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why, how and when to worship, as we are capable of making these decisions for ourselves.


      The ancients believed that all nature was made up from the elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Witches believe that these elements, together with the fifth element of Spirit, make up ourselves and the world around us. We believe that these elements are very real energies which we can access by understanding the way that they work within us and around us. The elements represent different aspects of our being: Earth is our physical selves, our flesh, blood and bones; Air is our thoughts; Fire is our passions and enthusiasms; Water our emotions; Spirit is the force or energy which is ourselves.

      The five energies are represented in the pentacle which is worn by many Witches and which often appears on the Altar at rituals. The idea that the reversed, upside-down pentacle is linked to Satanism has its roots in Hollywood and popular fiction. In the UK and elsewhere, the reversed pentacle indicates the Horned God, the male aspect of fertility, or in some traditions the second-degree Witch.

      The elements are also linked to the points of the compass and the seasons of the year. They have colours, sounds, scents, flowers, animals, birds and trees ascribed to them, as well as many other links which are often referred to as correspondences. There are correspondences for almost everything including the signs of the Zodiac, the days of the week and the hours of the day. They are often used in Magical workings, both in the Craft and in other Magical traditions, to help to achieve results. The Traditional Craft does not rely so much upon them as some other paths.

      To understand how correspondences work it can help to think of this in terms of rowing up a river. If the wind, current and tide are all in your favour, you will make faster and easier progress than if one or more is against you. Even if all those things are against you, you can still reach your destination, it will just require more effort and strength. Similarly, if you use candles, cloths, oils and incense related to the element with which you are working, then you may find it easier to gain the desired result. The use of correspondences, however, will not make up for lack of focus, practice and ability.


      Witches celebrate eight seasonal festivals or Sabbats:

      Samhain, 31 October. The beginning and therefore end of the Pagan year. The time when the Goddess returns as the Crone or Wise One.

      Yule, the Winter Solstice, 21 December. The time when the days begin to lengthen and the rebirth of the Sun is celebrated.

      Imbolg, 2 February. The time when the first buds are seen on the trees; the return of the Goddess as the Maiden.

      Oestara, the Spring Equinox, 21 March. The time when day and night are equal. A time of balance and of throwing out the old and taking on the new.

      Beltane, 1 May. The time when the marriage of the Goddess and the God is celebrated. The Goddess becomes the Mother and the God returns to reign beside her.

      Litha, the Summer Solstice, 21 June. The height of the Sun King’s power, when the days begin to shorten again.

      Lammas, 1 August. The time when the first harvest is brought in; the feast of the sacrificial God.

      Madron, the Autumn Equinox, 21 September. Again day and night are equal and again this is a time of balance. This is the height of the harvest and a time of returning things to the way they should be.

      Taken together these are often referred to as the Wheel of the Year, for, like a wheel, the cycle is never-ending, starting again as soon as it finishes.

      The Sabbats celebrate the changing seasons of the old agricultural year as well as the festivals and lives of the Goddess and the God. As with the elements, we also see the meaning of the Sabbats in our daily lives and use the energies of the cycle to work towards understanding and balance for ourselves and for those around us. The Sabbats are often seen as a time of celebration. However, there is much successful Magic that can be worked on these occasions. (There is much more on these festivals and the Wheel of the Year in Chapter 4, ‘The Eight Sabbats’.)


      Just as the Wheel of the Year expresses the yearly cycle, so the phases of the Moon give us a monthly cycle. In these phases (often called aspects) we see a repeating cycle of the Goddess. Witches believe that the Goddess has three aspects: Maiden, Mother and Crone (or Wise One). These three aspects are reflected in all things, for everything has the same three phases of beginning, completeness (or fruitfulness) and rest.

      In the cycle of the Moon, the role of the God is primarily that of Consort, although throughout a year of Moons, many are attributed to the God so that the cycle of the Goddess exists within that of the God. Again we see the reference to balance, for each depends upon the other to create the whole, just as in any partnership. (See the next chapter for more on the worship of the Goddess and the God, the way that the cycle of the Moon operates in our lives and the way that Witches utilize that cycle in their workings.)


      Witches believe in and practise Magic. This is not the ‘magic’ of stage conjuring but a very real force which can be used to make changes in our lives and in the lives of those around us. It has been said that Magic is ‘the ability to make change by force of will’ and this is a very good working definition.

      Healing is one of the forms of Magic for which Witches are most frequently asked. Many people who otherwise would say that they do not believe in the Craft will seek healing for themselves and their near and dear, whether for physical ills or for emotional support, perhaps after a bereavement.

      Other kinds of Magic I find commonly requested include:

       Work-related Magic – how to find a job, be successful at interview or to gain a promotion or pay rise.

       Magic for help in studying or examinations.

       Relationship Magic – to reunite those who have parted, to heal arguments, to gain the affections of someone new (often referred to as ‘love Magic’) or even to drive off a persistent unwanted admirer.

       Protection or defensive Magic, for people who feel under threat in some way, whether physical or psychic. This can also include people who feel there are ‘bad’ influences at work in their house, car or workplace. This is a quite common impression, although quite often it is the relationships in life which cause the bad atmosphere rather than anything else.

      Any kind of Magical working needs a good deal of thought. One of the sayings of the Craft is ‘Be careful what you wish for’. In considering whether or not to work Magic you have to be aware of the potential outcomes of what you are asking. Seeking success in an interview may give you a job which you subsequently hate, asking for money may result in you inheriting it from a loved one. Love Magic is probably the most treacherous of all. Initially most people will argue that they do not care whether the desired one is attracted by Magic or not, but later they will find that knowing that someone only loves them because of a spell, not because of who they really are, can destroy self-confidence and self-esteem far more than not being able to gain the object of their desires in the first place.

      When working Magic you have to be certain that you work the kind of spell which will cure the problem and not one which will make things worse in the long term. You also have to realize that sometimes events may seem to work against us, but perhaps the Goddess knows best. A very real example of this is the case of someone who set their heart on buying a particular car. When all the usual avenues of borrowing money to buy it did not work, they worked Magic to obtain the money. Within a couple of days their final loan request was granted and they were able to buy the car. A good result, you might think. However, shortly afterwards their circumstances changed, leaving them without work and making it much harder to repay the money they had borrowed. In addition, the tax and insurance on this particular model have since been increased

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