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silence, she wondered if she had been too abrupt. She slid into his car and shut her eyes, resting her head against the seat. She straightened when she heard him opening his door, and glanced up to find him studying her intently.

      Her heart thudded. “It’s just a minor upset, Ryan. Really it is. Don’t worry, and take me to my office.”

      She knew she should force some kind of cheerful banter and get his mind off the incident, but she was wrung out. The motion of the car wasn’t helping, and she was desperate to escape.

      At her office, he came around the car to take her arm again. “I’m fine. I promise,” she repeated.

      “I’ll go inside with you,” he insisted.

      She didn’t feel like arguing, and he would soon be gone. She walked in silence with him and was relieved they didn’t encounter Jenna or Carlotta.

      In her office she turned to thank Ryan, while he closed the door and turned to face her, standing only a few feet away with his hands on his hips.

      Her heart began to drum, because he wasn’t leaving as she expected him to.

      “Now tell me what’s really wrong with you!” he demanded quietly.


      Taking her time to answer him, she fiddled with her watch, while his curiosity grew.

      He could remember that fabulous weekend with her and the sizable breakfasts they’d had each morning, without any unpleasant upsets on her part. He thought about her easy, slow walk that indicated time wasn’t a ruling factor in her character—something so removed from his driven life that he had been intrigued. Usually smiling, relaxed, taking time to savor life, people and her surroundings, she’d interested him from the first moment he’d met her. Now, as she fidgeted and remained silent, his questions increased.

      She had been sick in the restaurant. He’d had a waitress check on her and was told that Ashley said she was fine, but was lying on the sofa with wet towels on her forehead.

      He could also recall how she’d had wine with her dinners their first weekend. Now she was drinking ice water. Everything added up to a change.

      “Ashley, what is it?” he prompted.

      “I’m all right,” she said without looking at him. Circling her desk, she sat and bent down to open a drawer.

      Right now, she was deathly pale, and he was afraid she would pass out in front of him. He liked her, wanted to know her better, and the weekend they’d spent together had been the most fabulous, passionate time of his life. He hadn’t been able to forget her or get her out of his thoughts, and he was concerned now.

      Grabbing a chair, he circled the desk and sat close beside her. “Tell me the truth, Ashley. You know what’s wrong. You’re a lousy liar.”

      She looked at her fingers laced together in her lap. “Leave me be, Ryan. I mean it,” she said forcefully, and raised her head.

      Surprised, he was taken aback by the fire in her eyes. Bright spots of color stained her otherwise pale cheeks.

      His gaze searched hers. “All right, I’ll leave,” he said. Halfway to the door, he stopped and looked at her. “Can I do anything? Get you something?”

      “No, but thank you,” she answered flatly. “Just let me be.”

      As he headed out of the room and reached for the knob, he wondered whether she was sick every morning. He’d started to leave when it dawned on him. Morning sickness.

      He already had the door open and he closed it. No wine. No tennis. She wanted him out of her life. Morning sickness. He turned to look at her, examining her closely. She looked the same as ever. Her waist was tiny, her stomach flat.

      She blinked and glowered at him. “Just get out of here, Ryan.”

      “How long has this been happening?”

      Color flushed her cheeks again. “Not long. I don’t know. I’m all right.”

      He stared at her, thinking it was impossible, but knowing it wasn’t. “You’re pregnant,” he declared.

      When she flinched, he knew he was right.

      Clenching her fists, she raised her chin. “It doesn’t concern you.”

      He was shaken and wondered who she’d been with. “How far along are you?”

      “A couple of months,” she replied. “I haven’t told my family or anyone yet, so I would appreciate it if you don’t.”

      “Don’t worry,” he snapped. “Who’s the man?”

      “I’m not giving out his identity,” she replied stiffly, but there was a flash in her eyes that shook him. He walked closer to her.

      “How far along are you?” he asked again. “Tell me the truth, Ashley.” He placed his hands on her shoulders. “How many months are you? Dammit, I want to know.”

      “Get out. I”m not telling you.”

      “You know I can find out some way. I have enough money to get the information I want.”

      Suddenly she looked frightened, and gazed wide-eyed at him while shock buffeted him. “How many months?” he said, barely able to get out the words.

      “Over three,” she said, glaring at him. “This is my baby and I don’t want any interference. Now, you get out of here.”

      Stunned, he stared at her. “There isn’t another man, is there?” he asked.

      “Get out, Ryan.”

      He knew the answer. He was the father of Ashley’s baby. Shocked, he couldn’t believe it, but he could tell from looking at her that it was true. “We used protection.”

      “Get out of my office!” she snapped.

      Stunned by the news, he turned and left, going out to the car to sit behind the wheel and try to absorb what he’d learned. He started it up and drove a block, then pulled to the curb, cutting the engine to stare into space. He was the father of Ashley’s baby! She was pregnant from their weekend together. He had difficulty accepting the truth. He’d used condoms, and nothing had failed, that he had known. He was stiff with shock, unaware of the traffic pouring past him, of the spring morning, of joggers running by.

      Ashley was going to have a baby. His baby.

      Shaking, Ashley walked around her desk and sank into the chair, calling Carlotta on the intercom to tell her that if Ryan Warner appeared, she was not available to see him. Then she closed her eyes.

      What a mess she’d made of the morning! And exactly what she’d hoped to avoid had happened. Ryan knew the truth.

      He’d been shocked, and obviously didn’t want any part of it—that much was a relief to her, even though at the same time, it angered her. She knew she shouldn’t feel conflicted about his reaction, but she did.

      She rubbed her throbbing forehead and longed to undo the morning. Wished she had been wise enough last night to refuse to eat breakfast with him today.

      When her intercom buzzed, she groaned. She didn’t feel like dealing with anyone yet. She pushed the button to speak to Carlotta.

      “Ryan Warner is on his way to your office. I’m sorry, I couldn’t stop him.”

      “That’s all right,” Ashley said, knowing her receptionist couldn’t have kept out a determined male like him.

      Before she could answer his knock, he strode into her office, closing the door behind him.

      “I don’t want to see you, but I don’t suppose that matters to you,” she said.

      “No, it doesn’t. You weren’t going to tell me about my baby.” He flung the accusation at her in a

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