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gravel road. The oversized tires made the journey easily over the rough terrain along the pathway to the clearing. His spirits began to soar when the familiar lineman’s shack came into view. He stopped the truck and climbed out, but didn’t go any further as his gaze took in the landscape, the grove of trees and the stream that ran through the Guthrie property.

      Hundreds of happy memories of summer days he’d spent here with his friend came rushing back. As kids, he and Trevor would ride their horses up here, wade through the stream, even pretend to fight off villains, rustlers and any bad guy on the most-wanted list. They ran races through the field to see who would win the title that summer as the fastest kid.

      Jeff had always won. He was the athletic one. Trevor was the outgoing one, the charmer with animals and people. When it came to girls, Trev had led the way, too. That was how his friend had won Lacey’s heart.

      He turned his attention to the shack. Their hangout. It was different now. What once was nearly falling down had been rebuilt. Trevor had written saying what he’d planned to do.

      Jeff walked across the new porch floor. The door had new hinges, too. Trying the knob, he discovered it was unlocked. Although the inside was dim, there was light coming through the windows.

      “Looks like you did it, Trev,” he whispered into the single-room cabin. “You fixed the place up.”

      Suddenly the emotions were overwhelming. He drew a few breaths and released them slowly as a doctor had once instructed him. Once he’d pulled himself together again, he began to look around.

      A small table and a pair of chairs were placed against one wall, on the other were built-in bunk beds. In the corner was a pot-bellied stove. He walked to the kitchen area to find the same old brass water pump arching over the oversized sink.

      He touched the aged counter, tracing the familiar initials scratched in the wood. Their names, Trevor Guthrie, Jeff Gentry, and then, later, another person had been invited into their sanctum, Lacey Haynes.

      When they’d gone to high school, a new declaration had been carved out: Trevor loves Lacey. Jeff’s finger outlined the heart around their names. The threesome turned into a twosome. Trevor and Lacey never intentionally left him out, but he’d become the third wheel. And he’d found it harder and harder to be around the happy couple. Even dating his own steady girl hadn’t changed his feelings for Lacey. But she’d loved Trevor.

      Jeff had tried to accept it. After a time, he knew he couldn’t stay around. He’d joined the military and was to leave in a few months. It had been a rough summer for all of them, and particularly rocky for the perfect couple. Trevor had asked him to help. Jeff had reluctantly agreed and he’d met Lacey at the cabin. But they hadn’t done much talking.

      Jeff drew a shaky breath; the pain and joy of being with Lacey still tore at him.

      He’d done the unforgivable that day. He’d betrayed his best friend. So the only thing he could do had been to leave and try to forget. He’d heard weeks later of the couple’s wedding.

      So many years had gone by. So many things had happened over those years. He rubbed his thigh absently.

      “What are you doing here?”

      Jeff spun around, nearly losing his balance. He gripped the counter as he looked at the young boy standing in the doorway. The kid’s hat was cocked low, but there was no hiding his anger. There was no doubt at all that he was Trevor’s son.

      “Hi, I’m Jeff Gentry. I used to come here when I was a kid.”

      “This cabin belongs to me and my dad. So you’ve got to leave.”

      “I knew your dad, Trevor.” He nodded. “You must be Colin.”

      The boy ignored him. “He’s dead.”

      “I know and I’m sorry. I’ve been away for a lot of years.”

      Colin’s eyes narrowed. “Dad told me you were in the army, Special Forces. That you’re a hero.”

      Jeff tried not to flinch at the title. “I was just doing my job.”

      Those questioning blue eyes studied him. “Big deal. If you were my dad’s friend, how come you never came to see him?”

      “I was out of the country, serving overseas. As much as I wanted to be here, I had a job to do for the government.”

      The kid remained silent.

      Jeff continued in the awkward stillness. “We wrote back and forth.” That sounded lame, even to him. “I had no idea he was so sick until afterwards. I’m here now, so if I can help you—”

      The kid reared back. “I don’t need your help. ’Cause it’s too late.” Fighting tears, he ran out of the cabin.

      “Wait, Colin.” Jeff started after him, but stopped as he spotted a battered Jeep pull up next to his truck. Lacey Guthrie got out and walked up to her son. She didn’t look happy with him.

      Finally the boy stalked off toward the horse grazing on the grass. The eight-year-old mounted the animal with the ease of a pro, grabbed the reins and reeled him around. Feeling Colin’s kick against his ribs, the horse shot off.

      Lacey closed her eyes and prayed for strength, then she turned around to deal with the intruder at the cabin door.

      Why wasn’t she surprised to find Jeff here? So he wanted to reminisce about the past. Too bad he hadn’t gotten the urge sooner. The one thing Trevor had wanted during those last days was to see his friend. As far as she was concerned she’d never wanted to see him again. She blinked away the sudden rush of tears. Why did he have to come back now?

      She drew a shuddering breath and worked up the courage to speak. “So, Gentry, you finally made it home.”

      He stepped off the porch and made his way across the field. His movement was slow and uneven as he finally reached her. “I got here as soon as I could.”

      She nodded, not wanting to hear another condolence for her loss. “Your parents explained you were out of the country.”

      He cocked his head and held her gaze. His strong jaw showed a trace of his stubbornness, but his brown eyes gave away his softer side.

      And his sexy side. Jeff Gentry had always been the quiet, sexy type. He still was.

      “You have to know, Lacey, I’d have given anything to be here for Trevor.”

      She wasn’t going to cry. “I know, but I’m not happy about your trick this morning.”


      “You could at least have let me know you were back.”

      “Yeah, I should have. I’ve been staying pretty close to home.”

      The Jeff she remembered never gave much away. Now wasn’t much different. “I don’t need your help now, Jeff. I don’t need you to come and rescue me.”

      “Who said I was rescuing you?”

      She folded her arms across her chest. “You’re in the military, Master Sergeant. What do you need with quarter horses?”

      “My time’s up. I’m a civilian now.”

      She couldn’t hide her shock. “I can’t believe it.”

      He glanced away, but she caught a flash of sadness. “Believe it. I’ve given my time to my country. I’m ready for a change.”

      She could see the strain around his eyes. She had a feeling war had taken its toll on him. “Trevor would have loved having you back home.”

      He looked hesitant. “He wasn’t the only one, Lace.”

      She hated that he called her by her nickname. “Logically, I know that…”

      He nodded. “Trevor understood I had a job to do.”

      She turned

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