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happy with this new thorn in his backside but he didn’t have to be a bastard. Rather than opening the trailer, he stowed the bag on the truck’s backseat. Lexy watched for a moment, probably making sure he hadn’t tossed her things in the bushes. Then she went around to the passenger side.

      He followed her in case she needed help getting into the cab. The step-up wasn’t easy for someone short. She just stood there as if making the climb was too much for her, and he revisited the notion that she might be playing him. Trying to gain his sympathy while she dug in her claws. But then he saw that she’d only stopped to take off her blazer.

      She turned her head and caught him eyeing her flat belly and jutting breasts. “Did you need something?”

      “You want help getting up there?” he asked, motioning with his chin.

      Draping the jacket over her arm, she inspected the step-up. “I think I’ll be fine.” She flashed him a smile. “But thank you.”

      He managed to get behind the wheel before she settled into her seat, and tried not to notice the lacy pink bra exposed by the gap in her blouse. “It’s not too late,” he said, looking straight ahead and turning the key. “You can still fly to Houston and I’ll meet you there.”

      “No, I think we should stick to our plan.”

      Our plan, his ass. His first choice had been to drop her off at the airport. Second, he’d suggested she keep the rental and follow him. But no, she’d insisted on sticking as close as possible. And when he’d told her he wouldn’t negotiate, she’d threatened him. Asked him if he could afford being hit with a lawsuit for breach of contract.

      Oh, she’d looked contrite as all get-out, explained it wasn’t her decision. Personally, she would never take legal action against him. He still wasn’t sure he believed her. His brother would be able to advise him. Though Doug hadn’t done such a bang-up job on the contract terms. And with all the money Tanner had doled out for law school. Yeah, that pissed him off.

      As soon as he’d gotten them on the highway, he glanced over at her. “You really think your company would sue me?”

      “I don’t know. Probably.” She turned to look out her window. “They have quite an impressive legal department.”

      “You always say they. You’re a Worthington. Isn’t it your company, too?”

      Her smile seemed forced. “My father runs The Worthington Group.”

      “Not fond of the old man, huh?”

      “That’s not true.” She shot him a withering look. “Why would you say such a thing?”

      Tanner set cruise control and leaned back. “Your body language.”

      “Pay attention to the road and not me.”

      He laughed when she flapped a hand, motioning for him to move the arm he’d stretched out behind her head, even though he wasn’t touching her. “Okay, sore subject. I get it. I’m not fond of my old man, either.”

      “I didn’t say— I’m not engaging in this conversation with you.” She folded her arms across her chest, hiding the gap...and pink bra. “Oh, wait, I don’t have to explain. You being such an ace at body language.”

      “You need something in that belly of yours. Maybe some food will give you a more pleasing disposition.”

      Lexy slid him a long look. “I’m fine. We need to make use of the daylight.” She took out her phone and started working away. “I assume I won’t have internet the whole time we’re on the road. Do you have a map?”

      “What for?”

      “Um, the usual purpose. Figure out where we’re going.”

      Tanner smiled. “Don’t you worry. I know exactly where we’re headed.”

      And she damn sure wasn’t gonna like it.


      A BUMP WOKE LEXY. She opened her eyes but it was already dark, not even a hint of moonlight to help her get her bearings. The truck had been a surprisingly smooth ride but she felt the uneven change in the road and guessed they’d left the highway.

      “Where are we?” She saw a blurry glow up ahead. “Is that the trailer park?” She picked up her phone from where she’d dropped it on her lap, held it up and flipped on her Bic app.

      Tanner swung a sharp look at the flickering light. “Is that—you’ve got to be kidding.”

      “What?” The truck’s headlights bounced off trees and shrubs flanking the narrow stretch of road. Gasping, she clutched her armrest when a reflective pair of eyes appeared directly in front of them.

      Tanner protectively flung his arm out as he slammed the brakes. Her upper body lurched forward in spite of her fastened seat belt. They stopped short of hitting the startled doe, but it took Lexy a few moments to calm down from the near miss. And the fact that her breasts were pressed against Tanner’s muscled arm.

      She touched his hand. “I’m all right. Thanks.”

      His alert gaze had remained on the deer, who still hadn’t moved. He slowly turned his head, saw the problem and lowered his arm. “She’s got her baby with her,” he said, returning his attention to the animal.


      “Right there next to that juniper tree.” He leaned close, using his chin to guide her. “That fawn isn’t more than a few weeks old.”

      Seconds later her vision adjusted to the murky shadows that hid the little one. “Oh, she’s adorable.” A sick feeling threatened to ruin the moment. “We almost killed her mother.”

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