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      “Unfortunately she feels too overwhelmed to resume his care. She was in tears as she requested an escort to take her home to England.”

      “She’s left the palace?” Shock blocked all thought.

      “Yes.” Bernadette confirmed, and with a gentle squeeze she released him. “I hope you will not blame Tessa too much. The last couple of days have been very emotional. Sammy rejected her after she told him of the crash. She tried to help but—”

      “Wait.” Julian cut her off. “Are you saying Tessa told Samson his parents were not coming back? I thought Mademoiselle Vicente made the mistake of telling him.”

      “Oh no.” Bernadette shook her head, visibly surprised by his assumption. “We were at our wit’s end with Samson when Katrina came on duty. He was inconsolable for hours. She took one look at him, gathered him in her arms and began rocking him. And she talked to him.”

      “About Donal and Helene.” Yes, he’d seen a sample of her frankness with the child last night. “He responded to what she told him.”

      “He did.” Her admiration for Katrina came through in her earnestness. “He stopped crying to listen to her. And he finally slept for a short time. She did not leave his side until you arrived.”

      Her revelation stunned him, sent his mind reeling. Something he experienced rarely. It was unlike him to make assumptions. Then again, the circumstances of the past few days were far from the norm.

      The tragedy of the crash had his emotions rising to the surface, yet he was helpless to do anything. Anger at Katrina for the distress she’d caused Samson had given him something to focus on and do something about.

      Erroneously, as it turned out.

      Not only was his indictment and coldness misplaced, they were an affront to Katrina and the royal house that opened its arms to a hysterical child suddenly thrust upon them. He’d personally witnessed Katrina’s dedication yet discounted it in favor of his preconceived notions.

      He cringed inside when he realized he owed her yet another apology.

      “...I truly believe it is the best solution,” Bernadette said. Her expression was expectant and Julian realized she’d carried on with the conversation while he’d been examining his conscience.

      “I apologize, Bernadette, my mind wandered for a moment. Do you mind repeating your solution? I am most anxious to hear your suggestion. I cannot leave Samson here, but I am far from a nursemaid. Frankly, the thought of changing a nappy is terrifying.”

      “Quite a vivid picture.” Her melodic laughter lightened the mood. “But I think you are safe. Sammy is potty trained.”

      Finally, something in his favor.

      “Plus, no apology is necessary.”

      How he wished that were true.

      “As I mentioned before, Samson has become attached to Katrina. My suggestion is she accompany you back to Kardana and stay until Tessa is ready to resume her duties or you find a replacement.”

      “Oh no.” Horrified at the idea, he summoned a polite smile. “I could not steal off with a member of the royal family. Katrina told me of her mother’s relationship to the Prince.”

      “Really?” Bernadette’s fine brown eyebrows lifted in astonishment. “How interesting. Katrina rarely reveals her connection to Jean Claude.” She tapped a finger on the table as she eyed him thoughtfully. “You must have asked her.”

      “I did. Why does she keep it to herself? Is it a secret?”

      “Heavens no.” Diamonds flashed as the Princess waved a careless hand. “Jean Claude is very fond of his goddaughter. Katrina, dear child, does not care to take advantage of the relationship.”

      “Goddaughter.” Just shoot him and put him out of his misery. Katrina conveniently left that little tidbit out when she garnered his promise to forget his slip in protocol last night.

      “Yes. Jean Claude went to school with Dom Vicente. They are the best of friends. Katrina has been tripping around the palace since she was tiny.”

      “Vicente.” Of course he recognized the name. He should have caught it last night, but the royal name distracted him. “We’ve met several times. I’m surprised I haven’t heard of the relationship.”

      “That is at Katrina’s request.” Concern darkened her features. “She prefers not to draw the attention of the press.”

      A confession trembled on the tip of his tongue. Only the fact he’d given his word kept him from disclosing his actions.

      Well, that and the fact the moment seemed too intimate to share. The few hours holding her were the only solid sleep he’d had in two days. Waking to her mouth on his, her taste and scent surrounding him, drew him into the passionate interlude. Yet her reference to comfort resonated with him.

      He’d agreed to forget the incident because she’d been correct. Comfort had led to the embrace. He wouldn’t regret the rest, so how could he condemn them for the kisses?

      “She is wonderful with the children,” Bernadette continued. “We would have been happy to have her without a degree in child development, but she insisted on meeting all the qualifications and more. We often have her assigned to the twins. Of course it does not hurt that she is family and has a black belt in karate.”

      The more she extolled Katrina’s virtues, the more the muscles tightened across Julian’s shoulders.

      “You have made my case, dear Lady. I cannot take away such an important member of your household.”

      “Julian—” her eyes shadowed with sadness “—we insist. We want to help. This is one small thing we can do. How is your father?”

      He released a deep sigh. Giving his father news of the crash might be the hardest thing Julian had ever done. It was a well-kept secret the King had suffered a stroke a year ago. Mild as the stroke was, it had been a slow road to recovery, with both Donal and Julian taking on more and more of the royal duties as their father tired easily.

      His father shrank before his eyes when he learned Donal and Helene were missing and presumed dead. His first thought had been of Samson. He had urged Julian to journey immediately to Pasadonia and return his heir to Kardana.

      “I will not lie.” Though he must be ever cognizant of keeping up appearances, “It was a blow. As you can imagine, he is anxious to see Samson.”

      “Yes, of course. How is Samson? I have not heard of any complications from his bump on the head.”

      He imagined not much happened in the palace she didn’t know about.

      “Both he and Mademoiselle Vicente were fine when I checked on them around three. Grumpy but fine.”

      Another tinkle of laughter sounded. “For certain it is no fun to be awoken in the middle of the night. Poor Julian. You have had it tough these last few days. What news do you have from France?”

      “I’m told the storm is beginning to abate, but less so at the altitude of the projected crash site. The elite team should reach the area soon. They’re hoping to have more to report later this morning.”

      “Knowing you wished to leave early, I checked, and the train will be delayed an hour or two while they clear a couple of sections of track. I also checked the travel advisory and many roads and passes are still closed, so the train is still your best choice.”

      “That’s disappointing.” The delay chafed at raw nerves.

      “Jean Claude ordered our private train car be made ready for the trip. You will be more comfortable. Plus, it will save you from having to deal with the press on the trip. I know it is not what you wanted to hear, but at least the delays will give Katrina time to pack.”

      “Pack?” a sleepy voice asked.

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