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started to unfasten her cloak and then felt another pair of hands take over, gently peeling away the folds and then lifting the garment from her shoulders. She half-twisted her head and felt her blush deepen. Arthur appeared to be utterly engrossed in the task, yet equally determined not to look at her.

      ‘Apparently my brother wants to do everything this evening.’ Lance gave something resembling a smirk, placing his cane in front of him and resting his hands on top. ‘You seem to bring out his chivalrous side, Miss Webster. I applaud you.’

      She cleared her throat, unable to think of an answer to that, gesturing towards her skirts instead.

      ‘I ought to apologise for my appearance. I had a fall earlier and my dress came off somewhat the worse for wear.’

      ‘Hence the ankle, I presume?’ Lance nodded as if there was nothing more natural than arriving at dinner covered in dirty splotches. ‘How unfortunate, but I take it that’s how the two of you met? I do hope you’re going to tell me my brother came to your rescue.’

      ‘Yes, in a manner of speaking.’ She untied her bonnet and pulled it away, taking care not to disturb the veil pinned to her hair, then passed that to Arthur as well. He took it and frowned, looking as though he were on the verge of saying something else before turning on his heel abruptly, carrying her things off to an anteroom.

      ‘I heard that the house looked like a castle...’ Frances looked around at the crests and tapestries covering the walls with admiration ‘...but I never expected anything like this.’

      ‘Haven’t you visited before?’ Lance appeared unconcerned by her veil. ‘Surely we’ve invited you to our summer balls?’

      ‘Oh, yes, you’ve been very kind. My parents attend every year, but I don’t go to balls.’

      ‘Ah well, then, you’re in luck. We’re having a garden party instead this year. My wife is a stickler for tradition and insists upon our doing something, but I refuse to let her dance in her condition. I keep telling her to rest and she keeps telling me to stop worrying. We’re quite the pair.’

      He gave a strained-sounding laugh and Frances found herself wanting to offer some kind of reassurance. What was it he’d said earlier? I love my wife and I refuse to apologise for it... Apparently he was genuinely worried for her. Beneath the smile, there was a tightness about his face that spoke of some persistent anxiety.

      ‘When is the baby due?’

      ‘October, although I hope for sooner.’

      ‘You do?’ She couldn’t conceal her surprise. It wasn’t usual to hope for an early birth.

      He nodded, his gaze flickering towards the staircase. ‘My wife has a particularly small build. I worry about how she’ll manage.’

      ‘Oh, I see.’ Frances drew her brows together sympathetically. Now she thought of it, she remembered once seeing Violet Amberton from a distance and being surprised by her excessively small frame. It was no wonder that her much-larger husband was worried. ‘But you know, my sister has a tiny waist, too. Everyone was anxious when she was about to give birth, but it was all over in a couple of hours. She had a big, healthy boy and was out of bed in a week.’

      ‘Then I’ll hope for the same.’ He took her hand and pressed it warmly. ‘I appreciate the comfort, Miss Webster.’

      ‘Lydia has a son?’

      Frances cringed at the sound of Arthur’s voice behind her. She hadn’t heard his footsteps and the last thing she’d wanted was for him to overhear her talking about her nephew. Now that he had, however, there was no point in concealing the truth. ‘Yes. You didn’t know?’

      ‘No. My interest in your sister ended a long time ago. I heard of her marriage, that’s all.’

      ‘Well, his name’s George. Georgie.’

      ‘You sound fond of him.’ The words sounded faintly accusing.

      ‘I am. My sister moved back to Whitby after she was widowed and now we all live together in my parents’ house. It’s a pleasant arrangement, although sometimes I wonder if there are too many women for one little boy.’

      ‘You’re afraid of spoiling him?’

      She hesitated before answering. It was hard not to lavish attention upon a three-year-old boy who’d lost his father and whose mother was obsessed with the idea of finding a new husband, but it seemed disloyal to say so.

      ‘Perhaps, but I suppose that’s preferable to neglect.’

      ‘As long as it doesn’t become stifling. Too much attention can be as bad as too little.’

      ‘Indeed?’ The solemnity of his expression made her hackles rise. ‘And you have experience of raising boys, I suppose?’

      ‘None at all, although I do have experience of being one.’

      ‘And were you over-indulged, Lord Scorborough?’

      ‘I wouldn’t say so, no.’

      ‘Were you stifled, then?’

      There was a flash of something in his eyes, something piercing and intense like pain, at the same moment as a female voice spoke from the direction of the staircase.


      The man in question rushed across the hallway, his expression turning instantly from bewildered perplexity to tender concern as Frances watched in surprise. The Lance Amberton she’d heard rumours about had been wild and dangerous. This man appeared to be the world’s most devoted husband. Evidently both brothers had changed.

      ‘Good evening, Violet.’ Arthur sounded as formal as if he were presenting her to the Queen. ‘Might I introduce Miss Frances Webster?’

      ‘Miss Webster.’

      The woman broke into a wide smile as she took her husband’s arm and walked towards them. At ground level, Frances could see that her memory hadn’t exaggerated. Violet Amberton was without doubt the tiniest woman she’d ever laid eyes on, with white-blonde hair and disproportionately huge eyes in an amiable-looking face.

      ‘I’m sorry to impose upon your evening, Mrs Amberton.’ She inclined her head, trying to convey a sense of apology through her veil. ‘I’m afraid that I sprained my ankle and Lord Scorborough here rescued me.’

      ‘And now he’s brought you to join us for dinner?’ The woman’s gaze flickered between them, though her expression was inquisitive rather than calculating. ‘I’m so pleased. If we join forces, we might be able to stop these two talking about mining all evening.’

      ‘You mean you don’t find iron smelting as fascinating as we do?’ Lance put a hand to his heart. ‘You wound me, my love.’

      ‘Oh, but I’d never want to do that.’ She leant her head against his shoulder playfully. ‘But now I expect dinner is ready. I do appreciate your coming to dine with us, Miss Webster. If you can start a new topic of conversation, I’ll be forever indebted to you.’

      ‘I’m afraid that my dress...’ Frances gestured downwards again.

      ‘Oh, dear.’ The tiny woman looked sympathetic. ‘What a shame. I’d offer to lend you something, but I’m afraid you might find my clothes a little on the short side. Not to mention too wide.’ She patted her bulging stomach and laughed. ‘But it truly doesn’t matter. I’m just delighted to have another woman to talk to. Please call me Violet.’

      ‘Then you must call me Frances.’

      ‘Then that’s settled. Here.’ Arthur extended his arm in a manner that was less of an invitation than a command, but Frances took it anyway, too touched by the other woman’s offer of friendship to spoil the moment.

      ‘Excellent.’ Lance clapped his hands together. ‘Now let’s eat. I don’t know about anyone

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