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      “I’ve been to Bath, too. I studied architecture in London.” He looked around, gauging the possibilities. In his mind’s eye, he calculated how to best work out the layout of the spa. Nothing too elaborate. He was all about keeping things simple and clean.

      “You did. What a great adventure you must have had.” She gave him a shy look.

      “I learned a lot about historical preservation. It was incredible. To think that something people built lasted a thousand years and more without falling down was quite a departure for me. Our own culture is into tearing down and rebuilding.” Usually into something ugly and irritatingly modern. That had been the real reason why he’d gone into historical preservation. The past was important and obliterating it by pulling buildings down severed an important link to who people used to be.

      The challenge of creating the spa gave him a tiny thrill of excitement. Unlike Las Vegas, Reno was still doing ticky-tacky. The Mariposa was a diamond amidst the glaring lights of the tacky. This city needed more style, class and elegance. Maybe then people would stop thinking of Reno as Las Vegas’s ugly baby sister.

      The water sparkled in the morning sun. A large hawk spiraled lazily overhead. The tall grass rustled in the light wind. Trees dotted the area around the springs and more benches were situated under them to take advantage of the shade.

      “Isn’t it beautiful here?” She sat down on a bench and gazed at the water. “This would be a great place for dining.”

      “That’s not a bad idea. You could serve lunch and keep people here all day.”

      “But don’t you want people to spend their money at the gaming tables?” she asked.

      “Of course, but if we do this spa right, it could be a big attraction and money maker. The whole point is to draw people in and make them stay here, along with their money.”

      The hot springs spread out over a half acre, with sloped foothills beyond gradually growing to the higher, jagged peaks of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The sound of running water created a serenity that could make this place a refuge for tired gamblers who wanted a bit of pampering.

      “When you say do this right, what do you mean?” Lydia shaded her eyes with one hand as she studied the terrain.

      “I have an idea working around in the back of my head. When it germinates, I’ll share it with you. It’s going to take a bit of time.” In the dirt he noticed what he thought were deer tracks. Identifying tracks was one thing he recalled from his time as a Boy Scout.

      She clapped her hands like a child. “The creative process at work. I’m so envious.”

      “What makes you think you don’t have any creativity?”

      She shrugged.

      “For all you know, you may just be the world’s greatest macaroni artist. You just haven’t discovered your talent yet.”

      She laughed lightly. “I have no desire to be a macaroni artist.”

      He loved her laugh. She sounded so carefree. She needed to be this way more often. “Give it a try. You may never know.”

      “I’ll start working on my portrait of Elvis right away. I can hang it right next to your velvet painting of him.”

      “You can borrow the velvet painting for inspiration.”

      “No, thank you.” Her tone was always so polite. “I couldn’t believe it when I saw it.”

      “It kinda grows on you after a while.”

      Lydia knelt down and dipped her fingers in the heated water. “This feels so good. I can just see women lounging in the water, sipping glasses of cool white wine, or maybe sherry.” She closed her eyes and wriggled her fingers in the water. “I want to jump in right now.”

      Anyone for skinny-dipping? Hunter thought. He watched her, the pure joy on her face, the way her lips curved upward so slightly in a smile that wasn’t quite a smile. She did that a lot and he wondered if her mother had told her smiling too much created wrinkles. Even though he hadn’t met the woman he had the feeling her mother would say exactly that.

      He wanted to help her make the spa a success because he wanted her to be successful. He would do everything in his power to make the dream a reality. He wanted to be her hero. That and a few other things.

      * * *

      Lydia left Maya with her tutor and went to find a suitable office for herself. Louisiana schools and Nevada schools had different curriculums, and Maya needed to be brought up to speed before September, when she would attend a local Reno school. Until she’d moved to Reno, Lydia had never thought about things like differing curriculums. Reno seemed to have its own culture and that culture was so different from New Orleans. New Orleans was old money, sedate and dignified or wild and excessive. Reno was new money, brash and still a bit rough around the edges. She liked it. Reno seemed to have an energy New Orleans lacked. She wanted to be a part of that rough-and-tumble, all-American vibe Reno had. New Orleans was all about history and culture. Reno was fresh and about new beginnings. It was redefining itself from a wild west frontier town to an exciting, eclectic city that was all about growth and new business.

      The casino, which had been mostly empty during the morning, grew to bustling as the afternoon progressed. Miss E. was meeting with the Gaming Commission and then her lawyer. Jasper had gone with her to help expedite the change in ownership. Getting everything changed into the names of the new owners was turning into a huge task. Owning a casino was not like owning any other businesses. Not only did the three new owners need to be investigated by the state, but by the federal government to make sure they were free of any unsavory connections. The only thing not required was a blood sample. Hunter had sequestered himself in the office he’d requisitioned as he pored over the original blueprints for the resort. Lydia felt the need to find her own office.

      When she found a small, out-of-the-way room that seemed to be nothing but storage, Lydia claimed it as hers. Maintenance workers were currently emptying it and she held a tape measure in one hand and a notebook in the other as she made note of all the dimensions of the room and her thoughts on how she wanted to decorate it. Nothing too elaborate but something tasteful and elegant, a place she could be the woman she wanted to be. But the room needed to be comfortable. She would need filing cabinets, a desk and chair. She already had her laptop, but she would need internet and a hundred other things that raced around in her head. What an exciting venture she was starting on.

      The maintenance supervisor nodded at her list. He would have everything she needed in a couple of hours. He even had some paint to brighten up the walls. He listed the colors he had and she asked for just plain white. He told her the office would be ready for her in the morning and she smiled her gratitude, thrilled to get started.

      Her cell phone rang and she answered it.

      “Mrs. Montgomery, this is the front desk,” came a man’s soothing, pleasant voice. “There are two men here to see you.”

      “I’ll be right there.” Who could possibly be looking for her?

      She walked to the lobby and stopped suddenly. Leon and David had found her. Rubbing the corners of her eyes, she walked up to her stepsons. She’d hoped for a little more time to prepare for whatever nastiness they were planning to throw at her.

      “Leon. David,” she said pleasantly. “What are you doing so far away from home?”

      Leon was the elder of the two and time had not treated him graciously. Frown lines marred the corners of his mouth and his eyes were hard and cold. Though his suit jacket was cut well, it didn’t quite hide the slight expansion of his waist. His hands were soft and well-manicured. David was the epitome of soft, pampered and almost charming. Like his brother, he’d never really worked. Both held token jobs in their father’s real estate development business, but they held no real power. Power they both craved. Power that had been denied them at the reading of the will.

      Leon glared at Lydia. “Thought you could

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