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       When he was done coughing, he handed Chance another board and followed him around the corner of the barn. “I don’t know any such thing. Lizzie seems to think some doctoring is all you need.”

       “Lizzie isn’t rational when it comes to my health. She’s turning a blind eye. But I expect more understanding from you.”

       Chance set the board down and met with Edward’s old wise eyes. He heaved a sigh. He couldn’t let the man know how much his demise would hurt him, too. He’d looked upon Edward as a father of sorts. Even though miles and time had separated them, Chance took solace knowing the older man lived and thrived in Red Ridge. His letters and words of advice had gotten him through some bad times and Chance had honest affection for him.

       Finally and without qualm, Chance sent the man an understanding nod. “You got it, Edward. My understanding. But, you don’t have to thank me. I wouldn’t be standing here, able to help you, if you were a less honorable man.”

       “A man shouldn’t be thanked for doing what was right.”

       “You stuck your neck out for me. That’s more than anyone’s done since my folks passed.”

       “And now you’re sticking your neck out for me.”

       Chance snapped his eyes up to find the old man’s face lit in a smile, his eyes gleaming like never before. Some thought had obviously amused him. “How so?”

       “You agreed to find Lizzie a husband.”

       Chance twisted his lips recalling how unpleasant Lizzie had been to young Warren at the livery stables. He wasn’t forgetting the challenge Lizzie posed or the promise he’d made to Edward. “You think it’s funny, do you?”

       “No, just the opposite,” he answered, with mirth in his voice. “Only wish I could be around to see how you manage it. It’d be a sight to behold. Lord knows, my attempts have failed.”

       “I’ll manage it all right. You can trust me on that,” Chance said with a measure of confidence. Someway, somehow, Lizzie would be wed before he left Red Ridge. “She mentioned her friend Hayden today.”

       “Did she now?” Edward nodded with approval. “Well, I heard he’ll be home soon. That’s good. Hayden’s a fine boy.”

       Their eyes met in a long stare before Edward’s throat constricted and another bout of incessant coughing marred the quiet of the afternoon.

       Lizzie walked up holding a glass of water, her eyes wide and filled with concern. She was forever doting on Edward, almost as though he were the child and she the adult. “Here, Grandpa. Drink up.” She handed him the drink and watched while he emptied it. “Let me get you inside. You need to rest.” She moved closer to wrap her arm around his shoulder.

       “I’ll be resting soon enough,” Edward said, sending her a kind smile. “I appreciate the drink, darling girl, but I’m fine. It’s a glorious day.”

       Lizzie dropped her arm to her side and spoke with determination. “But, Grandpa, your coughing’s getting worse and you need—”

       Before Edward acquiesced, Chance intervened, noting the distress on Edward’s face. “He needs fresh air and sunshine.”

       It was clear the man wanted to enjoy his last days on his ranch out in the open but was too weak to argue the point with his granddaughter.

       Lizzie shot Chance a surly glare that could freeze melting butter. “You got no say in this, Chance.”

       “He’s been helping me with the barn.”

       “He can’t do—”

       Chance stood firm and leaned close enough to see indignant sparks flare in her eyes. “He can.”

       Not one to back down, she stepped closer and faced him with an upward tilt of her chin, meeting him almost nose to nose. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. You show up here and think you know everything, but you don’t know a hill of—”

       “Stop arguing!” Edward’s rough, authoritative voice stopped them cold. Both Chance and Lizzie turned to see fire in Edward’s eyes and strength in a body that had appeared weak and frail just moments ago. “I won’t have it. You two have to work together and get along. Lizzie,” he said, softening his voice, “I’m old and with age comes wisdom. I know when I’ve pushed my limits. When I tire, I rest. Right now, I want to spend time outside. I appreciate your worry and I love you dearly, but I asked Chance here to help out. The last thing I want is to see you two arguing all the time.”

       Lizzie buttoned her lips.

       Chance pursed his.

       They stared at each other.

       No one said a word.

       Edward muttered to himself and Chance thought he caught a few blasphemous words spew out.

       “Fine,” Lizzie said in a tone that wasn’t fine at all. “I’ll go start our supper.”

       Edward nodded. “That’s an excellent idea. I’ll be in shortly.” Chance went back to his repairs with Edward alongside him.

       The meal that night was overly quiet but delicious. Lizzie fixed a hearty supper of beef steaks, potatoes and creamed corn. She brought warm oatmeal cookies from the oven afterward and they ate them while drinking coffee as Edward went over details about the drive with the two of them.

       Lizzie’s eyes never strayed from watching every movement her grandpa made. Worry lines creased her young face and if Chance could read her thoughts, they were of regret at having to leave him here alone for a week to tend to himself. There was no way around it, though. Chance had stopped by the closest neighbor’s homestead before supper and had been reassured that Benjamin Avery, the oldest child of the family, would look in on Edward from time to time. Sharing that news with Lizzie didn’t put a smile on her face, but she’d seemed a bit relieved after that.

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