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remembered the look on Mick’s face when she’d ordered him to put his daughter down. It would have been funny if it hadn’t been so pathetic. Well, she’d just have to run the other way if she saw him. She was thankful that he hadn’t seemed to recognize her. Maybe he wasn’t aware of her teenage crush, or he had forgotten how she’d hung on his every word. She hoped.

      Serenity Bay looked the same as it always did after the summer cottagers had gone back to the city. Barrels of flowers still burgeoned with cascading blossoms, fairy lights hung from red-gold maples in the town square, a few balloons clung limply to the lamppost outside the ice-cream shop. The welcome banner still stretched across the main road.

      The biggest difference was the abundance of empty parking spaces on either side of the narrow streets.

      Ashley pulled in front of the Coffee Pot. Through the huge glass windows she could see Mrs. Masters, her round face as unlined as it had always been. A spurt of warmth bubbled up at the welcome Ashley knew she’d find inside. She pulled open the café door with a flutter of excitement.

      “Ashley? Ashley Adams, is that you?” Strong arms pulled her close, enveloping her in a cloudy aroma of yeasty bread and summer’s last roses. After a minute, Mrs. Masters drew back, peered into her face. “My goodness dear, you look like a New York model. If it wasn’t for those big gray eyes of yours I’m not sure I would have recognized you.”

      They chatted for a few minutes. Mrs. Masters insisted she share a cup of freshly brewed coffee and a piece of fresh apple pie which Ashley picked at.

      “Is there something wrong?” her hostess asked, frowning at the mangled pie. “You used to like my apple pie.”

      “No. It’s delicious. And I still do. I’m just not very hungry, I guess.”

      “You really need to take care of yourself, my dear. You’re so thin. And there are dark circles under your eyes.”

      “I was in an accident. I guess it’s taking longer to heal than I thought.” She smiled to ease the other woman’s concern. “I’m going a little stir crazy just sitting around at Piper’s. It was very kind of her to invite me, but I’m used to being active and Serenity Bay isn’t exactly buzzing at this time of year.”

      “A museum or something—wasn’t that where you worked?”

      “Actually an art gallery,” Ashley corrected. “But I’m not there anymore.”

      “No, I don’t imagine you’re up to working after crashing a race car.” Her eyes twinkled. “All right, I’ll confess. I had heard about the accident. Remember, there are no secrets in a small town.” Mrs. Masters paused, tapped one finger against her bottom lip. “I wonder.”

      “What are you wondering?” Ashley murmured, then questioned whether she should have asked. Mrs. Masters was a busybody—a nice one, but a busybody all the same.

      “The art teacher up at the high school was in for dinner last night, bemoaning the fact that the school board can’t afford to provide the students access to galleries to see the new styles today’s artists use. She’s got some creative souls in that class who she thinks would flourish if they could just have their interest piqued. I don’t suppose you still carry around your slide collection?”

      Ashley nodded. “Yes, I do. In fact, they’re in my car. I brought them specifically to show Rowena when she was here for Labor Day. We had some wonderful things come through the gallery this summer and you know how she loves to scout out unusual pieces for those landscapes she designs.”

      “Yes, I do. I also think I know some high school kids who’d appreciate seeing those slides.” Mrs. Masters scanned Ashley from head to foot, nodding. “One look at you and I know they’d sit up and listen. You are what they aspire to be. Talented, gorgeous, smart, interesting.”

      “Me?” Ashley raised one eyebrow. “I don’t even have a job at the moment.”

      “That’s not important right now. Your health is what matters most. But if you’re bored, helping at the school might fill your day.” Mrs. Masters pulled out a pad of paper and a pen. “Take this to the school. Jillian Tremaine is the teacher’s name. Tell her I sent you.”

      Three men pushed through the doors of the coffee shop. Ashley gave them a quick check, her heart racing. Nope. Not him.

      “You’ve got customers. I’d better go.” But Ashley couldn’t leave until she’d learned what she really needed to know. “How is your family, Mrs. Masters?”

      “We’re all fine. My girls have moved to the east coast for their jobs but Michael’s back in town. He lives below the ridge with his daughter. She’s a darling.” A fond smile tilted her generous mouth.

      “I didn’t know he’d married.” Understatement of the year.

      “Yes, but he’s single now. Tati is a godsend.” Her eyes lit up. “We love that little sweetheart so much.”

      “I’m sure.”

      Mrs. Masters’s attention wavered to her now-seated customers.

      “Excuse me, dear. I’ve got to get back to work. You be sure to talk to Jillian.” She patted her shoulder absently. “I hope you’re feeling better soon.”

      “Thanks for the pie.”

      “Oh, pfui! You take care of yourself.”

      Ashley waggled her fingers and left, mulling over the idea of showing her slides. A few hours a week at the high school—it might just keep her busy enough to prevent getting involved in Piper’s winter festival plans.

      Not that Ashley had anything against a winter festival in Serenity Bay. Her father had been part of a group who’d self-published a community history book on the trappers, hunters and fishermen who’d originally settled the bay. Piper’s plan to resurrect some of those old skills into a modern-day festival sounded like loads of fun.

      But Ashley wasn’t ready to tie herself down here. Not yet. Not since a tiny sprite with black curly hair had demanded to be free, stopping her heart and reminding her that the past wasn’t dead and buried.

      Her focus shifted to what Mrs. Masters had said about Mick. So he’d been married. Hardly surprising given that half the tourist girls that had visited the Bay every summer went gaga over Mick’s bad-boy grin and heart-melting winks. Ashley had come back to visit her father every summer after her parents had split, and her fifteenth summer had been spent hoping and praying Mick would notice her.

      It had never happened.

      Mick never chose one female over another. He preferred hanging out with a group of friends—both boys and girls. Of course she’d never really been part of his set. He was three years older for one thing. And employed. While she’d played with Piper and Rowena, Mick had helped out his dad in the garage and his mother in her coffee shop. Then one summer Ashley arrived to find he’d left the Bay. She’d never seen him again.

      Until the other day at the apple tree when she’d let the past intrude.

      She was more certain than ever that Michael had probably never noticed her gaping at him from afar. Good thing, because it meant she wouldn’t feel doubly embarrassed if she met up with him again.

      Which she had absolutely no intention of doing.

      Ashley started the car, shifted into first and headed toward the school.

      “I can’t tell you how relieved I am that Mrs. Masters asked you to talk to me.” Jillian Tremaine pressed a hand to her upsweep, pushing a pin in place.


      “I’ve been at my wits’ end trying to get these kids interested in expressing themselves with visual arts. Unless it has to do with computers they tune out, you know. And somehow the curriculum books just don’t cut it. But you and your slides—” She smiled. “They’re going to enjoy their

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