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one of his sixty-odd years, and behind her, boring into her shoulder blades, was the malevolent gaze of her husband. What was Dion doing here? What did he have to say to her? And why did she have the feeling she had been manipulated once again?

      Composing her words carefully, she said: ‘I told Alex I didn’t want to come here. What we have to say to one another could have been said just as well in a letter——’

      ‘Could it?’

      The harsh tones that interrupted her were so unlike Alex’s that Martha wondered how she could ever have mistaken them, however briefly. As she clutched her handbag as a sort of lifeline, Dion strode from the door to join his father, standing before the desk, feet slightly apart, arms folded across the muscled leanness of his chest. Like his brother and his father, he too was wearing formal clothes, but the dark colours he chose accentuated the alien cast of his skin, and clung to the narrow outline of his hips.

      Facing him, Martha half wished he had remained where he was. In the years since their separation, she had succeeded in banishing his image to the farthest recesses of her mind, but now here he was again, tearing the veils aside, exposing her futile hopes and deepest fears.

      ‘I wrote to your father because this is his island, and I hoped he might understand the position I was in,’ she said now, realising she had to answer him. ‘Roger—that is, Mr Scott—has—has been a good friend to—to us——’

      ‘You mean—to you and your daughter?’ enquired Dion coldly, and his father put a restraining hand on his arm.

      ‘To—to Josy and me, yes. And—and to my sister.’

      ‘Oh, yes, your sister,’ Dion nodded. ‘We must not forget her, must we?’

      Martha drew a trembling breath and appealed to Aristotle, ‘Is the answer no? Is that what you’re about to tell me? Because if it is——’

      ‘Will you not sit?’ Aristotle gestured towards the chair again, and although the last thing Martha wanted to do in her husband’s presence was to increase his advantage, she realised her father-in-law was finding the standing too much, and he would not sit down unless she did. With a hesitant little shrug she took the seat he offered, and with obvious eagerness he sought the relief of his own chair.

      ‘Now,’ he said, resting his palms on the desk, ‘let us be honest with one another, hmm?’


      ‘Ohi, Dionysus.’ His father ignored his angry remonstrance. ‘It must be said, and at once. It is not fair to keep the reasons for this interview from your wife. If, as you say, you wish to be free of this marriage, then it is right that Martha should understand from the outset.’

      Martha could feel all the colour draining out of her cheeks at Aristotle’s words. She had been shocked to see her husband, naturally, but it had not been entirely unexpected. This was! That Dionysus might be considering divorce had never entered her head. Not for years. And what was more, the idea was not even acceptable to her. What about Josy? she wanted to cry, but she didn’t. She sat in frozen silence, trying desperately not to show how completely stunned she felt.

      ‘So …’ Aristotle surveyed her across the desk with quiet courtesy. ‘You understand now why Dionysus is here. When you wrote to me concerning this matter of an archaeological survey, we took the opportunity to promote this meeting. These things are better said face to face. It has been in his mind for some time, I know, and your correspondence made it easier for us all.’

      ‘I—I see.’ Martha’s mouth was horribly dry, and she had difficulty in articulating at all. ‘And—and Roger’s survey?’

      ‘Mou theos!’ snapped Dion angrily, even while Martha realised her words must sound incredibly foolish. But she couldn’t bring herself to speak of anything else at this moment, and even his anger could not take away the feeling of disorientation that was gripping her.

      ‘Be calm, my son.’ Aristotle’s controlled tones were a contrast to her husband’s. ‘Will you summon Andros? We all need a drink, I believe.’

      While Dion crossed the floor and jerked open the door, Martha tried to get a hold on her emotions. But it wasn’t easy with Aristotle’s thoughtful eyes upon her, and without asking permission, she rose from her chair and crossed to the windows, staring out unseeingly at the terraced gardens below the villa. Dear God, she thought unsteadily, and she had thought Dion was there to make some demands upon her! She couldn’t have been more wrong.

      She heard the clink of glasses on a tray, and turned as Dion, accompanied by another manservant, re-entered the room. The man set the tray he was carrying on the desk, and bowed his head politely before making his departure. Then Dion crossed to the desk and with evident brusqueness asked her what she would like to drink.

      There was lemonade there, and Martha picked that, unwilling to stretch her nerves any further by the introduction of alcohol. Dion and his father both chose gin, and her husband swallowed half his at a gulp before refilling his glass. As the chair she had been occupying was too close to the tray for comfort, Martha decided to perch on the window seat, and the cooling breeze the open window emitted helped to keep the faintness she was feeling at bay. This interview which had started so badly had suddenly got worse, and she had little confidence in her own ability to handle it.

      ‘Now …’ Aristotle spoke again. ‘First of all I suggest we clear up this matter of—Mr Scott? Is that right? Ah.’ He nodded, as Martha agreed with his identification. ‘I am sure you know, without my having to tell you, Martha, I never allow any historians to visit Mycos.’

      ‘But that was not why you came, was it, Martha?’ enquired her husband, with cold accusation, and with a shock she realised that there was more to this even now than she understood.

      ‘I—I’m afraid——’

      ‘Oh, please do not attempt to deceive us with your lies!’ Dion grated angrily. ‘You did not write to my father because you felt some—some philanthropic desire to help this man you speak of.’

      ‘Then why did I write?’ she found herself asking, unable to prevent the question from spilling from her tongue, and once again it was Aristotle Myconos who tried to cool the situation.

      ‘Dionysus, let us not jump to conclusions,’ he said, and there was a warning in his eyes that Martha failed to comprehend. ‘Let Martha tell us her reasons. Then we can discuss this matter.’

      ‘I’ve told you my reason,’ she exclaimed, coming to her feet again. ‘What other reason could there be?’

      Dion’s narrow lips curled. ‘You did not consider perhaps that, now the child is older, it might be possible for you to sue for maintenance?’

      ‘Maintenance?’ Martha was horrified. ‘No! No, of course not.’

      ‘Dion …’ Again that warning note in his father’s voice, but this time he ignored it.

      ‘I should tell you,’ he said coldly, ‘I have been to England. I have seen the circumstances in which you live. And it is no surprise to me that you have finally decided that independence is not everything you thought it to be.’

      His words temporarily numbed Martha. Dion had been to England! He had seen the circumstances in which she lived! What did that mean? Had he seen Josy? Did he know about Sarah? His next words enlightened her.

      ‘You have not sued for divorce. This man, whoever he is, has not made any apparent effort to marry you, to father the child he seeded in you. You must be getting desperate to give the child a name!’

      ‘You are wrong,’ she declared now. ‘Totally and utterly wrong! I—I—if you think Roger is—is Josy’s father, then you’re crazy!’

      Dion took a step towards her at this piece of insolence, but as if mindful of his father’s watching presence, he halted. ‘Then who is he? Tell me that?’ he demanded. ‘And tell me why you dared to write to my father asking

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