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really talk. Except about Zach Lassiter, that was. Strange how he kept coming up in her thoughts and conversations, Sophie mused before pushing him to the back of her mind.

      “I’m feeling just fine, thank you,” Lila said. “Under the circumstances.”

      Sophie could hear the grin that was undoubtedly painted on her friend’s face. She could always tell when Lila had news she was itching to share.

      “Circumstances? C’mon, spill,” she demanded. “I know you too well for you to keep a secret from me for long.”

      “I have news.” Lila chuckled.

      Sophie’s lips twitched into a broad smile. “You and Sam? I knew it! There always were too many sparks between the two of you.”

      “More than sparks, we’re getting married.”

      Sophie let go a shriek of delight, then, remembering where she was, rapidly tried to calm herself. “Congratulations! When?”

      “Last Saturday of the month. We’re having it on the Double H. We just want to keep it simple and low-key.”

      “And your father agreed to that? Low-key really isn’t his style, is it?”

      Lila laughed. “No, you’re right, but I’m standing firm on this. Close friends and family only. Besides, any more than that will probably wear me out, seeing as how I’m pregnant and all.”

      Sophie’s breath caught in her throat as the news sank in. Excitement and sheer joy swelled up within her.

      “Pregnant? Oh my, that was quick. Congratulations again, that’s wonderful news.”

      “Not so quick, actually, I’m just over four months along.”

      “You’ve been holding out on me,” Sophie accused her in a teasing tone. “We’ll need to talk this out face-to-face, I think.”

      “Definitely. Oh—” Lila hesitated for a moment and Sophie heard her draw in a deep breath “—and it’s twins.”

      “Twins! How long have you known?”

      “About the twins? Not all that long, although I have known for a while about being pregnant. I just needed some time to come to terms with it. To sort out in my own mind what I was doing next. It’s part of why I came home last month.”

      Sophie could easily imagine what it was like to face raising a child on her own. Although Lila’s position, both financial and social, was vastly different from what Sophie’s mother’s had been. Lila would never have been short of support, emotional or monetary, which was a luxury Sophie’s mom had never had. She pushed those sad thoughts aside, wanting instead to give her full focus to her friend’s exciting announcement.

      “I’m so very happy for you, Lila. A wedding and twin babies to look forward to? It’s wonderful, wonderful news. You have to let me host your baby shower, please! My mind is already brimming with ideas.”

      “Are you sure it won’t be too much work for you? You’ve got so much on your plate already, especially with your boss still gone.”

      Sophie made a shushing sound to her friend. “Don’t be ridiculous. It would be an honor to host your shower. You just leave it all to me.”

      “Thank you, Sophie.”

      “You’re very welcome. It’s the least I can do for you. So does this mean you’ll be staying in Royal?”

      “Sam’s offered to relocate to L.A. with me, to set up a branch of Gordon Construction there, but we’re holding off making a decision until after the babies are born.” She gave another breathy laugh. “I still can’t believe it. Babies!”

      “It’s going to be amazing,” Sophie reassured her. “But are you sure we’re talking about the same Sam Gordon?”

      Sam had vocalized his thoughts about a woman’s place being in the home on more than one occasion. In fact he’d been one of the most vociferous in opposition to the new child-care center at the Texas Cattleman’s Club when it was initially proposed.

      “Just goes to show even a leopard can change his spots with the right motivation,” Lila answered, and Sophie could hear the happiness ringing through her voice. “So, tell me. You haven’t done anything silly about what we talked about last month, have you? I’m worried about you.”

      Sophie huffed out a small breath and lowered her voice. “To even have an opportunity would be a fine thing. No, don’t worry, I still haven’t been able to do any snooping around Zach Lassiter. I’m quite safe.”

      Their conversation turned to more general matters and after Sophie replaced her handset on the cradle, she took a moment to hug Lila’s exciting news to herself. Her friend had been fiercely independent for so long, had carved a strong career for herself against some pretty tough odds, and now here she was—on the precipice of a whole new adventure in her life. Marriage to a man she clearly loved with all her generous heart, and expecting his babies.

      Truth be told, Sophie felt a little envious of Lila. What would it be like, she wondered, to carry the baby of the man you loved? Without realizing it her eyes strayed to Zach’s closed office door. She shook her head. She wasn’t in love with Zach Lassiter. Of course she wasn’t.

      Sure, she was attracted to him. Majorly attracted to him, even though she had some niggling suspicions that he knew more about Alex’s disappearance than he was letting on. But she didn’t know him. Not really. Certainly not enough to begin contemplating what it would be like to have his child, and certainly not enough to fully trust him. Even so, she couldn’t help wondering what it would be like to be the sole focus of his attention. To feel not only his gaze upon her, but his lips, his hands, his body, as well. Zach stood a good six inches taller than her own five and a half feet and he had a strong build. How he found the time to stay in shape with the hours he spent in the office or out on business calls she didn’t know, but it was easy to see in the way he walked and in the fit of his clothing that he took care of himself.

      She could only begin to imagine what it would be like to trace the outlines of his muscles from shoulder to chest...and lower. Tendrils of heat spread from the pit of her belly and made her insides clench on a surge of need so intense it almost made her gasp out loud.

      Sophie pushed away from her desk and went through to the kitchenette to grab a glass of water. She took a long drink of the chilled liquid, but it did little to quell the turmoil in her body. She was being ridiculous. A woman like her was not Zach Lassiter’s type. She lacked the refinement he’d surely expect in his women. Not that anyone ever saw him out with a woman on his arm. He was as closed and careful about his relationships, if he had them, as he was about everything else in his life.

      It made her wonder again just how much he knew about Alex Santiago’s disappearance. Unlike everyone else, he hadn’t openly speculated on where Alex could be. Did that mean that he knew something and was keeping it secret, even from the police? Sophie shook her head slightly. She didn’t want to contemplate it. Surely Zach wouldn’t withhold vital information from what was now a police investigation.

      Zach appeared in the doorway, a sheaf of papers in his hand and a worried frown on his forehead.

      “Did you w-want me for something?” she asked, her voice a little wobbly.

      An inner groan tore through her. Want her? Like she wanted him? She’d have to work harder to guard her tongue. She turned away to reach for a mug from the cupboard so he wouldn’t see the twin spots of color she just knew would be glowing in her cheeks the way they always did when she was uncomfortable.

      “Yeah, can you come into my office when you’re finished in here? I’ve been going over the pitch we’re sending out for potential investors in the Manson project. I need you to help me fine-tune some things.”

      “Sure, I’ll be there right away. Coffee?”

      “Thanks,” he replied, already walking away.


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