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      “I remember.” I didn’t forget anything about you, she wanted to say, surprised at the strength of her yearning. Jackson stared back at her as if he had no interest in Shirley McGill, as if the one he wanted sat across from him. Did she read too much into the glint in his eyes, the languid smile, the way his long fingers drummed on the kitchen table as if it took great effort to remain still?

      Finally, she heard the screen door slam. Not a moment too soon, either. She needed a distraction to calm her long-denied emotions.

      Joey came over to her and assumed a position just behind her left shoulder, one hand holding on to the chair her mother sat in. Cat smiled proudly at her. “Sit down, honey. I’ll get you a glass of milk.”

      Joey cast a shy glance at Jackson. “That’s okay. I’m not thirsty.”

      Cat flicked a quick glance at Joey. While her wide eyes betrayed nervousness, and not fear, it was obvious that she didn’t plan on straying far from her mother. Cat looked at Jackson. His open face showed a keen interest in her sprite. “Jackson is Cass Gray’s brother, Joey. You remember Cass, don’t you? She’s married now to a policeman and lives in Minneapolis.”

      “Uh-huh. She’s got red hair, too.”

      “The curse of the Grays,” Jackson quipped.

      “I like red hair,” Joey responded. “I wish I had red hair.”

      Jackson turned his charm on the child. “Your hair is beautiful, Joey. Almost the same color as Cat’s, but maybe a shade lighter.”

      “It’s okay.” Joey edged closer to her mother.

      Cat took a deep breath, her nose wrinkling. “It might be a good idea for you to take a shower, Joey. You smell like a horse.”

      Joey giggled. “I know. I always do and you always say that.”

      Jackson stood up. “I’ll be going, then. Pop will be wondering if I went AWOL. It’s been great talking to you, Cat.”

      She had a sudden urge to keep him there, to say something that would prevent his leaving, but no words came. She nodded, a tightness in her throat stopping any statement she might have made.

      “Nice to meet you, Joey. You’re a crackerjack rider.”

      “Thank you,” Joey responded politely, then grinned at her mother. Though used to being told she was a good rider, hearing those words from a stranger excited her.

      “I’ll see you again before I leave, Cat. Thanks for the coffee.”

      Cat stood and walked with him to the door. A drum-beat of regret pounded at her. She wanted to hold him, to stop him, and at the same time, she wanted him to go quickly before he destroyed the small world she’d built without him.

      He hesitated at the door, turned, leaned casually down and touched her cheek with his lips. “Bye, then.”

      And he was gone. Again.


      JACKSON WROTE THREE LETTERS that night, including a note to Juan telling him about the ranch and a little about Cat Darnell. That surprised him, since he hadn’t planned on even thinking about her, or her midnight hair, or the leggy siren’s body that lied about having a child who must be…what? Six or seven years old. Where was the kid’s father?

      Hadn’t Cat given him a thought after he left Engerville? Not that he’d expected her to carry a torch. After all, love hadn’t been involved in their one night of reckless teenage passion. Still…still, he remembered. Didn’t she?

      It must have been the letter that caused him to dream about her. The dream began before sleep did.

      The moon shining through the truck’s windshield made the night misty, brushing Cat’s face with dewy gold. She wasn’t beautiful, Jackson decided. Cat didn’t have Rebeka Anderson’s even-featured beauty. Rebeka was the girl he’d wanted to take to the prom, not Cat.

      Her green eyes were mesmerizing. He wouldn’t mind kissing her, even if she wasn’t Rebeka. He surely wouldn’t mind one little bit.

      He draped an awkward arm around her shoulders, then asked a clumsy, too-direct question. “You don’t have to be home right away, do you?”

      Her clear gaze turned to him. “Not right away. Why?”

      “I thought maybe we’d drive down to Needlepoint Rock.” He paused, suddenly diffident. The rumbling of the truck wheels on the gravel road nearly drowned out his words. “And count the stars…or something.” Okay, he’d said it. Nobody went to Needlepoint Rock to star-gaze. The Rock was a well-known make-out spot. If she said no, then he’d take her home and say good-night. If she said yes, maybe she wanted something to remember prom night by as much as he did.

      The sound she made was a breathy soft whisper, as if she’d sucked in air too quickly. He almost missed her answer.

      “There’s no reason why Rebeka and Roy should have all the fun.” She stroked back a long dark strand that had drifted away from the rest of her hair.

      Sometimes, it seemed as if she used that thick hair to hide her face when she didn’t want people to know what she felt. He’d noticed that in school. He glanced sideways. She looked down so he couldn’t see her expression. “Goose River is pretty at night when the moon is full.”

      Jackson let his fingertips dangle over her shoulder and very lightly brush the soft skin at the top of her dress.

      Turning right at Elmer Anderson’s farm, Jackson drove down the arrow-straight dirt road to Needlepoint Rock near the band of pine trees along the riverbank. He tried to ignore how his fingertips were getting a little too familiar with Cat’s breasts. It was impossible to ignore the pebble-hard tip that rose to meet his exploring hand.

      Her breath quickened as he parked the truck beneath the shadowed overhanging branches of a towering pine standing sentinel beside the rock.


      “I won’t hurt you, Cat. Any time you want me to stop, just say so.”

      “I’m not afraid, Jackson. Are you?”

      “A little, I guess.”

      Her answer was a silky-smooth arm wrapped around his neck, resting there for a moment, then tugging him closer. He heard her whisper words so soft he had to strain to hear her.

      “I dare you.”

      His nervous laugh sounded scared even to him, but he returned her embrace and let the heat claim him. He had her panties off inside of two minutes, afraid the whole time that she’d change her mind and half-afraid she wouldn’t.

      Clean, crisp air with a springtime chill to it and the pungent scent of pine trees aroused from their winter’s sleep. The damp smell of Goose River swollen with spring rains and rushing between its banks with a noise like a faraway freight train. The heady perfume of Cat’s rose corsage. All became a permanent part of his memory.

      He’d been so wrong. She was beautiful.

      Three times that night he awoke and lay in the narrow bed remembering. Twice he got up and looked out his bedroom window toward the Darnell farm. It seemed incredible that he was back in Engerville. Impossible that he’d had the same dream nearly every night he’d been here. Unbelievable that he couldn’t figure out why. The third time he awoke, he knew the answer but, like fog fleeing before a sudden breeze, the answer was gone with his return to awareness.

      JACKSON REMOVED THE CLAMP and tugged the fuel line loose. He peered into one end of the line. Pointing it toward the ground, he took his finger off the opening. A few drops of fuel trickled out, then nothing. “Must be junked up,” Jackson muttered under his breath.

      “Have you checked the fuel filter?” Will Gray asked.

      Jackson turned around. His father stood behind

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