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she put her Sweet Susie’s apron on over her head and tied it behind her back. She was right on schedule and after the timer pinged, she donned oven mitts and pulled out the first two dozen muffins, setting the pans to cool on racks. Her next creation was made with cranberries and cheese. The coffeecake-like muffin wasn’t too sweet and a favorite at three local coffeehouses where she made deliveries. Once she set them to bake, she dipped her finger into the mixing bowl for a taste test. “Yum.”

      By the time six-thirty rolled around, she’d baked twelve dozen pastries. Cupcakes and muffins cooled on the counters and tabletops all over the house. Bowls and utensils filled the sink and dots of batter littered the linoleum floor. She stepped carefully. Cleanup didn’t come until after she made her deliveries. She sipped from her coffee mug and began placing the pastries inside a Sweet Susie’s cake box.

      Barking sounds rang out on the quiet street. She knew that bark. Susie moved to the kitchen bay window and gazed out. Charger and his owner jogged by. On short stubbly legs, the puppy was trying his darnedest to keep up with Casey’s long purposeful strides. It was no match. The pup’s five-foot leash was stretched to its limit. Casey finally slowed to a walk, allowing the puppy time to catch his breath.

      Susanna caught her own breath. Casey was dressed in a sleeveless tank top and jogging pants. Golden brown and muscled like a pro athlete, he wasn’t hard on the eyes. Her friend Mindy would call him eye candy. With dark blond locks tied back and his skin moist and glistening, he strode confidently along the sidewalk as he cooled down.

      She stood immobilized, fascinated by Casey Thomas. What else was new?

      When he reached the front of his house, Susie was ready to turn back to her work. But he stopped and angled his head toward her kitchen window. Deep baby blues zeroed in on her, meeting her unflinching stare. Geesh! She didn’t have the nerve or good sense to turn away. He grinned and waved, mouthing “Good morning.” His smile did ridiculous things to her. A knot formed in her throat and she swallowed past it to wiggle her fingers his way.

      She stepped away from the window, reminding herself she had a business to run. She couldn’t go around lusting after Casey, of all men. Or losing sleep over him.

      After putting the finishing touches on her pastries, she entered Ally’s bedroom. She was just waking and Susie whispered, “Good morning, Muffin. Time to get up. We have deliveries to make.” Susanna bent to kiss her forehead and ruffle her curls.

      Ally darted her gaze around the room and in those first few seconds, curious fear entered her eyes, before she realized where she was. One day she’d wake up and not have to remind herself that her mother was gone, and that her life would never be the same. Susanna prayed that day would come soon. Ally was young enough to acclimate to new surroundings. Susanna had met with a psychologist before taking Ally in and learned that a regular routine and stability were the keys in her acceptance of the situation. She needed no more surprises or traumatic experiences in her young life. She had to feel secure.

      “Ready to get dressed? I saved two vanilla cupcakes for you. I have lots and lots of frosting leftover too. Would you like to frost them?”

      Ally’s eyes widened and she smiled, pushing her covers off and hopefully the sad memories, too. “What flavors?”

      “You have a choice of cherry chip or chocolate marshmallow.”

      “Chocolate marshmallow!”

      “Okay, then. Chocolate marshmallow it is.”

      Susanna hoisted Ally off the bed and set her down. The little girl wiggled herself out of her nightdress and Susanna helped her get her arms through the sleeves of a purple and white Sweet Susie’s logo T-shirt. Jeans came on next and then socks. Ally slipped her feet into well-worn hot pink Velcro tennis shoes all by herself. “Good girl. We’re almost all set. Let’s go wash your face and hands and comb your hair. Then we’ll have breakfast and do some frosting.” Ally raced to the bathroom and after she was cleaned up, they went to the kitchen.

      Shortly after breakfast, a light knocking on the front door disrupted Susanna’s muffin count for the last box. She slid a glance out the kitchen window and wrinkled her nose. “Casey,” she muttered.

      Darn. She had to open the door. He knew she was home. She kept her curtains open to let in early morning sunshine and anyone who was looking could see her bustling about the kitchen.

      Sliding her palms down her apron and straightening her ponytail, she made her way to the entrance. “I’ll answer the door, sweetie,” she said to Ally, who was busy licking chocolate marshmallow frosting off her fingers. “Not too much now. Just one bite of the cupcake.” Her mothering skills needed polishing, but at least Ally finished all of her oatmeal this morning before she got her treat.

      Susanna took a deep breath, and then gave the door a gentle yank. She came face-to-face with Casey.

      “Mornin’,” he said, his gaze instantly darting to the lettering on her apron. Sweet Susie’s...Tasty Pastries and More.

      “Hello.” Clean-shaven this morning, his hair combed back, his eyes the deepest azure blue she’d ever seen, he wore a seriously gorgeous beige Armani suit. Wow. He hardly looked like the rough and tumble rodeo rider she’d grown up with. He gestured with his index finger. “What’s the more?”

      “The more? Oh, on the apron? I do cakes and all kinds of desserts, really.”

      “Keeping your options open?”

      “Yes, I suppose...it makes good business sense.”

      “But your specialty is muffins and cupcakes?”

      “That’s right.”

      “I can smell your baking from my house.” He lifted his nose and took a whiff. “Smells amazing, Susanna.”

      “Thank you. I...uh, would you like a muffin or two?” If only her mother hadn’t drilled good manners into her. Last night, she’d felt like a heel seeing him come home with a bag of take-out from Burgers-N-Stuff. They weren’t the best burgers in town. Because he was Audrey’s brother, and for no other reason, she should have offered to bring him supper on his first night back in town. She glanced at her watch. She was fine on time. “I have to load up soon to make my deliveries but you’re welcome to come in for a few minutes.”

      Say no. Say you have urgent business and you have to be on your way.

      “Love to.”


      He reached for the screen door and Susanna turned around and began walking. “The kitchen’s a big mess right now. I clean up after I make deliveries.”

      As they entered the kitchen, Ally saw Casey and she came forward, peering curiously at him.

      “Hi, Ally,” he said, bending to her level and softening his voice. “Hey, I like your shirt. Do you help Aunt Susie with baking?”

      She nodded. “I frosteded two cupcakes.”

      “That’s real nice.” Casey pointed to the tip of her freckled nose. “Did you frost your nose, too?”

      She giggled. “No.”

      “Not on purpose,” Susie said.

      Ally wiped her nose and removed the frosting. Her mouth turned down. “Where’s Charger?”

      “Oh, Charger’s at my house right now. He’s doing just fine, taking a nap.”

      “Well deserved,” Susanna said. “You ran him for all he was worth.”

      “Yeah, about that.” Casey rose to face her. “It’s part of the reason I came by.”

      Her eyes shifted away from his direct look and she turned to the cabinet to grab a plate. Keep busy, Susie, and keep pretending nothing happened between the two of you. “It is?”

      “I go jogging just about every morning. It didn’t occur to me that Charger would make such a darn racket in the neighborhood. He

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