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over how well Gina was managing Kat.

      “Can we get to the plans for the investigation so I can get Dani home?” Luke asked.

      Dani smiled at her husband. “I’d say finding the elusive log is our obvious first step.”

      Ethan looked at Gina. “Derrick told us about Jon’s buddy Quentin. Can you think of anyone else who might know about the log?”

      “No, and I’m not even sure Quentin knows anything,” she answered. “Quentin and his wife are close friends, and I hate to think he could have anything to do with Jon’s death.”

      “You said he lives next door to you,” Derrick stated. “Was he home last night before you were attacked?”

      “Yes. In fact, before the attacker broke in, when I turned off the lights to go to bed, I saw him standing outside.”

      “What about size and build of your attacker?” Dani asked. “Is Quentin of a similar build?”

      “Yes,” she agreed, but her tone lacked any conviction. “The attacker disguised his voice, so I suppose it could’ve been Quentin.”

      “Right size and build.” Cole dropped his foot to the floor with a thump that shook the boat. “Acting suspicious. Disguising his voice as if you’d know him.”

      “So you think we’re looking for someone she knows?” Ethan asked.

      Cole shrugged. “It’s not unheard of for an attacker who’s familiar with police procedure to disguise their voice to avoid being picked out of a voice lineup.”

      “Voice lineup?” Gina asked. “I’ve never heard of such a thing.”

      “It’s just like a visual lineup of suspects but the police have the suspect and a few other men speak, in hopes that the victim can identify the voice.”

      Gina shuddered. “Will I have to participate in one of those?”

      “You might,” Derrick said, hating to see her fearful expression. “But it may not be necessary if we can gather sufficient evidence as we work the investigation.”

      “It sounds like interviewing Quentin should be our first priority,” Kat suggested.

      Gina’s eyes narrowed. “But why would he want to kill Jon? Or me, for that matter?”

      “Money is always a good motive for murder,” Derrick offered. “Has Quentin engaged in any lavish spending lately?”

      Gina’s eyes widened. “He bought a very expensive speedboat last month. That’s not something he could afford on his Coast Guard salary.”

      “Motive,” Derrick said, putting force in his word for emphasis. “We’re definitely talking to him ASAP.”

      “You can do that while I focus on finding the log.” Dani leaned forward, letting Luke’s arm fall behind her. “Since Gina saw a digital photo of a log, it’s likely the file was transmitted to Jon electronically.”

      “Unless, of course, he took a picture of the log and sent it to himself,” Kat said.

      “Why would he do that?” Gina asked.

      Kat shrugged. “Maybe he didn’t want to take the log on board his ship. Or maybe he was worried the actual log would be destroyed.”

      “Though those are good possibilities,” Dani said, “I think I should still try to track it electronically, too.”

      “Agreed,” Derrick jumped in. “So how would he have received an electronic copy?”

      “Through email. Or a text maybe,” Dani said and Derrick could almost see the wheels turning in her head. “He could also have copied it from someone else’s computer or downloaded it on the internet. If I’m lucky, I’ll find a cybertrail. If Quentin’s involved, it could lead straight to him.”

      Cole’s eyes glassed over at the mention of technology, and Derrick was surprised his were the only ones. “If anyone can track down an electronic lead, it’s you.”

      “Usually I’d be the first to agree with you,” Dani replied with no modesty in her voice. “But Jon likely had a military email address. If he received the log at that account, I won’t be able to access it without hacking into the Coast Guard’s database, which—”

      “You could do that?” Gina interrupted.

      A wily smile crept across his twin’s lips. “I’m sure I could, but I won’t.”

      “Still,” Cole said, “I can tell you’re chomping at the bit to get your fingers on the files.”

      Smiling, she nodded. “I’ll start on it the minute I get home tonight.”

      Derrick nodded. “Gina mentioned the San Diego detectives didn’t believe she’d been attacked, so I’m thinking they didn’t thoroughly process the scene. And with the backlog at most labs, I don’t think we can count on the detective to request priority processing for any evidence they did collect.”

      “Sounds like a trip to San Diego is in order to question Quentin and gather evidence ourselves,” Kat said.

      Derrick looked at Gina. “We’ll hire a private lab to run the tests and get the results in a matter of days.”

      She sighed. “This is all so complicated. I’m so thankful all of you understand it.”

      Luke looped his arm over Dani’s shoulder. “Not only do they understand it, but for some odd reason, it’s also what they live to do.”

      Dani punched his knee. “I don’t knock your SEAL days, so don’t knock our law enforcement background.”

      He saluted. “Yes, ma’am.”

      The family laughed, but excitement at moving forward in the case had Derrick ignoring them. “So we’re agreed that Gina and I will travel to San Diego?”

      Kat made eye contact. “I’ll go with you.”

      “Of course. I’m glad to have help in protecting Gina,” Derrick said. “Before we go, we should discuss backtracking Jon’s and Quentin’s movements. If we can see where they’d been in the weeks before Jon’s death, it might give us a lead on how and where the log was transmitted.”

      Ethan yawned and stretched his arms overhead. “I can dig into their cell phone and credit card bills first thing tomorrow.”

      “Would be good if you got Quentin’s full financial picture to see if he needs money or if he’s received a large sum recently,” Derrick added.

      Ethan nodded as another yawn escaped.

      “Kat, can you call in favors from your Portland P.D. buds to get the official report for Jon’s accident?” Derrick faced Gina. “Kat’s a former Portland police officer and she still has contacts on the force.”

      “Glad to.”

      “Has anyone thought about this being related to the Coast Guard?” Dani asked. “Jon dealt with apprehending drug dealers on a daily basis. One of them could’ve wanted revenge.”

      Gina’s eyes widened, and Derrick held up his hand to stem her concern. “That’s not something we need to worry about yet, but it’s an angle worth investigating.”

      “I still have military connections,” Cole offered. “Let me see what I can dig up about Jon’s and Quentin’s military careers.”

      Ethan yawned again. “Sounds like a good start.”

      “Tired, old man?” Derrick teased.

      “You try getting up with a baby every night and see if you’re not tired, too.”

      “Bobby’s not sleeping through the night yet?” Gina asked.

      “Not all the time.”

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