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shook her head for emphasis. They’d had this discussion at dinner. Oddly, she wasn’t half as concerned about someone catching them in the buff as she was about swimming in the dark.

      “We haven’t seen anyone since we got here.”

      “It’s not just that.” She paused. The ocean was still a mystery to her. And in the dark? Forget it. He wouldn’t understand. “Go on,” she said. “I’ll be waiting to wrap you in a nice warm towel.” The thought of him stripping made her hot. Made her mouth dry. Oh, yeah, she liked where this was going. “Really, take a quick dip. I don’t mind.”

      “Not without you.”

      “Then who would be waiting with the towel?”

      His teeth gleamed in the moonlight. “You’re trying to get me naked.”

      “Yes, I am,” she said boldly, then ruined it by giggling.

      “Hell, sweetheart, you only had to say the word.”

      Lindsey pressed her lips together to keep from blurting out something stupid. In the quiet, she heard a dog bark. “Oh, shoot.”


      “I think someone’s coming.”

      “Uh, a dog?”

      “Someone might be walking the dog,” she said in a hushed defensive voice, while straining to see in the murky light. The beach seemed clear on both sides, and she relaxed again. “Satisfied?”

      “I’m not the one getting naked.”

      “Oh, c’mon.”

      She smiled at the laughter in his voice, and briefly closed her eyes at the warm kiss he pressed to the side of her neck. He didn’t stop there, but dragged his lips to her earlobe, then to her temple.

      “You’re tense,” he murmured, and used his tongue along the shell of her ear. His hand cupped the front of her shoulder, applying pressure.

      “Oh—” Surprised by the unexpected maneuver, she started when he urged her to lie back.

      But he was gentle, guiding her down, making sure she landed easily. The towel she’d wrapped around her shoulders fell open, but warm now, she didn’t need it. She stared up into his shadowed face, then past him to the dark glittering sky. “I’m amazed we can see so many stars being this close to Waikiki.”

      “It’s even better on the north shore.” He drew back, and balanced himself on his elbows, his face turned toward the sky. “No light pollution from high-rises where I live.”

      She smiled. “You’ve already sold me. I really do want to go see your place.”

      “People who come here and stay in Waikiki their whole vacation have not seen Hawaii.”

      “A woman I worked with told me I needed to go to the other islands. Maui and Kauai, I think?”

      He corrected her pronunciation, putting more emphasis on the vowels, then added, “Yep, Kauai especially. Maui’s gotten too commercial for my taste, though there are still some awesome places like Haleakala and Hana. Even here on Oahu a lot of spots would blow you away they’re so green and beautiful and untouched.”

      “I’ve seen pictures.”

      “Not the same.”

      The passion in his voice fueled her excitement. “I’ve always wanted to see a waterfall.”

      “I know the perfect place. Do you like to hike?” He changed positions to lie on his side, facing her. “The mountains here seem to go on forever,” he said, and casually splayed a hand on her belly. “If you’re adventurous enough, you can still find places no one’s ever been.”

      It always caught her off guard when he touched her. Her family weren’t huggers. Even as a kid she was rarely patted on the head or kissed on the cheek.

      “I’m not very athletic,” she warned, in case he had some foolish idea they’d go backpacking into the clouds. It looked fun, even romantic on the big screen. And it so wasn’t going to happen. Not for her. “I haven’t made time to exercise in ages. I’m sure you’ve already figured that out,” she muttered as an aside.

      He lifted his head. “How would I know that?” He ran his palm up her belly over her rib cage, stopping just below her breasts. “I’m not getting that impression. Maybe I should explore further.” He’d slid his hand beneath the hem of her top before her addled brain could register his intention.

      “What are you doing?”

      “Really?” he said with a laugh.

      “Shut up.”

      She acknowledged the sudden throb of longing in her chest, resentful of the barriers between them.

      She shuddered when his fingers slipped inside a silk cup and grazed the sensitive puckered flesh of her right breast.

      He dipped his head, briefly kissed her lips. “Do you want me to make love to you here?” he asked in a low sexy murmur that seemed to dance along her nerve endings. He caressed her nipple, plucking lightly at it until she’d arched her back.

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