and closer to the tight pink buds that awaited his lips. She moaned softly and he felt her nails bite into his shoulders as she shifted slightly so that his mouth skated across her nipple. He blew gently and her hands moved to cradle his skull to guide him to her.

      ‘Please, Leo,’ she begged, arching closer.

      ‘Please what?’ he whispered against her. ‘Please this?’ He laved her nipple with the tip of his tongue and when she whimpered and sagged against him he held her up easily and suckled her more fully into his mouth. Her fingernails dug into his shoulder blades and gave him a heady feeling that made his erection throb.

      ‘Take off my shirt,’ he growled against her flesh, tearing the buttons as he helped her get it off him so that she could touch him in return.

      His nostrils flared as her hands found his chest and her hungry caresses sent his self-control skittering into the ether.

      She almost sobbed with pleasure as he tortured each breast in turn and he felt a primitive thrill at the feel of her pressing into him. She was every bit as responsive as he had imagined she would be and she was his. All his.

      She made a moue of protest as he released her nipple. ‘It only gets better from here, angel,’ he promised throatily, not exactly gentle as he wrapped one arm around her waist and, bringing his mouth to hers, turned her and deposited her on the middle of the bed. He moved her legs apart with his knee, his aching body looming over hers as he continued to ravage her mouth.

      He kept his weight on his arms as her hands swept over his biceps, his shoulders, and down the hard planes of his chest, setting him on fire wherever she touched him.

      ‘Leo, it’s too much.’ Her lower body writhed against his knee and he could no longer wait to test the wet heat of her arousal. He trailed his hand down her flat belly and skimmed across the top of her panties, a rough sound escaping his throat as he palmed her and found her damp. Her hips came up off the bed and he released her breast to tug her panties off. He sat back on his haunches and gazed down at her femininity. Her splayed thighs, moist breasts and dark hair that was wild against the cream bedspread.

      He settled his hand against her abdomen as he’d imagined doing many times before and moved one of her legs further apart.

      ‘You’re not naked yet,’ she murmured and he could hear the embarrassment in her voice.

      His eyes met hers. ‘If I get naked I’ll climb inside you and I want to make it last.’ His thumbs pressed gently against the soft skin of her inner thighs.

      ‘Leo …’ His name was more a groan than a word. ‘Come back up here.’

      He glanced up at her. ‘You don’t like what I’m about to do?’

      Her chest rose unsteadily as she drew in a deep breath. ‘I don’t know,’ she muttered, shielding her eyes with her arm.

      He paused. No man had done this for her? He felt a primitive thrill race through him at the thought of introducing her to such intimate pleasure.

      ‘Look at me,’ he commanded roughly, waiting for her to move her arm and then watching her face as he trailed a finger lightly through her silky moist curls, barely restraining himself as he gently parted her. Her breath hitched and his heart beat erratically.

      ‘Beautiful,’ he whispered, sliding a finger inside her. He had imagined her like this from the moment he’d laid eyes on her and the reality far outweighed his fantasy. He watched the way her eyes widened and her mouth went lax as he drove her higher and higher towards her climax. He was completely wild for her but, more than that, he wanted to watch her come. Wanted to taste her while she did. He’d never experienced such an intense desire to give a woman pleasure.

      He watched her eyes open even wider as he lowered his head towards her body, his brain closing down as he slid his hands beneath her buttocks and raised her to his mouth for the first time.

      Lexi’s fingers tangled in Leo’s short hair and she nearly screamed as she felt his tongue and his lips doing the most delicious things to her body. Brandon had never touched her like this and the pleasure was beyond her realm of comprehension. Her body felt as if it were a puppet moving closer and closer to something just outside of her reach. Then she heard Leo’s voice from far away telling her to relax and when she did, she screamed, her body shattering into a million tiny pieces and emotions she’d never experienced spiralled through her.

      For all she knew she could have lost hours as her body continued to shoot jolts of pleasure through her system and a satisfied smile curved her lips as she felt Leo rise up over her in a purely dominating posture.

      ‘There were stars,’ she murmured dazedly, her arms looping lethargically around his neck. ‘And I don’t think I’ll ever move again.’

      ‘Good. Because you’re exactly where you need to be. And this time I might throw in the moon as well.’ Leo’s accent was rougher than ever.

      ‘Promises, promises,’ she teased, lying still as she felt him sheath himself with a condom.

      Leo laughed and planted his palms either side of her face to protect her from his full weight and she could feel his hair-roughened thighs lying solidly between her own.

      She felt the hard length of him probe her entrance and his biceps shook as he held himself in check. ‘Open wider angel, and let me in.’ She did as he commanded and his control seemed to give out because he surged into her in one powerful thrust of his hips.

      Lexi gasped and tensed as her body felt stretched like never before.

      Leo stilled and dragged his lips from hers, his hands cradling her face. ‘Lexi, are you okay?’

      She sucked in a breath and nodded, her fingernails easing out of the dents she’d made in his hips.

      ‘You’re so tight, moya milaya. Just relax for me and we’ll fit together perfectly.’

      His words made Lexi’s pelvis soften even more and when he felt her muscles release he sank all the way inside her. He held still for another moment but Lexi’s body had already adjusted and he was hitting a spot that sent gushes of pleasure cascading through her lower body. She raised one of her legs up over his hips and felt him smile against her mouth.

      ‘That’s better.’ His mouth left a moist trail over her jawline and Lexi’s body arched under his as he began to move inside her in a masterful rhythm. ‘Now come for me again, angel, while I’m inside you,’ he ordered in a voice that sounded as unsteady as she felt. Lexi couldn’t resist the build-up of pleasure any more than the tide could resist the pull of the moon. She couldn’t think as her body shattered once more in an even deeper climax. Her body clamped down around his and drew a sound from his throat that was almost subhuman as he surged forward twice more before finding his own release.

      Leo woke, slightly disoriented, and shifted under the weight of the warm, naked female who had wound herself around him like tinsel on a Christmas tree, one leg thrown over his thighs, her head nestled in the crook of his arm, her small breasts flattened against his side and her slender fingers spread wide over his chest. He didn’t remember falling asleep but a glance at the faint grey dawn outside the windows told him he must have. The yacht was still moving so he knew they hadn’t yet reached Athens.

      He gently flexed his stiff shoulder muscles and Lexi adjusted herself like a contented cat, snuggling in closer and sighing in her sleep.

      His fist clenched at the sound and he had the instant urge to break free from her hold and run for his life. He wasn’t used to sleeping next to someone, that was the problem. It had nothing

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