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it will have to be enough because I’m certainly not leaving with you!” She flipped her wet hair away from her face and stormed off.

      He’d nearly forgotten the preacher was still there until the man spoke. “Do you know why she ran away?”

      “I know enough to say she should stop this foolishness and go home. Like I said, I’m Peppin’s sheriff, it’s my responsibility to keep the town’s citizens safe—even when they’re being too pigheaded to see sense.”

      James nodded patiently. “I understand that you’re trying to do your duty, but that is her choice to make. You can talk to her about it, but you can’t force her to return. In the meantime, you may want to think more carefully about trying to bring her back to the situation that was uncomfortable enough to make her leave.”

      Sean hid a grimace at the preacher’s advice. There was nothing wrong with the situation Lorelei was in that she hadn’t caused. His job was to find her and bring her home. Her parents were supposed to deal with her after that. Somehow he didn’t think the esteemed Pastor James would find his reasoning particularly favorable, so he kept his mouth shut and nodded in agreement. He needed a place to sleep after all and a way to keep an eye on Lorelei since she had gotten into the habit of disappearing.

      * * *

      The leaves of the towering oak tree quivered above Sean’s head as he placed his Stetson over his face. Four days he’d waited for Lorelei to come to her senses. It seemed as if she was just sliding deeper into her joyous little cloud of insanity. He could hear her now. She was playing with the children in the gurgling brook and having a wonderful time while he tried to cool his temper and not let the sound of her laughter set his teeth on edge.

      He was glad James decided to give his family a day of rest from traveling. Sean was pretty tired himself. He figured this was the perfect time to craft a plan to change the mind of a stubborn young woman bent on getting herself to California. If he didn’t figure out something soon, he’d be stuck trailing her halfway across the country.

      The ground beneath his back seemed to sway slightly. He caught his breath. This couldn’t happen. Not here. He needed to ward off the panic now before it got worse. Nevertheless, his heart began to quicken into a familiar staccato rhythm.

      The first time he’d noticed that beat had been the night of the storm that had taken his parents’ lives. At ten years old, he’d lain awake in bed listening to the wind howl past his window and trying to fight the sense of foreboding that gripped him. Somehow he’d known they wouldn’t come back. The next morning brought news of the accident, and with it the entire world had turned on end for him and his two sisters. He’d tried to step up and be the man of the house, but at such a young age there was so much that he couldn’t do to help his eighteen-year-old sister, Kate, manage the farm, besides try to keep eight-year-old Ellie out of trouble.

      The next two years had passed with him in such a state of stress that he would lie awake at night listening to his rapid heartbeat pound in his ears thinking for sure it would burst from his chest. He never told anyone that, especially not his sisters. To them, he’d remained stalwart and dependable until his brother-in-law Nathan had stepped into their lives.

      The burden had suddenly lifted from Sean’s shoulders, and he’d thought that would be the end of the waves of panic that occasionally took over. It wasn’t. Even now he could feel his breath shortening. It always did when he found himself in a situation like this where he could do nothing but wait. He forced himself to pray.

      Lord, You know I’m trying to be patient, but I need to get back to Peppin. This isn’t what I bargained for when I agreed to bring her home. Help me change her mind. It took a few minutes for his body to settle down. Relief filled him. He shouldn’t have another one for a while now. He’d just go on as if it hadn’t happened…like always.

      He slowly felt himself leaning toward sleep. Suddenly a small fountain of water poured over the sides of his hat and settled around his ears before soaking into the ground. Letting out an exaggerated roar, he sat up. His Stetson tumbled to the ground, and Sean found himself face-to-face with a six-year-old. Hosea stood in what would have appeared to be paralyzed terror if not for the delight sparkling in his round eyes. His hand clutched a large tin cup now emptied of the water he must have carried from the nearby brook.

      Sean quickly surveyed the situation and realized that, while Hosea may have been the culprit, he was only a small part of a much larger plot. Watching with just as much glee were the rest of the children and one very naughty nanny.

      * * *

      Time seemed to stop for the seconds it took Sean to slowly rise to his feet. Perhaps that was simply because all the children froze when he pinned them with a calculating stare. Then his gaze caught hers. His smile said one thing. William yelled it. “Run!”

      Suddenly the world was a blur of motion. Hosea tried to make a break for it, but Sean was too fast for him. He scooped the boy under his arm like a sack of potatoes. Henry managed to evade his grasp, but Sean lifted William with his other arm and spun the boys around just enough to make them deliciously dizzy before he set them down. He repeated the process with Julia and Lacy.

      Meanwhile, Lorelei casually meandered in the direction of the camp. She should have moved faster, but she couldn’t help lingering to watch the sight before her. Sean was always so serious, so stern—it was fascinating to watch him grinning and playing with the children. It wasn’t fair of him to look quite that…handsome. Not when she was trying so hard to ignore him.

      Too late, she realized she’d missed her chance to escape. Her opponent caught sight of her and stalked toward her. He smiled predatorily. “Sending the children to do your dirty work, is that it?”

      She widened her eyes innocently. “Now, Sean. It was all in fun.”

      “Was it?”

      She glanced around for help, but the children had abandoned her to stagger laughingly toward camp. “Sean, don’t…”

      Sean swept her into his arms and spun her in a tight circle. She let out a small scream that lasted from the first rotation until he set her feet back on the ground. Her eyes finally opened to focus on his. The trees continued to sway perilously behind him. He gave her a pointed look. “There. Now, we’re even.”

      “That’s what you think,” she muttered and tried to step around him, but he refused to release her.

      “That’s what I know. Unless you want me to haul you back to the Peppin jail for assaulting an officer.” He gave a low whistle. “Now, there’s an idea.”

      She glared at him. “Oh, why won’t you just go away?”

      He leaned toward her, meeting her challenge with his own. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

      She pushed away from his chest, then wiped her suddenly wet hands on her skirt. “Yes, I certainly would.”

      “Tough.” His green eyes captured hers. “You won’t get rid of me until I drop you and your problems back in your father’s lap. I gave him my word—and Lawson, too—which means I’m going to stick to you like glue.”

      “You mean fleas,” she muttered as she brushed past him and walked back to camp. She wouldn’t let it bother her that nothing short of a promise to her father and his best friend would tempt Sean to stick close to her. She hated being his duty, and he certainly didn’t want her to be anything else, so the smartest thing for her to do would be to stay as far away from him as possible.

      True to form, he followed her back a few minutes later and took a seat near the campfire to whittle as she helped Marissa prepare supper. She ignored him and was grateful when Marissa struck up a conversation. “Tell me more about Peppin, Lorelei. It sounds like a charming town.”

      “There really isn’t much else to say,” she said as she felt Sean’s gaze resting on her. “It’s small but not stiflingly so. The people are friendly and really care about you. There is always something going on, so you’re hardly ever bored. You can

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