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swung her tote bag over her shoulder and hurried out of her classroom.

      “I hate men,” Makayla announced, yanking off her headband and chucking it into her gym bag. “Especially the fine ones. They cause the most trouble.”

      Her best friends groaned simultaneously. The three women were at the King Bonk Institute of Martial Arts in downtown Philadelphia. Their five-thirty class was over and they were in the changing room getting dressed.

      “Here we go again,” Desiree sang. “What’s the problem now?”

      Makayla untied her karate belt. “What do you mean, ‘here we go again’?”

      “Every time you go on a date you whine. You break into this ‘I-hate-men’ routine at least once a month.”

      “What happened this time?” Brandi asked, freeing her chocolate-brown locks from their elastic band.

      “First, he was over twenty minutes late to pick me up. By the time we got downtown, found parking and reached our seats, we missed half the movie. Then, when he dropped me home after dinner, he had the nerve to ask for gas money. Said something about his check being short this month and he’d pay me back soon.”

      Brandi laughed. “Sorry, girl, but that’s a trip.”

      “What was wrong with Reggie?” Desiree applied blush to her cheeks. “He worked for the city, had his own place and, if I recall, he was kinda cute.”

      “Loose Lips Reggie? No way. That man was way too affectionate for my liking.” After a year of man-less days and nights, Makayla thought she was ready to jump back into the dating pool. But like her decision to cut her hair and grow it natural back in university, she’d been wrong.

      Brandi frowned. “Too affectionate? Most women beg for romance and all you do is complain.”

      “Who said anything about romance? Reggie’s idea of romance is day-old flowers, a six-pack and Steven Seagal movies.” Makayla blew out the air in her cheeks. These days she had a better chance of being struck by lightning than finding a good man. She’d had adolescent dreams of the man she loved sweeping her off her feet. But, at thirty-three, she’d settle for him walking her through the front door. Forget romance, candlelit dinners and wild, passionate sex. All she wanted was a single, gainfully employed man who didn’t live at home with his momma. “I’m through with the male species. I’m going to take a much-needed break from the dating scene and just concentrate on me.”

      Desiree shrugged. “Suit yourself. That leaves more men for me.”

      Makayla rolled her eyes. Desiree Hill could have any man she wanted—celibate, engaged or married. Men paid special attention whenever she was around. Her short, flirty boy cut drew atention to her oval-shaped eyes, and her pecan complexion had a soft, natural glow. Makayla landed a position at Springs Park Elementary School fresh out of university, and later that year Desiree joined the staff. Her quirky sense of humor and their mutual love of Jackie Brown movies bonded them instantly.

      Makayla eyed Desiree through the mirror. “Like you don’t have enough men beating down your condo door.”

      “A single woman can never have too many options.” Wiggling her hands under Makayla’s nose, she said, “Do you see any rings on these fingers?”

      “But you said you’re not ready to get married.”

      “I’m not, but it would be nice if Elliot proposed.”

      Desiree had been dating Elliot Parker for three years, and even after all of that time Makayla couldn’t figure out what the attraction was. The corporate pilot was ultraconservative, reticent and, quite frankly, boring. Last Saturday, at Desiree’s birthday party, he didn’t say more than five words the entire night. Makayla didn’t care much for the man, but as long as he treated her friend well she had no complaints.

      “Twinkie, you’re too picky. Stop being so hard on these men.” Brandi put a hand on Makayla’s shoulder. “You don’t want to wake up one morning and realize all you have for company are stray cats, do you?”

      “How many times do I have to tell you to quit calling me Twinkie?” Feigning anger, she spread her hands out at her sides. “I lost sixty pounds, remember?”

      Brandi stuck out her tongue. “Show-off!”

      The two women had been friends since high school, and aside from Makayla’s weight loss, little had changed between them. Every time Makayla thought about how they met, she cringed. It was her first day at Lincoln High and she couldn’t have asked for a better day. She had a light schedule, made a friend in biology class and her sandals were holding up just fine. Her mom had given her enough money to buy a back-to-school dress, but she’d decided not to press the issue by asking for new shoes, too.

      Makayla was shuffling through the cafeteria holding a food tray when she felt her right heel give way. Within seconds, she was sprawled out on the slick tile floor. Cream-of-mushroom soup dribbled down her cheek, gravy-soaked French fries stuck to her sundress and her bare legs were smeared with vanilla pudding.

      A riot broke out across the room. Kids chortled until tears coursed down their cheeks. Some pointed, others made faces and a few chucked food. Horrified, Makayla tried to flee but every time she tried to stand up, she slid back down. Sobbing uncontrollably, she prayed one of the kind-hearted cafeteria ladies would come to her aid. But it wasn’t Ms. Fletcher or Ms. Petroski who came to her rescue. It was a chubby girl with beaded braids and crooked teeth. The girl pulled her up and practically carried her out of the cafeteria. Her savior introduced herself as Brandi Thomas, wiped her tears and cleaned her up. On the way home, Brandi stopped at the grocery store and bought a tub of Rocky Road ice cream. That had sealed their near twenty-year friendship.

      “Where to?” Desiree asked as they exited the locker room and proceeded through the studio. Grunts, wails and groans permeated the air. The 7:30 p.m. self-defense class had started, and eighteen sweaty bodies in a tight space made for one putrid smell.

      “Somewhere where I can get drunk,” Brandi said with a smirk. “After the week I’ve had, I need some hard liquor, a foot rub and some jazz.”

      Brandi was a marketing director at a Fortune 500 company, and had been in a committed relationship with her live-in boyfriend, Jamaal, for years. A free, gregarious spirit, she was open to doing anything as long as it was entertaining.

      Makayla laughed. “Well, I don’t know about the foot rub, but Bourbon Blue has a live band and cheap cocktails after six.”

      “Naw, it’s always so crowded there. Let’s go to Zeke’s,” Desiree suggested, pushing open the front door. Outside, it was a cold but clear September evening. A gentle breeze ruffled the trees. “I could really go for their chicken-and-rib platter.”

      Brandi nodded. “Sounds good to me!” Since the restaurant was only a few blocks away, the three women piled into her green Chevy Blazer.

      Desiree clicked on her seat belt. “Makayla, did you leave work early? I came by your class but you weren’t there.”

      “I was on phone with Mrs. Blake. She was yelling so loud I probably didn’t hear you knocking.”

      “Is that woman still giving you a hard time?” Brandi asked.

      Glancing out the window, Makayla said, “Veronika Blake makes the Wicked Witch of the West look like Mami from The Young and the Restless.”

      Laughter erupted from the front seat.

      Makayla didn’t join in her girlfriends’ laughter. Mrs. Blake had Principal Gibson wrapped around her finger and she questioned Makayla’s ability to teach every chance she got. Mrs. High-and-Mighty was making her life miserable, and it infuriated Makayla that she wasn’t getting more support from administration. “Terrance pulled the fire alarm and she blamed me for not keeping an eye on him! Said if I had been watching him he wouldn’t have gotten into trouble.”

      “Is he really that bad?” Brandi wanted

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