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night. Starting tomorrow, both of you will do chores around the cabin to earn enough money to pay for a new system to replace the one that broke. Got it?”

      Both boys nodded, but neither one looked happy about their future plans. Frankly, thinking of the injured woman out there and her refusal to call him all week, Drew wasn’t feeling too optimistic, either.

      He escorted the twins back outside and, seeing that Kylie and several of the women were no longer there, he walked his nephews over to Hunter, who was still cradling the broken PlayStation in his hands.

      “We’re sorry for breaking your video game.” Caden was the first to apologize, and Drew had to nudge the other boy to follow suit.

      “Yeah. I’m sorry my brother wouldn’t let me finish my turn and grabbed it out of my hands.” Aiden, the one who’d been the most sorrowful looking, was now the one acting the least remorseful.

      Just as the boys began to argue about who should be more sorry, Chief Cooper knelt down to talk with them. As he did, the former marine and current police chief reached into the back pouch on his utility belt and pulled out a pair of stainless-steel handcuffs. He snapped the cuffs open and closed as he spoke quietly to the boys.

      As far as scare tactics went, his buddy’s methods were effective. Cooper definitely had the twins’ attention. And since his friend seemed to have everything under control, Drew decided to seek out the woman he’d wanted to talk to for the past five days.

      She was coming out of the ladies’ room, a linen napkin–covered bag of ice over her right eye. Damn—that looked bad.

      “Kylie.” Drew started toward her. “I’m so sorry. They were overexcited and haven’t had a lot of discipline and, well, there’s no excuse for what they did.”

      “Drew, it was an accident. It wasn’t as if they threw that thing at me on purpose.” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, but before he could talk to her about everything else that needed saying, the boys ran up, stumbling over their own apologies.

      Drew was glad that both of them seemed sincere in their contrition. His nephews might be wild, but they weren’t malicious.

      “Wow, does that hurt?” Caden asked when Kylie lowered the ice pack and revealed the bruise that was already turning a deep shade of purple around her eye.

      She knelt down to talk to them, and Aiden reached out his finger to touch her bruise. But Kylie’s reflexes—even with only one functioning eye—were quicker. “It only hurts when something touches it.”

      “Well, we really are sorry,” Aiden said sincerely.

      “We’re gonna do chores to earn money to pay for Hunter to get a new video game,” Caden added. “And Chief Cooper said he would put us to work at the police station so maybe we can make enough to pay for you to go see a doctor. Uncle Drew is a doctor and starts work at the hospital soon, so he can take you with him if you need a shot or anything.”

      “Thank you, boys, but I don’t think I need to see a doctor or get a shot just yet. And I forgive you as long as next time you promise to try to do a better job of sharing.”

      “We will,” they chorused.

      Drew didn’t realize he’d been holding his breath, waiting for her to yell at the kids. Even though they deserved a scathing reprimand, he was glad to see she was giving them grace instead.

      “Now,” she said, standing and tossing her ice pack on a nearby table before taking both boys by the hand. “I have a very important job for both of you.” She walked with them outside and toward the grassy area where the ceremony would be held.

      As Drew watched her leading his nephews around, talking to them as if she didn’t think they were little monsters at all, he was overwhelmed with appreciation. She was being more than forgiving, considering the fact that by this time tomorrow, she’d be sporting a shiner of epic proportions.

      If he could convince her that the twins weren’t so terrible, maybe he could convince her that he wasn’t the type of person who usually acted so recklessly with women. Not that he should have to prove himself, but if he was going to be living in Sugar Falls for the summer, it would be nice to know a friendly—and beautiful—face. Besides, he needed all the help he could get, and Kylie seemed to have a talent for reining in the boys. Which gave him an idea...

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