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you, and something’s wrong.”

      The assurance in his voice made her nervous. She withdrew her hand to her lap and took another sip of the margarita. Then she glanced around the room and tried to see if anyone she knew was in the bar. It wasn’t likely. The cops at the station had their own hangout and it wasn’t this trendy beachfront establishment. She and Nick were in a back corner booth with a view of the ocean to her right. The sun was just setting, sending shards of yellow and gold light across the calm sea. It was a picture-perfect moment, complete with the handsome, albeit slightly blurry escort.

      “You don’t know me at all,” she said.

      “I know that you don’t trust me, so why’d you accept my invitation for a drink?”

      “Maybe your charm won me over.”

      He laughed out loud. The pleasant sound brought a smile to her lips. “Try again,” he said.

      He wasn’t the only thing that was blurry, she realized. The edges of the room were starting to fold in on themselves. When was the last time she’d been this drunk? Once, at a friend’s wedding, she recalled hazily, trying to remember exactly when. Maybe five years ago.

      Why had she come out with Nick? She ignored the shifting room and thought about his question. Because he’d asked her out about twice a week for a year and every single time she’d wanted to say yes.

      It was dumb for a woman like her to be attracted to a man like him. It wasn’t just that he was so much better-looking, or even that he was a criminal and she was a cop. It was that Nick lived life on a completely different level than she did. He got into the moment while she walked around with her head down. He was spontaneous laughter, spontaneous fun, spontaneous sex—oops, where had that thought come from?—while she planned everything out. He joked and teased while she kept the world at bay.

      “I needed a break,” she said at last, mostly because it was true.

      “Something tells me that’s just an excuse. You’re using me to put off something you don’t want to do.”

      Her head snapped up Big mistake. The slight blurring became a wild spinning. Even her seat seemed to be moving. Then she sucked in some air and it all slowed to a manageable level.

      “Maybe,” she admitted.

      Her hands were once again on the table. He reached across and grabbed one. His thumb brushed against the back of her fingers. It felt nice.

      “I need a husband,” she blurted out.

      To his credit, Nick didn’t withdraw, or even stiffen. His thumb kept moving back and forth, back and forth. A lethargic heat crept up her arm. His gaze continued to hold hers, the half smile still hovering at the corners of his mouth. Maybe he hadn’t heard her. Maybe she hadn’t actually said it out loud.

      “A husband?” he asked calmly. “The usual reason?”

      “Usual reason? What’s that?” She thought for a second. “Oh. Oh! Ah, no, not that. I mean, I’m not pregnant.”

      Embarrassment flooded her and she gulped the rest of her drink. She thought about flagging down the waitress for another, then decided she was going to be sick enough in the morning as it was. Besides, Nick was still on his first beer and he’d barely touched it at all.


      She blinked. What were they talking about? “Good what?”

      “I’m glad you’re not pregnant.”

      “Me, too. Oh, the husband thing.” She waved her free hand. “I have some family business. It requires me to be married for a few days. I don’t know. Maybe not. Maybe I should just come clean. But she’s so old. What if the shock kills her?” She stared at him earnestly. “I really wouldn’t want that to happen. I haven’t actually even met her, but I want to. Do you think she’ll understand?”


      She had a brief moment of clarity. “You don’t have a clue as to what I’m talking about, do you?”

      “Nope. But I like the sound of your voice, so just keep talking.”

      She realized he was still stroking her fingers with his thumb. Regretfully, she pulled free of the seductive contact. If only it was true. If only Nick Archer really did think she was a hot babe.

      Hannah giggled. She was athletic, strong, and she wore a pistol when she went to work. Somehow she didn’t think she fitted the definition of the word babe.

      He toyed with her because it amused him and probably because she hadn’t fallen at his feet the first time she’d seen him. She would have fallen, but she’d already been sitting down, so it had been easy to pretend to be calm.

      “You could hire a husband,” he said. “If it’s only temporary.”

      “Oh, it is. Just for a few days. Believe me, I’ve thought about it and I could phone…” She glared at him. “You’re laughing at me.”

      “Only a little. So what kind of guy would you ask for, Hannah? Who’s your ideal man?”

      The numbness spread up her face, although strangely enough, she could actually feel her eyelashes.

      Him. He was perfect, at least physically. But she wasn’t about to say that. She would have to be a whole lot drunker than this to confess that little secret to Nick.

      “Someone who follows the rules,” she said.

      He winced as if she’d slapped him. “That one hurt. Are you implying I’m not a rule follower?”

      “You’re a common criminal.”

      “I might be a criminal, but I’ve never been common.” He leaned back in the booth. “How long do you need the guy for?”

      “Three or four days. Just to drive north, meet my family, then come back.”

      “Sounds simple enough. What does it pay?”

      “Why do you ask?”

      He held out both hands, palms up. “You could never phone an escort service to hire someone and we both know it Call the interest a friendly gesture on my part”

      “But we’re not friends,” she muttered, then cleared her throat Nick? A temporary husband? She shuddered. It would never work.

      “How much?” he asked. When she stared at him blankly, he asked, “How much are you willing to pay?”

      “I’m not sure. I haven’t thought about money.” What was the going hourly rate for fake husbands these days? “It doesn’t matter. You’re not right for this. I’m sorry I mentioned it.”

      She started to slide out of the booth, but it was harder to move than she thought it would be. Then he placed his hand over hers and that darn heat started up again, and she didn’t want to move.

      “I’m happy to help,” he said. “I need to get out of town for a few days anyway.”

      “Oh, I’ll just bet you do. What is it this time? A real-estate deal gone wrong? Or maybe the husband of one of your women decided to take matters into his own hands.”

      Nick stared at her for a long time. Something flickered in his gaze, something dark and secretive. Then he blinked and it was gone. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” he said lightly. “Face it, Hannah. Where else are you going to find a man willing to pretend to be your husband on such short notice?”

      He was right She certainly didn’t have the skills to seduce a man into doing it, nor was there a man around. Except for Nick. Not that she was interested in seducing Nick.

      She hunched over, half expecting lightning to strike. When it didn’t she straightened. She could do worse. At least he was gorgeous. And he thought on his feet. If anyone started asking questions, Nick would be able to ward them off. It was

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