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and headed out to sea. In the distance, she saw ancient ruins and turned to question Chrysander about them. When she had no luck making him hear over the noise of the rotors, he slid a pair of earphones with an attached microphone over her head and suddenly she could hear him clearly.

      “The Temple of Apollo,” he explained. “If you like, we can fly back and tour the ruins when you’ve recovered from your journey.”

      “I’d like that.”

      She turned her attention to the brilliant blue expanse of sparkling water, but already in the distance she could make out a small dot of land. “Is that it?” she asked, pointing.

      He nodded.

      “Does it have a name?”

      “Anetakis,” he responded.

      She laughed. “I should have known.” She shook her head. It seemed unreal that he’d own an entire island. But his naming the island Anetakis didn’t surprise her in the least. He wore arrogance like most people wore clothing.

      As the island loomed larger on the horizon, she curled her fingers into tight balls. Her anxiety must have been evident to Chrysander, because he reached over and took one of her hands in his. “There’s nothing to worry over, pedhaki mou. You’ll like it on the island, and it will be good for you to have time to relax and concentrate on regaining your strength.”

      She didn’t argue with him over her condition, knowing full well it was a useless expenditure of energy. But she had no intention of spending her time on the island “resting.”

      They landed on a small concrete helipad situated at the rear of a palatial house. Chrysander curled a protective arm around her as they ducked and walked away from the helicopter.

      He touched her shoulder and indicated that she wait while he spoke to the pilot. She stood, staring up at the sprawling house, waiting for some flicker of recognition. A cool breeze blew off the water, and a chill raced up her arms. Still, she remained, staring, hoping, but she was convinced she’d never been here.

      “Come,” Chrysander said as he took her hand. “You’re getting cold.”

      As the helicopter droned away, she took a step to follow Chrysander and then paused again. He turned and looked inquisitively at her. “What is wrong?”

      She swallowed as she continued to gaze over the grounds. There was a sense of wonder, as though she’d stepped into some wild paradise, but no feeling of home, that this was a place she had any knowledge of. It terrified her.

      Chrysander closed the distance between them and touched her face in concern. He cursed when she trembled.

      “I’ve never been here,” she said in a low voice. She looked to him for confirmation.

      He nodded. “This is so. This is your first visit to the island.”

      “I don’t understand,” she said faintly. “We’re engaged, and I’ve never been to the place you call home?”

      His lips pressed together. “We made our home in New York, Marley. I told you this.”

      The cloud of confusion grew around her. Would they not have visited? Even once? She allowed him to take her hand, and they walked up the long, winding path toward the house. As they neared the gate, Marley could see the sparkling waters of a swimming pool.

      A large patio extended from the back of the house, and the pool was carved in the middle. To her surprise, the pool entered the house under an elaborate archway.

      “It’s heated,” Chrysander explained as he drew her inside the house. “It’s too cool this time of year for outdoor swimming, but you can enjoy a light swim indoors if the doctor gives his permission.”

      She rolled her eyes and allowed him to tug her along with him. They entered a huge room that looked to be in actuality three separate areas. They stood in the living room but the floor plan into the kitchen and dining area was open, and they flowed seamlessly into one another.

      Marley’s gaze wandered to the glass doors leading onto a patio where yet another pool was situated with a view of the ocean in the distance. To her shock, a woman in a skimpy bikini appeared at the entrance and stepped inside the house.

      She recognized her as Chrysander’s personal assistant, but why would she be here? And it was certainly too cold to be out sunbathing in such a suit.

      Roslyn looked up, and it was apparent to Marley that she feigned surprise at seeing them. Though she had a wrap draped over one arm, she made no move to put it on as she hurriedly crossed the floor toward Chrysander.

      “Mr. Anetakis, I didn’t expect you until tomorrow!”

      Her long blond hair trailed seductively down her back, and Marley gaped as she saw the bottom of Roslyn’s bikini was actually a thong.

      “I hope you don’t mind that I took advantage of the facilities,” Roslyn rushed to say as she put well-manicured fingers to Chrysander’s arm.

      “Of course not,” Chrysander said smoothly. “I did tell you to avail yourself of whatever you liked. Did you set up my office as I requested?”

      “Of course. I do hope it won’t be a problem for me to remain one more night? I didn’t arrange for the helicopter to fetch me until tomorrow morning.”

      Roslyn’s wide, innocent eyes didn’t fool Marley, and she felt the beginnings of a headache drumming in her temples. She pulled her hand from Chrysander’s and merely walked away, having no desire to listen to the mewings of his assistant any longer.

      “You are welcome to stay, Roslyn. I do hope you’ll have dinner with us tonight,” Chrysander said politely as Marley mounted the stairs.

      She really had no idea where she was going, but upstairs seemed as good a place as any, and it would put her solidly away from the source of her irritation. She was nearly to the top when Chrysander overtook her.

      “You should have waited for me,” he reproached. “I don’t like you navigating the stairs by yourself. What if you were to fall? In the future, someone will escort you up or down.”

      Her mouth fell open. “You’re not serious!”

      He frowned, clearly not liking her tone of disbelief. “I’m very serious when it comes to your well-being and that of our child.”

      She blew out her breath in frustration as Chrysander escorted her from the landing of the stairs down the hall to a spacious bedroom. Clearly this was the master suite. She set aside the protests forming on her tongue and stared at Chrysander in question.

      “Is this to be my room?”

      “It is our room.”

      Heat rose in her cheeks. Her throat suddenly went dry as she imagined sharing the big bed with Chrysander. Satisfaction gleamed in his eyes as he observed her reaction.

      “Do you have any objections?” he asked softly.

      She shook her head. “N-no. None.”

      A slow smiled curved his sensual mouth. A predatory gleam entered his eyes. “That is good. We are in agreement then.”

      “I—w-well, not exactly,” she stammered.

      He cocked one imperious brow. “We are not?”

      She shook herself from the intimate spell he was weaving over her. The one that had her reduced to a mass of writhing stupidity. She lifted her chin and stared challengingly at him. “I don’t need an escort to get up and down the stairs, Chrysander. I’m not an invalid, and I don’t wish to be treated like one.”

      “And I would prefer you had someone with you.” His voice became steely and determination creased his brow.

      “I will not spend our time here as a prisoner, only allowed out whenever someone can make the time to fetch me back and forth.” She crossed her arms over her chest and

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