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could feel him closing off and she didn’t know what else to say to him. ‘He needs you, Leo.’

      ‘He needs a decent father.’

      Lexi placed her hands on her hips, determined to get through to him on this point. ‘Yes. You. And you need him.’

      He shook his head slowly and the look in his eyes as they swept over her changed, became heated. ‘What I need is for you to go to bed.’


      He shook his head, his eyes becoming guarded. ‘No more. There’s only so much happy reminiscing a man can take. Especially when the woman he’s reminiscing with is only half dressed.’ His lips twisted into a wry smile.

      ‘I’m not half dressed.’

      ‘Tell me you’re wearing a bra beneath that dress.’

      ‘Well, no, but—’

      ‘Like I said. Half dressed.’

      She sensed the air thicken between them and couldn’t look away. It was like being on the beach again, just before he’d kissed her. His blue eyes dark, his features taut, but not with pain now—with something her body instantly recognised. And wanted.

      ‘I think you’re trying to change the subject.’

      ‘Smart and quick.’

      He stared at her. Lexi became aware that the only sound on the balcony was the beating of her own frantic heart. She couldn’t have moved even if she’d wanted to and he recognised her hesitation for what it was.

      He shook his head slowly. ‘You don’t do casual sex.’ His voice was heavy, low, laden with sensual restraint.

      Lexi swallowed. Kissing him had shaken her to her core. As had his revelations. He was right. She didn’t do casual sex. Or at least she never had before, but would indulging in it once be so wrong? She wasn’t deluding herself that sex with Leo would be more than that. But he made her feel things she’d never felt before. She couldn’t help wanting more of that. But could she risk her self-esteem on it?

      She stared at him. He looked predatory. Hungry. For her?

      Her nipples tingled and a hollow aching feeling made her lower body clench. With sudden alarm Lexi realised that her body was already readying itself to make love with him. Just the thought made the throbbing worse and her heart kicked up. It seemed, from her body’s point of view, she couldn’t not risk it. ‘You said the sex wouldn’t be casual.’ Was that breathless, seductive voice really hers?

      He didn’t respond immediately and she was momentarily struck with the horrible sense that maybe he had been trying to let her down gently.

      Like a helpless mouse that had backed itself into a corner, Lexi’s stomach pitched and then he held out his hand.

      ‘Come here.’

      LEXI noted the way his chest moved in time with his deep even breaths and that the skin on his face seemed to be pulled tight. His eyes tracked over her with such sexual purpose there was no mistaking his intention and her arousal returned on a rush of liquid heat.

      He wanted her and she wanted him and nothing else seemed to matter right now.

      As if in a dream state, she moved towards him.

      When she reached him he widened his legs and drew her closer between his thighs, his large hands light as they enveloped her waist.

      Then he breathed deeply and rested his forehead on her chest.

      Lexi could feel the warmth of his breath through the thin fabric of her dress and gave in to the urge to stroke her fingers through his short hair. The strands felt crisp and soft at the same time. Her fingers flexed and clung and she wondered if the hair on his chest would feel the same way.

      He raised his head and her hands stilled at the intensity of the desire she could see banked behind his eyes.

      ‘Do you know how beautiful you are?’

      No, but he made her feel beautiful. Lexi felt a shiver race through her whole body and she knew he felt it because his fingers tightened around her waist. And thank God they did because her bones melted and her legs nearly gave out.

      Her hands moved of their own accord down the side of his face and cupped his square jaw, her fingertips scraping over the stubble on his face. ‘I imagined this would be hard,’ she murmured. ‘But it’s soft.’

      She saw him take a deep breath. One of the hands at her waist rose to the nape of her neck as he gently guided her face down to his. ‘I want you,’ he said gruffly and another spasm of need weakened her knees even more and brought her closer to the heat of his big body.

      She wanted him too. She couldn’t deny it. Couldn’t even remember why she should. Nothing seemed to matter except this man and this moment and then his lips finally touched hers and her brain closed down completely.

      Leo’s mouth already knew the shape and texture of her sweet mouth but still, kissing her now, was like the first time and his groin jerked with pleasure as her mouth opened over his. He tried to be gentle, but he was already hard and aching with desire for her. His tongue circling inside her mouth as he tasted her. Hers following his lead and tasting him right back.

      He smoothed his hands up over her naked back and then he wrapped them around her and stood up, taking her with him.

      She gasped and wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried her inside and he felt like a warrior who had just won a great prize.

      He set her down beside his bed and stood her before him as he sat on the edge of it. His eyes drifted over her gorgeous body and, wanting to see all of her at once, he gripped the silky fabric covering her breasts and would have ripped the dress in two if she hadn’t put her hands over his to stop him. ‘I love this dress.’

      He smiled into her passion-drugged eyes. ‘I don’t have time for zips. And I promise I’ll buy twenty more for you to replace it.’ Then he ripped it—straight down the middle.

      Her breath hitched in her throat and her hands immediately came up to cover her breasts.

      Leo felt her shocked hesitation and glanced into her eyes. ‘What is it, angel?’

      Her mouth pulled down at the corners. ‘I’m afraid I’m not what you’re used to.’

      She was self-conscious! The realisation floored him and reminded him of her hesitation on the upstairs deck. Uncertainty wasn’t what he had expected from this woman who was verbally able to go toe to toe with him when no other woman had ever tried before.

      Leo ran a finger along the defined bones of her clavicle and felt something reverent pass through him. He couldn’t remember ever wanting a woman as much as he wanted Lexi Somers and his body was vibrating with the tension of holding himself in check.

      He leaned back slowly so that he could take his fill of her. She stood before him like an elegant courtesan—her petite frame ghosted in the faint light from his bedside lamps, her hands covering her small, perfect breasts, her hair still up, but slightly messy, and a delicate lace bikini brief that rode low on her hips.

      He breathed deeply and smoothed his hand up her neck and over the smooth skin of her jaw. ‘You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,’ he said huskily, realising how true that was, his hands not quite steady as he tunnelled them into her hair to hold her still to receive his deep kiss. His fingers met resistance and he tore his mouth from hers and started pulling hair pins from her hair. Within seconds his hands were filled with small brown pieces of looped metal and he leaned back and stared up at her. ‘Remind me to take out shares in carbon steel the next time you shop for hair products.’

      She laughed, a soft, sultry sound that curled inside

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