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“Ask me what?”

       Bridget swung around at the sound of the familiar deep voice, her gaze landing squarely on Maeve’s new husband, Dr. Flynn Gallagher. Or rather, her gaze landed on Dr. Flynn Gallagher’s black cravat.

       The man was taller than any of the Murphy sisters, even Nora. He was muscular and lean like William Black, just as handsome and so in love with his new wife that he reflexively looked to Maeve for the answer to his question as though she was the only one in their tiny group.

       Maeve nodded to Bridget. “Go on,” she urged. “Tell him what you just told me.”

       Practically shaking with impatience, Bridget went through the story again, faster this time and without waiting for Nora’s input. Just as she drew to the end of the tale she caught sight of Will exiting the building he’d entered only a few moments before. Head down, jaw firm, he approached yet another group of passengers.

       He must have been unsuccessful in the shipping office.

       “There.” She pointed to Will. “That’s him, the man approaching that small cluster of people.”

       Her hand moved instinctively in his direction, aching to soothe away his worries. She started out.

       “No, Bridget.” Flynn stopped her with a gentle hand on her arm. “You’ve done your duty. Let me handle the rest.”


       “I insist you stay here with your sisters.” He shared a look with his wife, one that seemed to communicate a message only the two of them understood.

       Maeve quickly stood, handed the baby to Nora and then drew alongside her husband. Side by side they made a dazzling pair.

       “It’ll be all right, Bridget.” Maeve touched her arm and smiled. “Flynn will handle the matter with great care, like he always does.”

       Flynn dropped a tender kiss to Maeve’s forehead. “I’ll be back shortly.”

       He left them to stare after his retreating back.

       Bridget had always considered herself an obedient woman, one who usually adhered to the Christian precepts of ideal female behavior. Her manners were impeccable, as well. Consequently she shocked even herself when she trotted after Flynn, all the while ignoring Maeve’s cries to leave the matter alone, that it didn’t concern her. The same words Nora had used earlier.

       She knew it didn’t concern her. And yet, somehow, after all that had happened, it did.

       She picked up her pace.

       With determination on her side, and the element of surprise, she bypassed Flynn at the last possible moment and approached Will first.

       As though sensing her standing behind him, he turned to face her at the very same moment she spoke his name.

       He seemed stunned to see her again. “Bridget?”

       Breathless from her rapid trek across the docks, her words came out in a jumbled rush. “I have brought someone to help you find your bride, or at least give you more information.”

       The look in his blue, blue eyes plainly said: What are you talking about?

       “The ship’s doctor,” she said in reply, her heart pounding with the force of her urgency. “I have come to introduce you.”

       She didn’t have time to explain further before Flynn closed the distance between them.

       Will lifted his gaze from her to Flynn then thrust out his hand. “William Black.”

       With his characteristic professional manner, Flynn took the offered hand. “Flynn Gallagher, the doctor in charge of the infirmary on the Annie McGee.”

       Will wasted no time getting to the point. “Do you know what happened to Bridget Collins on the voyage over?”

       The ensuing silence pressed in on them all. Will looked so concerned, so in need of kindness. Bridget almost went to him and wrapped her arms around him.

       “I believe I can enlighten you.” Flynn’s expression was that of a man about to give the most terrible news of all.

       Will must have understood what was about to come because he asked, “Is she…dead?”

       “I’m afraid that she—” Flynn cut off the rest of his words and looked down at Bridget. He frowned at her briefly then returned his attention to Will. “Perhaps we should continue this conversation aboard the Annie McGee. Just the two of us.”

       Bridget opened her mouth to object, but Flynn stopped her with a look. “My dear Bridget,” he said, his voice filled with equal parts authority and understanding. “You must wait with your sisters while I escort Mr. Black to the infirmary.”

       And with that one sentence her dear brother-in-law had revealed his intentions. He had no plans of allowing her to accompany them any further. Perhaps, like Maeve and Nora, he didn’t think the matter was any of her business.

       Did Will agree? She glanced into his vivid expression and discovered her answer. He didn’t want her in the infirmary with him, either.

       Horrified to feel the sting of tears, she lowered her gaze and concentrated blindly on the wooden dock below her feet. She knew the matter was none of her business, and yet…

      And yet…

       They were all correct. She had no right to insinuate herself into a stranger’s private affairs. She should have realized that sooner. Her concern had made her act impulsively, perhaps even rudely. She’d meddled, something so unlike her that her cheeks began to flame.

       Clenching her fingers into the material of her skirt, she forced a pleasant smile onto her lips. “I will tell Maeve where you are.”

       “No.” Flynn’s voice stopped her from leaving. “On second thought, please have my wife join Mr. Black and me in the infirmary.”

       Hard as she tried to remain calm, Bridget cast him a dark look. Why would Flynn allow his wife to accompany him on this errand and not her?

       He answered her unspoken question aloud. “Your sister was my assistant, Bridget. As such, she was in charge of keeping the medical records in order. Maeve will know precisely where to look for the information Mr. Black needs.”

       How could Bridget possibly argue with that bit of logic? “Of course.” She released her death grip on her skirt. “I will tell her to find you at once.”

       Before she turned to go, Will covered her hand with the reassuring pressure of his own. “Thank you, Bridget.” He squeezed gently. “Thank you for your help and…thank you.”

       For a moment she stared down at his fingers wrapped around her own, wondering why she experienced that mystifying feeling again, the one where puzzle pieces seemed to be fitting together perfectly. “Oh, Will, you are quite welcome.”

       He released her hand.

       This time when she turned to go, neither man stopped her. As she made her way back across the docks, for good this time, Bridget only looked back in Will’s direction once. All right, twice. She only looked back twice.

      Chapter Four

      As it turned out, Flynn and Maeve did not accompany them to Faith Glen. The last Bridget saw of the pair were their retreating backs as they climbed the gangplank, with William Black following closely behind. Maeve had told Nora and Bridget to go on without them and Nora, efficient to a fault, had them on the road in no time at all.

       If Bridget was truthful with herself she’d admit she wasn’t completely sorry Maeve and Flynn weren’t making the trip to the new town just yet. Since Flynn had a house in Boston, she knew they would be just fine on their own. Better than fine. Although Bridget would miss her sister dreadfully, the newlyweds needed time alone.

       That left

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