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her ear with her finger to block out the noise around her, she listened intently to what Sean had to say. Never before had a man made her feel this way, so special and desirable. He spoke about missing her, about how anxious he was to see her again, and it took everything in her not to confess her true feelings. Robyn pictured him sitting inside his office with his feet propped up on his desk and smiled at the sexy image scrolling through her mind.

      “Did you get the roses?”

      Robyn nodded her head, though he couldn’t see her. “Yes, I did, and they’re beautiful. I was going to call to thank you, but I didn’t want to disturb you.”

      “You could never disturb me. Talking to you is the highlight of my day.”

      Excited by his words, she rested a hand on her stomach to calm the butterflies within.

      “I’m making you dinner tonight,” he announced, his tone full of confidence and bravado. “Be at my place at seven o’clock.”

      Robyn could think of nothing else she’d rather do, but going to Sean’s house for dinner was out of the question. She racked her brain for the perfect excuse. Since yesterday, she’d been telling one lie after another, but what choice did she have? If she told Sean the truth—he’d be upset, and Robyn didn’t want to lose his friendship. “I wish I could, but I, uh, can’t. My car’s in the shop, and it won’t be ready until next week—”

      Robyn broke off as her gaze fell across the couple walking on the pathway. Damn. Could this day get any worse? Apparently so, because Sean’s parents, Kurt and Ilene Parker, were headed straight for her. They had lunch at the resort every week, so seeing them shouldn’t have affected her, but it did. She had to remind herself they had no idea she was talking to their estranged son.

      The Parkers were an attractive couple who reeked of wealth and class. Ilene had delicate features, reddish-brown hair and a slender physique that belied her age. Her husband had salt-and-pepper hair and mustache. Kim favored her mother, right down to the way they walked, and the resemblance between Sean and his father was striking.

      “I have to go,” she said, anxious to get off the phone. She couldn’t risk the Parkers overhearing her conversation with Sean, not when they were still furious at him for quitting his job. “I have to get back to work.”

      “I’m not letting you go until you agree to dinner.”

      Oh, yes, you are. Robyn thought, trying to squelch her growing sense of fear. She was supposed to be in her office, planning the Dunham Foundation gala, not flirting with Sean—a guy she had no business talking to. She reminded herself that he was a player who collected women like trophies, and Robyn was better off alone than sharing him with someone else.

      “I won’t take no for an answer, so you might as well give in now,” Sean insisted.

      Before she could respond, Ilene Parker caught her eye.

      “Hello, Robyn,” Ilene said with a friendly wave. “If you’re not too busy I’d like to have a word with you about Kim’s bridal shower.”

      Robyn’s pulse quickened, and her stomach coiled into knots as the couple approached. Feeling trapped, she did something she knew would make Sean mad. She hung up the phone, greeted the Parkers warmly and followed them back inside the resort.

       Chapter 4

      Sean stood inside the kitchen of the SP Grill, staring at his iPhone, at a loss for words. Had Robyn just hung up on him? He wanted to call her back, but his pride wouldn’t let him. He was a Parker, and Parker men didn’t beg. Not even for hazel-eyed beauties like Robyn Henderson.

      Sean put his cell phone on the counter, scooped up the mail and plopped down on a wooden stool. He’d connect with Robyn later, after he finished his paperwork, and hopefully, she’d be in a better mood when they spoke. Sean wasn’t used to her being cold and abrupt with him and wondered if his sister had anything to do with Robyn’s odd behavior.

      Yawning, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Since he’d arrived at the restaurant that morning at 6:00 a.m., he’d been running from one appointment to the next, and it was the first time he’d taken a break. These days, Sean was busier than ever, but he wouldn’t trade his twelve-hour work schedule for anything. He was excited that his dreams of owning a restaurant were finally a reality—even if it meant losing sleep. When he wasn’t training his staff, he was ordering supplies, overseeing food deliveries and selecting artwork and furniture for the restaurant. His work was never done, and more times than not, he crashed on the couch in his office. But what choice did he have? He couldn’t afford to fail. If he did, he would be finished in this town.

      He’d never failed at anything, had always pushed himself to be the best; Parkers always did. His worries intensified, and try as he might, he couldn’t shake his doubts. Would his grand opening be a success? Would the food critic from the LA Times give the SP Grill a favorable review? And most important, would his family show up? Deep down, Sean wanted them to, even if it was just for appearance’s sake, but he wasn’t holding his breath. They’d let him down before, and he’d be a fool to put his hope in them. Not after everything that had happened since he quit the Belleza.

      He felt a sharp pain stab his chest. Yesterday, when he’d had lunch with Robyn, he’d pretended he didn’t give a damn about his family, but the truth was that he was miserable without them. He was disappointed in his parents, pissed at Kim for betraying him, but they were his flesh and blood, and life just wasn’t the same without them. Thankfully, he still had his younger brother, Ryan. Though he and his musician brother didn’t talk often, Sean knew if he ever needed him Ryan would be there in a heartbeat, no questions asked.

      Just like Robyn. He glanced down at his cell phone, hoping she’d sent him a text message explaining her behavior, but no such luck. Sean had his restaurant, his friends and an active social life, but he still felt as if there was something missing. Or rather, someone. For years, he’d secretly lusted over his sister’s best friend, but it was never the right time to make his move. But that was about to change. Kissing Robyn at her condo that fateful night then in the restaurant parking lot yesterday confirmed it—she had feelings for him, too.

      A grin claimed his lips. The realization made him feel proud, happier than the richest man in the world. Finally, after years of playing the field, he’d found someone special, a woman who’d captured his heart with just one kiss. Because of the earlier, drunken episode, Sean had to convince Robyn he didn’t think of her as a “booty call,” because she wasn’t.

      Before they could start a relationship, he had to help Robyn overcome her fears, had to prove that he could be trusted with her heart.

      His mind wandered, returned to the night he’d argued with his parents and found solace in Robyn’s arms. None of his ex-girlfriends could hold a candle to her, and now that they’d reconnected, he wouldn’t let Kim come between them. Who cares what my family thinks? Our relationship is none of their business. It was bad enough she’d stolen the resort from him; he’d be damned if he let her ruin his chance with Robyn, too. She was unique, as rare as a ten-carat diamond, and Sean wanted the chance to prove he was the right man for her.

      “Here they are! Hot off the presses!”

      Sean watched his assistant manager, a petite spitfire named Jolene Warren, march into the kitchen, waving a green piece of paper in the air. Taking it from her outstretched hand, he peered at the new menu.

      “Isn’t it great?” she asked excitedly. “It was printed on recycled paper, totally affordable, and the intricate designs on the bottom of the page really make the SP Grill logo pop.”

      Sean assessed the prototype with a critical eye and realized he didn’t like anything about it. It looked cheap, like something you’d see at a roadside diner, and the color scheme was hideous.

      “How many menus do you want printed? Two or three hundred?”


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