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I genuinely care about those children. I would do anything to help them. Anything.” She sat on the ottoman by his chair, leaning over her knees, entreating.

      Something in him wanted to give her whatever she asked for. And, face it, she was offering him a solution to his own dilemma. But this was too important to decide impetuously.

      “How will you feel in a year, or two, or ten? Kelly, I’m not interested in a temporary fix here.”

      “I understand that. I do.”

      In the small, bookshelf-lined room her words echoed like a marriage vow.

      “Mick, you have to understand. I can’t imagine what I’m going to do with my life if you say no. You know I’m suspended from police work. Once the attorney general’s investigation into Danny’s death is completed, I’ll still have to wait out our own internal inquiry and the provincial fatality inquiry.”

      Mick was familiar with the process. Because of objectivity issues, he hadn’t been covering the story in the Leader, but his number-one reporter was doing a thorough job. “How long will it take?”

      “At best six months, assuming the attorney general doesn’t lay criminal charges.” Kelly ran her hands back over her head, pulling her hair tight from her face. “The thing is, even after all this is over, I can’t imagine returning to police work.”

      Her eyes flooded and she bowed her head. Mick didn’t know what to say. Kelly’s pride in being a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police had always been evident. He could imagine his feelings if he had to abandon his journalism career.

      “Maybe in time you’ll feel differently.”

      She turned away from him. “You don’t know how often I’ve heard those words—in time. Never from someone who’s gone through what I have, who’s done what I did. I killed a man. How could I go back to a job that required me to carry a gun?”

      He didn’t know. He also sensed this was hardly the time to suggest an administrative position of some kind. Kelly pleaded a strong case. But unwittingly she’d raised a major obstacle to her plan.

      “Okay, Kelly. Say you leave the force forever when this is finally finished. How will Billy and Amanda feel about being raised by the woman who shot their father?”

      Never mind his position. Marrying the police officer who’d killed his brother. God, he was crazy even to consider the idea.

      “They’re so young, Mick. Would they even understand what happened?”

      How long is forever? “Not really,” he admitted.

      “Besides, we can’t afford to worry about those problems right now. I’m concerned their physical safety is at risk.”

      And so was he. Sharon had probably passed out by now. He should’ve insisted on seeing the children, bundling them over to his house for the night. Friday he would. He’d take the afternoon off work, and tell Sharon she needed a break and he was looking after the kids for the weekend.

      “Let me meet them, see how they react to being around me. Give me a chance, Mick.”

      She wanted this so badly. And he couldn’t take care of the children on his own. Could it be that this was the solution?

      “Let’s do it Friday,” he said, thinking of the phone call he’d have to make to Abby. You were right, he’d tell her. I haven’t been fair to you.

      So was he being fair to Kelly? He didn’t know. But at least he was being honest—they both were—about the reasons for contemplating a union.

      “Do you like pizza?” he asked.

      “I love pizza. And Friday is perfect.”

      “MICK MIZZONI is so gorgeous…”

      The group of them were gathered in the study of the bed and breakfast. Dylan sat at the desk, recording deposits, while Cathleen, Poppy and Kelly ate popcorn around the glowing fireplace.

      “He looks just like a brooding Lord Byron, wouldn’t you say, honey?” Cathleen slouched in a large leather chair, her booted feet propped on the low table in front of her.

      Kelly leaned against the fireplace wall, regretting that she’d raised the subject.

      “Lord who?” Dylan sounded irritable. Cathleen had forgotten to record some check stubs and he was having a devil of a time reconciling the account book with the bank statement.

      “Lord Absolutely Delicious, that’s who.” Cathleen wasn’t concerned by her new husband’s foul mood. “Never mind him,” she said to Kelly. “I was in the same grade as Mick, so I should know. All us girls were crazy about the guy, but he never asked any one of us out. We wondered if…well, you know, if…” She shrugged and glanced at Poppy.

      The elderly woman didn’t even blink. “If he was gay, you mean?”

      “Yes. That’s it, exactly. I’ve heard he spends lots of time in Calgary. Maybe he’s living a double life. Respected journalist by day in Canmore, but wild drag queen by night in—”

      “Knock it off, Cath!” Kelly said. Dylan had stuck his head up from the books long enough to laugh, but she was not amused. “Mick dates women, and yes, most of them have been from Calgary. So what?”

      “I did hear that lately Mick has been dating Abby Stevens, the kindergarten teacher,” Cathleen admitted.

      Not for much longer. Kelly hoped Abby wouldn’t be too disappointed when that new romance fell flat after only a couple of weeks. She felt a little bad for diverting Mick’s interest, but in the long run she was certain it would be to Abby’s benefit. Abby deserved to be married to someone who loved her, not just her child-raising skills.

      And what about you, Kelly? Don’t you want to marry for love one day? The irritating voice that had nagged her since her conversation with Mick last night just wouldn’t shut up.

      Yes, Kelly acknowledged to herself. Love and marriage were what she had once wanted for herself, too. But shooting Danny Mizzoni had changed everything. Especially now that she knew Sharon was pregnant.

      One more life irrevocably affected by the events of that day. That baby would never have the opportunity to know his natural father.

      How could Kelly expect the kind of normal happiness that her actions had denied to others?

      “Why did you bring up Mick, anyway?” Cathleen wondered.

      “Well, it’s just that we’re going out for pizza tomorrow night….”

      “A date?”

      Kelly saw the startled glance that Cathleen and Poppy exchanged. After the first ripple of surprise, Cathleen appeared pleased, while Poppy only seemed puzzled.

      No. It wasn’t a date. More like a job interview. But she couldn’t tell her family that. “Sort of.”

      “Oh, Kelly, that’s great. Just the thing to stop you from moping. Only…” Now Cathleen and Dylan checked in visually with each other. “He doesn’t blame you for his brother’s death, does he?”

      “Cath, your ability to reduce situations to their simplest denominator always astounds me.”

      “I’m sorry. You’re right. That was kind of rude.”

      “But still an issue you’ll need to face if you plan to see much of the man.” Dylan turned off the desk lamp and came to Kelly’s side. “All any of us want is to see you happy. Especially me. What you’ve been going through…it’s all my fault. I know she’d fight me tooth and nail about this, but I shouldn’t have taken Cathleen out to the ranch with me that day.”

      Neither of them should have gone to the ranch. But Kelly had given up arguing that point. She didn’t blame Dylan or Cathleen for what had happened. No one could have predicted

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