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around and faced him, her breaths coming rapidly.

      “A beautiful woman like you—would I have wanted to help you out of your dress? Sure, if you had been conscious and willing. But you were out cold, and I put you in the spare bed so that you could get some rest and sleep it off.”

      Tamara’s eyes widened as she searched his face. “You’re saying that we never—”

      “No.” His eyes held hers for a long moment. “Not that I wouldn’t have been willing,” he added, and the words alone made her feel flushed. “But since you practically passed out in my arms when you came out of the restroom, and because I didn’t want to bother Callie or Nigel with the situation—or to have you go home in that state and have your son see you—I took you to my place.”

      Tamara was stunned; she had no clue what to say. Not only had he not taken advantage of her, he’d actually been thinking of her son—something she greatly appreciated.

      “Never in my life have I had to take advantage of a woman to get her into my bed, and I’m not about to start now.”

      “You—you never took off my dress?” How had she gotten naked, then? She must have awoken, perhaps because she was hot. Yes, she had memories of being hot. She must have taken off her own dress and had no recollection of it.

      “I guess you’ll believe what you want to believe,” Marshall said. “But, Tamara, the truth is that I didn’t touch you in an inappropriate way. As amusing as it was to watch you squirm, believing that we’d made love, I wanted to make sure that you knew nothing happened—since the idea of sharing my bed bothers you that much.”

      “I—I’m sorry.” It was the only thing Tamara could say, even though she knew the words wouldn’t be enough. “I...I just... I thought... I really am sorry.”

      She’d been flustered. Out of her element. On edge around Marshall.

      “Nigel is my best friend,” Marshall explained. “I told him last night I was going to take you home, look out for you. And even if you think I wouldn’t care about taking advantage of you, there’s no way that I would disrespect Nigel and the trust he placed in me. You can take that to the bank.”

      Tamara felt like a heel. “Like I said, I’m sorry. I don’t get drunk, and I still don’t understand what happened. Waking up in a strange bed had me out of sorts. So, I apologize for my attitude. And thank you,” she added faintly.

      “Pardon me?”

      Tamara couldn’t meet Marshall’s eyes. If she never had to see him again, it would be too soon. Her humiliation was at an all-time high.

      She drew in a deep breath and faced him. Hadn’t she dealt with much worse in her life? “Thank you,” she said more firmly, meaning it. “Thank you for looking out for me last night when I couldn’t do it myself.”

      “You’re welcome. And a word of advice? Lay off the alcohol.”

      Tamara’s face flamed. “Maybe it was something in one of the drinks. Or maybe it was the fatigue of driving for two days. Or maybe...” Her voice trailed off as it suddenly hit her. Why hadn’t she thought of it before?

      “What?” Marshall asked.

      “Gin,” she said. “There must have been gin in the punch. I’ve never liked it, and the one time I had it in college, I had a bad reaction and passed out. Of course.” It all made sense now.

      She’d had the punch, felt weird in the bathroom and then couldn’t remember anything beyond the kiss. The truth was, she was lucky Marshall had been with her at the time she’d blacked out. She would have been far more horrified to know that she had passed out on the floor and was found by another guest at the reception.

      “Gin, huh?” Marshall asked.

      “I thought the punch would have champagne, not gin.” Tamara shook her head, wishing she could undo what had happened, but knowing that it could be much worse. “Thank you, again. I mean that.”

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