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he didn’t still have such vivid memories of the night they had created this mess he could believe she was a wind-up porcelain doll. But he knew there was so much more to her than this façade. He’d kissed her most intimate area and had felt the shudders that had taken her over. He could still feel her fingertips on his scalp.

      He shook the memories away.

      If this was the way she wanted to play things, then all to the good. This situation was beyond either of their control. Keeping things professional was the best way to proceed.

      Resting his elbows on his thighs, he leaned forwards. For her part, Catalina, dressed in tight white trousers and a dusky pink silk blouse, was sitting straight with her legs gracefully crossed. Her thick raven hair had been tied into a tight bun at the nape of her neck. The last time he’d seen her it had been loose, falling almost to the base of her spine. He’d gathered it in his hands and buried his face in it...

      As the day had gone on and the initial shock had dissolved with it, he’d come to the conclusion that, regardless of Dominic’s threats, marrying Catalina was the right thing to do. For a start, it would give him proper rights to their child. Meeting the King, Catalina’s father, had only confirmed these feelings.

      The King was a formidable man whose only concern was the reputation of the House of Fernandez and as far as he was concerned this was an exercise in damage limitation. Nathaniel might be a hugely successful businessman with more money than he could ever spend, but the King ruled an entire country. Even with all the resources Nathaniel had at his disposal, the odds of him gaining any custody in this country without marriage would not be in his favour. Marrying Catalina guaranteed him cast-iron legal rights to their child.

      ‘When we part I will make it abundantly clear that you are blameless.’ That much he could do for her. ‘I will do everything in my power to ensure your reputation is not damaged. We can play our parting for all its worth so the whole world’s sympathy will be with you.’

      ‘That’s very kind of you,’ she said with a tight smile. ‘But what about your reputation?’

      He shrugged. ‘My personal reputation is already ruined. And I’m not a princess. Our marriage will be as quick and as painless as possible.’ Although not quick enough for his liking.

      He’d known from the age of seven that he had to look after himself. A decade later he’d been cast aside by his only living relative and he’d been on his own ever since. He liked it that way. He didn’t have to worry about hurting people, or worry what effect his actions would have on someone else.

      He liked being single and never stayed with a woman long enough for emotional ties to form.

      His marriage to Catalina would be like a business relationship. He would not allow it to be anything more.

      She gave a stiff nod. ‘I’m sorry you’re being forced into this.’

      He shrugged again. ‘We both are.’

      ‘I will be doing my duty,’ she pointed out, ‘but I understand Dominic threatened to expel you from the country unless you agreed, and threatened to confiscate your development. That’s very different.’

      ‘Your brother made his position very clear, just as I made mine.’ As Nathaniel spoke he watched her closely. Judging by her demeanour, there was nothing to suggest Catalina had any knowledge of her father and brother’s threat to cut her and the baby off. It was better she didn’t know, he decided. It was too cruel and too personal a threat from her own flesh and blood, and not something that would ever come to fruition, not now that he’d agreed to the marriage. Catalina and their baby would be safe.

      A glimmer of a smile played on her pretty lips but the hint of sadness surrounding it negated any humour. ‘My brother takes his role as heir and protector of the House of Fernandez very seriously.’

      He cleared his throat, biting back the retort on his lips. Whatever his personal feelings towards Dominic, he was her brother and her loyalty would lie with him. ‘Getting back to the business at hand, I want to be clear that you’re in agreement to everything your father’s demanding.’

      ‘Yes. I am in agreement.’

      ‘Then it is done.’ He got to his feet. ‘I need to make a move.’

      Her remarkable chocolate eyes were fixed on him. ‘Already?’

      He didn’t like the tinge of disappointment in her voice. ‘I have somewhere to be.’

      Dominic chose that moment to come barrelling into the room. ‘You’ve had your ten minutes.’

      Nathaniel noticed the way Catalina withdrew into herself at Dominic’s return, how her lips tightened in the most subtle of fashions.

      He remembered the malice on Dominic’s face when he’d threatened to make Catalina homeless and penniless. The Prince was the least deserving person of his title he could think of.

      ‘This really is my cue to leave.’ He had no wish to spend another minute in the palace. This family room was as plush as anywhere he’d been, lavishly adorned with antique furniture and portraits dating back centuries. But there was nothing homely about it, not even with the enormous Christmas tree sitting in the corner. This room, as with the rest of the sprawling stone palace, was cold.

      ‘Father will be hosting a select party for you two on Saturday,’ Dominic said. ‘My people have made contact with La Belle magazine—’

      Nathaniel cut him off before he could speak any further. ‘Tell your father he’s welcome to host a party but I will not be there and I will not be speaking with any magazine.’

      ‘He has already—’

      ‘Let me make this very clear—I will not be a part of the House of Fernandez circus. I will marry your sister to legitimise our child and formalise my legal rights to it, but that is the end of my obligation. I don’t want a title or anything else from your family.’ He nodded at Catalina, who appeared to be frozen in her seat. ‘I’ll see you at the wedding.’


      ‘TRY HIM AGAIN.’ Catalina dug her nails into the palms of her hands, the only outward display of her inward disquiet. ‘Ask him if he’s free on Thursday.’

      She’d asked Aliana to call Nathaniel and request a dinner date for Wednesday. He had politely declined, citing a prior engagement.

      Aliana disappeared into the adjoining small office, leaving Catalina alone with Marion, whose sharp little eyes were studying her with unabashed curiosity.

      ‘I would like you to take one of the palace cars and go to Madame Marcelle’s shop and bring me back a selection of her laces.’ She didn’t give a reason. She didn’t have a reason. All she wanted was to get rid of her cousin for a time.

      ‘I can call and have it brought to the palace.’

      ‘No. I wish for you to go personally. You know my tastes so I know you will choose wisely,’ she added, playing to Marion’s ego.

      Unable to refuse, Marion nonetheless made a great show of searching for her handbag, which was at the foot of her chair.

      As soon as she’d gone, Catalina breathed out and closed her eyes. Marion’s behaviour, including all those sly smiles and blatant eavesdropping, had become intolerable. Or was it that the limits of her own patience had finally been reached? The pregnancy hormones were certainly rampaging through her. It was becoming a struggle to keep the poise she’d held throughout her life.

      Aliana reappeared, shaking her head. ‘He has a prior appointment Thursday night too.’

      ‘And probably Friday and Saturday night,’ Catalina muttered, thinking quickly. It had taken all of her courage to ask for Nathaniel’s private number from her father but he had surprised her by handing it over. He hadn’t looked at her though.

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