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familiar. “What’s your name, son?”

      “I ain’t your son,” the kid spat, “and I don’t have to tell you a damned thing.”

      “Thank God for small favors,” Cody quipped. “If I had a kid like you…” If he had a kid like this boy, he’d be so grateful for a child of his own, it wouldn’t matter what sort of discipline problems arose.

      The boy, looking younger and more frightened by the minute, set his jaw and scowled. “Damned dog.”

      “Yeah—a damned good dog. Thor lets Parker know when somebody’s up to no good—like when someone spray-painted the side of his garage last week. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?”

      “No.” The boy smirked. “I could’ve outrun you, if it weren’t for that stupid dog.”

      “Yeah, yeah.” He hated to admit the kid was probably right. His knee felt as though someone had wedged a grapefruit beneath his skin.

      “Maybe you oughta lay off the doughnuts.”

      Cody’s already stretched temper snapped. “And maybe you ought to lay off with the smart mouth.”

      The kid glared at him, and suddenly Cody remembered where he’d seen him before. He’d been in Nikki’s kindergarten class a few years ago. Dustin Holbrook. Child of an alcoholic mother and a father who’d left shortly after the boy was born, Dustin had been in the foster care system for the better part of his life. Cody hadn’t seen him in a year or two, but if memory served him right, Dustin was eleven. Naturally, he’d grown and changed as he neared puberty. But when Cody looked for it, he could still see the face of the little boy Nikki had taught and cared so much about.

      Dustin’s slight build made Cody feel like a big bully, shoving him along down the street. But the kid refused to walk under his own steam. “You know,” Cody continued, shooting Dustin a smirk of his own, “you might want to be thinking about what your foster parents are going to say when I call them.”

      “How do you know—” Dustin began, then clamped his mouth shut.

      “That you’re in foster care?” Cody gave him a piercing stare. “I know a lot of things, including your name, Dustin.”

      Dustin scuffed his toe against the ground as they walked. “Big deal. My foster parents will ground me for a couple of days, maybe take away my video games. Who cares?”

      “You’ve got a lot more to worry about than having your video game privileges revoked.”

      “What do you mean?” Dustin tried to hide behind his air of bravado, but he looked worried.

      “You’re going to juvie.”


      NIKKI TURNED INTO the driveway, with mixed emotions at being home. The three weeks she’d been gone had felt like an eternity. Her pulse picked up speed as she parked in front of the garage. Cody’s squad car was in the driveway. She hadn’t talked to him for a couple of days. The fact that he had kept in touch with her on the drive to and from Tennessee showed he still cared. Yet her stomach churned at the thought of walking through the front door to face him. She wondered if he’d made up his mind about moving in with Jordan.

      “One way to find out,” Nikki mumbled. She climbed from behind the wheel of her Saturn and retrieved her luggage from the trunk. Suitcases in hand, she strode up the front walk, frowning. She’d thought Cody would at least come outside when he heard her pull in. It wasn’t like him not to help her with her luggage. The house was quiet and empty when she unlocked the door and pushed it open. Not even Max came to greet her. Which meant one thing. Cody was out on a ride. He often took off for hours on one of the horses when something was on his mind.

      Nikki carried her suitcases upstairs to their room. Ignoring how empty it seemed without him, she began to unpack. She couldn’t stand to leave things in a mess when she traveled. Had to unpack right away, before she could allow herself to relax.

      As she sorted through her clothes, hanging the clean, tossing the dirty into a pile to be toted to the bathroom hamper, Nikki glanced out the second-story window of the ranch house. It offered a view of the mountains, which encircled the one-hundred-year-old house like a lover’s embrace. For as far as the eye could see, the lush, gold-green pasture stretched out behind the ranch, rising to meet public BLM land beyond. There the grass gave way to sagebrush, and the ground grew rocky as flat became hills and hills became mountains. Aspen and blue spruce dotted the distance with color, and somewhere out there Nikki imagined her husband rode, lost in thoughts of his own.

      On an impulse, she abandoned her unpacking. No matter what their differences, she’d missed Cody, and she didn’t want to wait one more minute to see him. She’d stalled, putting off the return home for far too long. Whatever their marriage had come to, she needed to stop running from it. She traded her shorts and blouse for jeans and a T-shirt, her sandals for socks and cowboy boots.

      Minutes later, she made her way to the eight-stall barn, white with blue trim, that stood behind the house. Armed with a halter, lead rope and a handful of treats, she exited a stall through one of the connecting paddocks and walked out into the pasture. A shrill whistle snagged the attention of the four horses in the distance. Always game for a treat, they raised their heads and cast a hopeful look in her direction. “Come on!” Nikki called. “I’ve got cookies. Come on Cheyenne! Dancer!” She took a step toward them, noting that Cody’s gelding, Raven, was not in the group. Her movement was all the encouragement the horses needed. They trotted briskly toward her, then broke into a lope. She smiled, loving the way their muscles rippled beneath their well-groomed coats. There was nothing more beautiful than a quarter horse in motion.

      She cooed to them as they gathered around, nudging and nuzzling her for their treats. She handed out the oversized alfalfa pellets, then slipped the nylon halter on her favorite mare, Cheyenne. The palomino lowered her head willingly into the noseband, and Nikki buckled the blue halter into place, then led her back toward the barn. The other horses tagged along, hopeful for more treats, and she laughingly commanded them back so she could open the paddock gate and slip through with Cheyenne.

      A short time later, she had the mare saddled. After leading her from the barn, Nikki rechecked the cinch, then swung aboard. She sighed in pleasure at the familiar creak and scent of the leather beneath her, and relished the movement of the powerful golden horse as Cheyenne moved out at a smart walk. Nikki guided her to the trail that led away from the ranch through the hills, glancing at the ground. The pattern of shod hoof marks in the dirt told her Cody had been doing a lot of riding lately.

      Clucking to the palomino, Nikki set off at a lope and was soon rewarded with the sight of a black horse in the distance, trailed by a large German shepherd. Her pulse quickened at the sight of Cody in his cowboy gear. She loved the way he looked when he dressed in his Wranglers, western shirt, boots and cowboy hat. The getup did even more for her than his police uniform, though he looked sexy in that, too.

      A little tug of sadness pulled at her. It would take far more than physical attraction to save their marriage. No matter how strong. She let Cheyenne stretch into a gallop, closing the distance between her and Raven, not slowing to a lope again until Cody turned in the saddle and spotted them.

      The look on his face as she drew close was enough to melt Nikki’s resolve to take things slow and easy. Clearly, he’d missed her every bit as much as she’d missed him.

      Max gave a welcoming bark, and Raven whinnied a greeting to Cheyenne. Cody swung the gelding around to face Nikki, and her mouth went dry.

      “You’re back.” His eyes feasted on her. “I didn’t expect you until tomorrow.”

      “I left Nashville a little sooner than I’d expected.” On the way home from Amanda’s, Nikki had stopped off in the Music City to see the sights. Or so she’d told herself. Truthfully, she’d been afraid. Afraid to go home and find out things were really over between her and Cody. So she’d stalled, which had turned out to be a good thing, since Amanda had joined her

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