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rise on her skin, hardly surprising since it was almost Thanksgiving. Not to mention that Riley was wearing nothing more than a gown and a thin wrap. Still, she couldn’t help but take a moment to soak in her surroundings.

      With its cascading terraces and gorgeous grounds, this was so much more than a house. It was like something out of an old black-and-white movie. With tennis courts and swimming pools, even an atrium, the Dumont mansion sat right on the bay, surrounded by strategically placed fences and bushes for privacy.

      Riley made her way into the large heated tent set up on the lower grounds. Several bars occupied the corners of the space, while waiters flitted throughout the crowd of black tie–bedecked guests listening to a large band seated on a raised platform. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling and tasteful twinkly lights were strung from one corner to another. And then there were the candles. Riley had never seen so many in one place. Mrs. Dumont had gone above and beyond tonight.

      All Dumont parties were special, but this one was extra special. Cameron, the oldest Dumont brother, had recently popped the question to Elle Owens, one of Riley’s two best friends. Everyone in town was thrilled to see the two of them together, but Riley in particular. She liked to think the Bayside Blogger had had a hand in their relationship. Sometimes people just needed a push.

      And speaking of pushes...

      Riley did a quick glance around the tent, taking in all the players. She had a keen memory, which came in handy for recalling details when she wrote her column.

      She snagged a glass of champagne from a passing waiter as she continued surveying the party. A handful of people were already dancing, but mostly there was a lot of chatting over appetizers. And...she grinned. Over in the corner she saw Simone Graves getting her flirt on with Sam Roberts, who’d just taken a job at the high school. Interesting. She whipped her cell phone out and quickly made a note.

      “What’s that sly smile for?”

      Riley looked up to see her other best friend, Carissa Blackwell, smirking back at her. “Look at you, gorgeous,” Riley said, instead of answering the question.

      “You like?”

      Carissa was wearing a navy blue floor-length dress. Her blond hair was piled on top of her head and her makeup was flawless. She was tall and curvy with the most beautiful gray eyes. If they weren’t friends, Riley would hate her on principle.

      “Stunning,” Riley replied. “I can see the drool on Jasper’s chin from here.” She waved at Jasper, who was all the way on the other side of the tent. He’d been beaming with adoration at his girlfriend the whole time. Carissa turned and winked at him.

      It was official. Both Dumont brothers were off the market. Too bad for Bayside’s singletons, but hooray for her friends. She couldn’t be happier they’d found their soul mates.

      She sighed. Well...mostly happy. Totally happy, she amended quickly. She was thrilled for Carissa and Elle. It was just that it would be kind of nice to find someone for herself.

      Of course, last time she’d had a serious boyfriend it hadn’t turned out so great. Maybe she should watch what she wished for.


      She shook her head and tuned back into Carissa, who was standing with her hands on her hips, an expectant look on her face.

      “Sorry, what?” Riley asked.

      Carissa narrowed her eyes. “I said, you look great, too.”

      Riley was wearing a new curve-hugging, low-backed dress in her favorite color, emerald green. She’d put her hair up in a messy yet chic ponytail, leaving wild strands loose around her face.

      “Oh well, thank you. And speaking of looking good...” She wiggled her eyebrows as Elle, the bride-to-be, sidled up to them.

      “You look very bridal,” Riley said, gesturing to Elle’s off-white gown. Of course, she’d helped her pick out the dress a month ago. “Practicing for the big day already?”

      “Don’t mention the big day. I’m stressed.” She grabbed a champagne flute from a passing waiter.

      “Oh no,” Riley said. “What can we do?”

      “Are you kidding? You’ve both been bridesmaids of the year so far. Between you two, my soon-to-be mother-in-law, every bridal magazine ever written, and even my dad, I think I may be approaching too much help.”

      “Too many opinions?” Carissa guessed.

      Elle grimaced. “Too many very strong opinions.”

      As they chatted about the upcoming spring wedding a little longer, Riley couldn’t help noticing that something was off with Carissa.

      “What?” Riley asked.

      “What do you mean what?” Carissa countered.

      Riley wiggled her pointer finger in front of Carissa. “Something’s up. I can tell.”

      Carissa turned to Elle. “I swear, she’s a psychic or something.”

      “It is eerie sometimes,” Elle agreed. “But is something wrong, Car? You look a little pale.”

      “No, not wrong. The opposite of wrong, actually. Just scary.”

      “Can you be a little more cryptic?” Riley laughed.

      “Sorry.” Carissa glanced across the tent. Riley followed her gaze and saw that Jasper was deep in conversation with his brother. “Jasper asked me to move in with him this morning.”

      “Whoa, that’s huge.”

      Riley wondered if the Bayside Blogger should mention this. She chewed on her lip as she considered. It was pretty major news. Carissa and Jasper had been hot and heavy back in high school. Then they’d broken up right after graduation and hadn’t seen each other for years. After Carissa’s divorce, she’d moved back to Bayside to start her catering business, Save the Day Catering, which had really taken off. She’d not only gotten back together with Jasper, but they would be opening a bookstore and café soon. And now they were taking the next step. Cohabitation.

      All of this was right up the Bayside Blogger’s alley, but Riley knew that her friends—just like Sawyer—hated being written about. Still, she couldn’t leave them out of the column. She’d become tight with Elle and Car. Everyone in town knew that. If she didn’t mention them from time to time, then her identity would be obvious.

      Maybe she should wait a couple days and see how this played out.

      “There’s more,” Carissa said, drawing Riley and Elle’s attention. “A lot more.”

      Riley immediately let her gaze drop to Carissa’s ring finger. The all-important finger was empty of a ring.

      “What’s going on?” Riley asked.

      “Well, um, I went to the doctor yesterday.”

      Elle’s face washed of color. Her father had dealt with bladder cancer recently and Elle was particularly sensitive to talk of doctors. “You weren’t feeling well a couple days ago. I remember. You had to run out of our brunch when you got sick.”

      “Right,” Carissa said.

      Elle grabbed one of Carissa’s hands. Riley took the other.

      “Are you okay?” Riley asked, her pulse skyrocketing.

      “Well, turns out I’m...pregnant.”

      A long moment of astonished silence passed between them. Riley didn’t know who started it, but then all three of them were screaming and hugging.

      “Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod. How did this happen?” Riley asked. “I mean, I know how it happens.”

      Carissa laughed. “We’ve always been so careful. Except, well, this one time.”

      Elle hugged Carissa again. “And one time is all it takes.

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