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one small hand tucked under her pale cheek, a stray lock of almost-black hair caressing her forehead. He’d never seen a hairstyle quite like that. It looked as if someone had chopped off random chunks with the shearing scissors. The effect might be appealing, but she was as far away from his notion of Jeeves as it was possible to get.

      What to do? He had definitely hired a butler, one F. I. Elliott. If only he could unhire her immediately and get a replacement. But he’d signed the contract. His only option was to make things impossible for her so that she’d quit.

      The doorbell rang. Jack leaped to his feet. The first of his dates had arrived! With any luck he was about to remedy the sexual famine of the last while. And then he remembered the snag on the couch.

      Impossible to make any moves with Elliott sleeping by the fire. She’d put a definite crimp in his plans for the evening. He’d have to get her upstairs. Pronto.

      Stooping down, he edged his hands under her shoulders and hips, and heaved her up. She was a lot heavier than she looked. Maybe she had the muscle to carry a loaded tray after all. Unbidden, an image of the waif dressed up as a French maid, flitting around his living room, popped into his mind. Stop it, Jack. Already he felt she was intruding on him.

      He managed to get her halfway up the curving staircase when the doorbell rang again. He froze. Damn. But he couldn’t just drop his burden and head back down again. The blonde would have to wait.

      Jack carried Freddi past the door leading to his own room and into the next one. He’d had the guest room specially decorated for a butler, all in masculine beiges and browns. The designer had said a Brit would surely appreciate living in various shades of tea.

      Freddi showed no signs of waking, not even when he tugged those ridiculous boots off her feet. She was as floppy as a black nylon stocking. Thoroughly distracted, he came to the conclusion there was only one other person he knew who slept as soundly as she did, and that was the magnificent, muscular and intelligent Mr. Jack Carlisle.

      The doorbell rang yet again.

      He was about to answer it when he paused. Surely he needed to cover her. Her coat would have to do for now—he had no time to fumble with the duvet. He grabbed an arm and began to tug at the sleeve. If he maneuvered her a little to one side, lifted up her spine, then he’d be able to pull the coat out from under her. He remembered seeing his sister do that to her kid once. The only difference, as Jack found soon enough, was that little Kim didn’t have boobs and Freddi most definitely did. As he lifted her, she arched her back. He froze. Not five inches below his chin the outline of her breasts showed clearly beneath her thin, clingy sweater. How easy it would be to lower his head…Dammit, he was as horny as a rabbit! Never mind the duvet, he had to get out of there, fast.

      DOWNSTAIRS, he was making his way to the front door when he tripped over Freddi’s hat. He cursed, picked it up and hurried to the door, hoping the lady wasn’t too vexed. But when he opened it he saw nothing but swirling snow. He swore in frustration.

      He gave a quick glance up and down Acorn Street, then shut the door again. He twirled the hat on his fingers and plonked it on top of her luggage. Seeing as his date had disappeared, he’d better cancel his dinner reservation. He decided to order a good-size pizza.

      A little while later he sat munching and thinking. He had to find a way to get rid of Elliott. Already she was causing trouble. Leaning back in his chair, he let his mind float. He thought about his sister Louise, and Kimmie, his niece. The last time he’d baby-sat he’d read her a bedtime story, a neat fairy tale where the hero was given three tasks to accomplish.

      Bingo. He sat up straight. That was his answer. He’d set Elliott three impossible tasks and she’d surely get the message and quit.

      Now all he had to do was scheme them up.

      Soon inspiration struck. Jack had an idea for the first impossible task. Definitely he himself would find this extremely taxing, and he imagined that, given the state of his kitchen, Elliott would too. With a grin, he bounded up the stairs to his third-floor office. After booting up his computer and opening a new document, he stared at the blank screen. A quick nod, a chuckle, and he began composing his note.

      In Jeeves’s room he found Freddi lying just as he’d left her.

      He pried his gaze away from her sleeping form. Now, where to put the note so that she saw it when she woke? On top of the mahogany chest of drawers was the obvious place. Surely the bright-yellow paper would catch her eye. Propping it against a photograph of the Tower of London—the designer had insisted it would make Jeeves feel at home—Jack decided it would be interesting to see how Elliott would react to his somewhat insolent demand.

      IN HER OLD-FASHIONED, Hampstead flat the bathroom was just across the hall from the bedroom. So, when groggy Freddi got up from the bed in Toronto, she opened the door and stumbled across the passage. There she found the bathroom. Confused to discover she was still in her clothes, she undressed and cast them onto the floor. After flushing, she groped her way back. Her fingers encountered the smooth stainless knob. Silly that she’d shut the door behind her. She tottered forward into the darkness and slid back into bed.

      Minutes later, a pleasant sensation caused her to rise gradually out of Morpheus’s realm. Vaguely she became aware of a warm, male body shifting in behind her. She snuggled closer. One heavy hand crept over her waist, seeking fingers curled around her breast. A certain vital piece of male anatomy stirred. And grew.

      Languorously, she stretched her legs down and turned toward the lure of love, her body already heating, becoming fluid. Lifting her arms, she wound them around the firm muscles of the man in the bed and pressed closer. He responded by nibbling gently at her, the soft movements setting off tingling jolts of electricity. When the thrills began to turn her body to fire, she reacted by surging upward. She freed her hands to hold the firm jaw, and devoured his mouth with a deep and hungry kiss. God, did he taste good. This was like putting your tongue to the finest chocolate truffle. The outside was soft, silky. The inside more textured, more tasty, more explosive. And he felt like Adonis. She wanted more, and he was willing to cooperate.

      When at last the kiss ended, Freddi breathed out a long breath. This was bliss. This was searing and exciting. The only trouble was, this wasn’t a dream, it was real!

      Her eyes popped open. Her breathing stopped. The man half under her didn’t smell familiar. Just to make sure, she turned her nose toward the ceiling and sniffed—a touch of wood smoke, a whiff of whiskey and something else—oh God—eau de Carlisle. Full realization hit. She was cuddling in bed with a stranger. Her boss.

      She lay transfixed, her eyes wide and staring into the darkness. Even though she could feel the hardness pressing against her thigh, she thought just maybe Mr. Carlisle was still more asleep than awake. Quietening her own breathing, she listened. Was he conscious, or not? From the regular rhythm, she thought not. Which meant she might just have a chance to slip away.

      Gingerly she slid one leg outward. No echoing shift came from Jack. The other leg joined it. She was about to gather her forces and scamper off, when a strong arm grabbed her middle, rolled her over and crushed her back into a warm and ardent embrace. For three seconds she luxuriated in the potent sensation, her body unable to resist. But then her brain insisted she beat an immediate retreat. Making herself as slim as she could, she ducked down, slithered to the edge of the bed and rolled out. Ignoring Jack’s mutters of displeasure, she crawled, full speed ahead, to the exit. When she was safely out in the passage again, she stood up, closed the door so quietly there was hardly a whisper as it settled into its frame, and got herself into the adjacent room.

      Shaken, disoriented, she closed herself in and stood leaning back, staring into the darkness. Where had that libidinous woman come from? How she’d got to bed was a mystery. How she’d got herself to the bathroom, she didn’t know. But now, to reassert her grasp on reality, she needed to see where she was. Running her hand over the wall, she found the light switch.

      Slowly, she considered the room. Apart from her coat, it was empty of her belongings. Then she spotted the bright-yellow note.

      Freddi tiptoed across to the chest, snatched

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