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       The Birthday of the Enterprising Adventurer

       “My life is an adventure”

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      The life lesson: is to learn self-discipline without it crushing your spontaneity.

      The way forward: is to understand that there can be something special in the details and the rhythm of routine.

      Luck maker: Avoid self-destructive behavior.

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      February 15-born are live wires. They like to walk on the wild side, both physically and mentally. When faced with a challenge, it is impossible for them to sit on the sidelines; they have to jump in and offer their solution. Charming and energetic, they master new skills fast and use their ingenuity to elevate a project to new heights. They live life in the fast lane with little inclination to slow down. They are a powerful force, but find it hard to know when to stop. Intellectual freedom is important and they want to experience or investigate everyone and everything. This can lead to burnout or information overload and bouts of moodiness.

      Born climbers in whatever field of work they choose, their energetic and wild nature suits careers in extreme sports, mountaineering, dancing, skating, the circus, aviation, space travel, nature trekking and stunt work. They may be attracted to jobs that keep them on the edge, such as teaching, journalism, science, the law, technology, the police, the military and banking, but are also drawn to art, writing and psychology. Nature lovers, they may work with animals or in conservation. They are prone to mood swings, so learning to manage their emotions is important for their wellbeing. For self-care, spending a few moments sitting quietly with your eyes closed to focus on breathing in and out deeply can bring a sense of inner peace.

      The relationships of these people tend to be as adventurous as they are and they can get into tricky situations. In love, as in life, they need to understand that self-discipline has value. Fortunately, they tend to grow more self-disciplined the older they get, with 35 being a turning point for them. As long as they learn the importance of self-discipline and goal-setting, these multitalented individuals have the potential to realize their dreams. They may have a wild streak that often lands them in trouble, but they are genuinely motivated by a desire to make the world a happier and more exciting place. With them around, life can be many things, but it is never dull. Their destiny is to encourage others by their own example to live with a more adventurous, open-minded spirit.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The Devil, 6, 8, Saturday, Friday, blue, pink

      Born today: Galileo Galilei (astronomer); John Barrymore (actor); Chris Farley (comedian)

      Potential: Bold, curious

      Dark side: Reckless, moody


       16 FEBRUARY

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       The Birthday of the Alchemist

       “I always uncover what is real”

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      The life lesson: is overcoming low self-esteem.

      The way forward: is to become your own best friend and speak to yourself in a loving and gentle way.

      Luck maker: Surround yourself with people who have your back.

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      People born on February 16 can transform even the most difficult of experiences into something positive. There is a touch of the alchemist about them in their ability to see the bigger picture, bring together all the relevant information and cut right to the essence or truth of a situation. Even if they sometimes appear quiet on the outside, underneath there is great inner strength earned through learning from setbacks and upheavals in their past. They often have an astute understanding of others and how the world works; rarely, if ever, do they miss a trick. Their capacity to be realistic and intuitive makes them potentially great leaders, admired for their cleverness and ability to know how and what is the most productive thing to say and do. The downside is they can sometimes appear detached, and their impatience with others may come across as rude and arrogant.

      Born reviewers, they have a great eye for detail as well as the bigger picture, and this makes them great journalists, editors, advisors, mentors, teachers or life coaches. They may be drawn to leadership roles in business, banking or the stock market, or careers where they can express their creativity with art, social media, entertainment or perhaps charity work and social reform. Regular meditation and time out help them strike that important balance between their inner and outer life. For self-care, each time you hear your inner critic, visualize it taking a holiday on a sunny beach. The more you send your inner critic on holiday, the more you start to love and value yourself.

      These people can suffer from low self-esteem and they need to start believing they deserve to be loved. In their mid-thirties they reach a turning point when they become more focused and self-appreciative. It is important at this point in their life that they don’t mask their feelings with a bossy manner or with detachment. When they believe they deserve good things to happen to them, their destiny is to help others focus on the positives in their lives and to strike gold both personally and professionally, which is after all every true alchemist’s dream.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The Tower, 7, 8, Saturday, Monday, blue, lavender

      Born today: Eckhart Tolle (author); Ice T (rapper); John McEnroe (tennis player)

      Potential: Confident, calm

      Dark side: Arrogant, detached


       17 FEBRUARY

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       The Birthday of Self-discipline

       “If there is a will there is a way”

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      The life lesson: is to let others in.

      The way forward: is to understand that success may earn the admiration of others, but it may not win their love.

      Luck maker: Move out of the corner. When you learn other ways of doing things, you can make luck from a vast field of opportunities rather than a narrow corner.

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