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opened the door, but concern for Gina kept his focus on her. She stood the same height and was as regally gorgeous as Dani, but that’s where their similarities ended. Gina’s dark hair with red highlights caught the lamplight and contrasted with the pure yellow of Dani’s. Plus Gina’s nose was wider and her lips fuller than Dani’s.

      Perfect for kissing. The thought came unbidden as he remembered the kiss at the mall.

      Get a grip, Justice. Think of anything but that.

      He looked around the room, seeking a distraction from his thoughts. He had a trip planned to the Rogue River in a week, and his mouth was watering for the taste of fresh salmon.

      Yeah, that’s it. Whenever she got to him, he’d think about fishing.

      Mitch punched Derrick playfully in the arm. “You lost in space, bro?”

      “Do you have an update for us?” Derrick asked, avoiding Mitch’s question and closing the door.

      “That and questions for Ms. Evans.” Mitch strode into the room with his usual take-charge attitude.

      Dani gave Mitch a quick hug. “You’ll be happy to know Kat’s on her way here, too.”

      He flashed a quick smile. “Unfortunately, I’ll likely be back at the scene before she gets here.” His professional mask back in place, he thrust out his hand to Gina. “Ms. Evans. I’m Detective Mitch Elliot.”

      “Please call me Gina.” She released his hand, clamped hers behind her back and planted her feet wider.

      She’d always stood at attention for bad news or criticism in college. Came from years of standing up to her father. She thought it made her look tough, but he knew she was at her most vulnerable right now, tugging hard at his emotions already raw from seeing her again.

      Salmon. Steelhead. Trout. All waiting for me.

      “Please sit.” Mitch gestured at the sofa and Gina complied. “I’ve had a chance to look at the alleged homicide scene.”

      “You said ‘alleged.’” Gina stared at Mitch. “Does that mean you haven’t found Lilly?”

      “I’m sorry, but no, we haven’t. Not yet.” Mitch sat on the arm of a chair. “We did find signs of a struggle at the house, and I have few questions for you.”

      Gina flashed a worried look at Derrick.

      Despite his resolve to stay aloof, a protective feeling washed over him again. He wanted to take her hand and comfort her. He should simply leave Gina’s case to his family and bow out before the feeling grew into something more, but that wasn’t an option. No matter the emotional toll being with her took on him, he wasn’t leaving her care to anyone else. Not even his well-trained siblings.


      Gina heard Mitch greet Ethan Justice on his way out. Mitch was returning to Lilly’s boat to supervise evidence collection. He’d asked her to recount her harrowing nightmare and had asked for clarification on a few points, but overall, the questioning had gone better than she’d hoped. She believed it was in part due to his standing in the Justice family. True, Mitch was a member by marriage, but she could see he was loved and respected and that he returned their respect by treating her kindly.

      Ethan, Derrick’s oldest adopted brother, shuffled into the house carrying a car seat and a large shopping bag with stuffed animals peeking over the top. “Where do you want all of this, Dani?”

      “By the stairs is fine.” Dani took the bag from his hands and faced Gina. “I arranged for items that Sophia might need tonight.”

      Gina stared openmouthed as Cole followed behind, the second Justice brother loaded down with more items.

      “You didn’t buy all of this, did you?” she asked.

      “No. Ethan bought it for his son,” Dani answered. “A big, strapping baby boy like his daddy. His name’s Bobby, and he’s three months old.”

      “That’s great,” Gina said sincerely. Back when she and Derrick had been dating, she’d always liked Ethan. “I love that he’s named after your father.”

      Sadness darkened Dani’s eyes, and Gina felt bad about bringing up the loss of their adoptive father, who was killed along with his wife in a home invasion.

      Dani set the bag on the floor and appraised Gina. “I’m surprised you remembered his name.”

      “Trust me. I haven’t forgotten a thing.” Gina’s words slipped out before she thought about how Derrick would take her answer. She glanced at him in the kitchen to see if he was listening, but if he’d heard, he didn’t let on.

      “That’s everything.” Still exuding calm and focus that Gina associated with Ethan, he stepped over to her and stuck out his hand. “I’m Ethan, in case you’d forgotten.”

      She shook his hand. “I appreciate your kindness, but don’t you need these things for Bobby?”

      “Don’t judge us—” he shoved his hands in his pocket as a flush crept up his neck “—but with this being our first child, we went a little overboard.”

      “Ha! A little?” Cole joined them. “You could care for all of the babies in a third world country with the stuff you bought.”

      Ethan frowned. “Suffice it to say we’ve got two of a lot of things.”

      “Then thank you for your generosity,” Gina said earnestly. “I’ll take good care of it until we’re free to go back to San Diego.”

      Cole offered his hand next. His handshake was quick and firm, his face displaying no emotion as he gave his name.

      A man of few words, this was so typical for him that Gina didn’t take offense. “Nice to see you again, Cole.”

      The front door opened and a tall, broad-shouldered man as good-looking as the Justice men stepped into the room. Gina didn’t recognize him, but the others clearly did.

      “Luke.” Dani rushed across the room. “You didn’t say you were coming over.”

      “Self-preservation. If I wasn’t here to speed things along, you’d never get home.” He grinned and pulled her into his arms.

      Cole rolled his eyes. “Dani’s husband, in case you didn’t catch that.”

      Luke kept one arm around Dani and smiled at Gina. “Luke Baldwin.”

      “Nice to meet you, Luke.”

      Gina wasn’t surprised that Ethan, Kat and Dani had married. All of the Justices were interesting, caring people. She glanced at Cole’s finger and spotted a wedding ring, too.

      “So everyone but Derrick is married now,” Gina said before thinking it through.

      Dani looked at her twin. “And it’ll be a million years before that happens. He’d have to quit making up reasons to break up with a woman first.”

      Brow furrowed, Derrick joined them. “Kat will be here any minute,” he said, referring to Mitch’s wife, the last Justice sibling, “so let’s finish taking care of the baby stuff and get seated.”

      Dani looked at Luke. “Would you be a sweetie and carry the crib to one of Derrick’s spare rooms? That way Gina can put Sophia down before our discussion gets loud and wakes her up.”

      “Anything for you, sweetheart,” Luke said with a smile.

      Dani grinned back at him and seemed to get lost in his eyes.

      Derrick faked a prolonged gag, but Gina felt a pang of jealousy at Dani’s happiness. A happiness that had always been out of Gina’s reach.

      Luke grabbed the crib. “Follow me, Gina.”

      “You’ll want a baby monitor to keep tabs on

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