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left. Chantelle, Pippa thought her name was. Did Chantelle wish for a relationship that was more than boss/employee?

      Pippa knew she was leaving. That as soon as the board of her family’s company, House of Hamilton, read her email and accepted she was who she said she was, Cole’s Hill, Texas, would be a distant memory. But she’d put aside so many things for the past four years. She’d denied herself for too long and she wasn’t going to anymore. She raised her paddle and doubled the current bid, which made the emcee squeal with excitement and Diego raise his eyebrows as he looked right at her.

      “I think someone definitely wants you, Diego, and unless there is another bidder who wants to top that bid...” The emcee glanced around the room, but she’d pushed the bid so high no one else raised a paddle.

      For the first time since Diego walked onto the stage she was truly aware of the room and that everyone’s eyes were on her. She started to sit back down, but Kinley put her hand on Pippa’s butt. “Get your man, girl.”

      She had to smile at the way Kinley said it. Despite the fact that they had grown up in two very different worlds, Kin was a soul sister. Pippa had always believed that something stronger than coincidence had led them to meet on that Vegas bus the day Kinley went into labor. Pippa had been riding the bus trying to figure out her next move, since she was out of cash, and Kinley had been on her way to work when her water broke.

      “I guess I will,” Pippa said, carefully placing her paddle on the table and going up to claim him.

      It was only for tonight, but then again, she felt tonight was all she’d had. She’d had four birthdays on her own in Texas, each of them fraught with tension and confusion. Only her determination had brought her to this moment, and as she climbed up the stairs at the side of the stage and went to him, she didn’t worry about any of that. As she got closer, she noticed his smile, how tonight it wasn’t as bold as it usually was. But it was still sexy and charming, and she admitted to herself she was smitten.

      What an old-fashioned word, but it suited her and her emotions.

      She hadn’t really been paying attention to the other winners, so she had no idea what to do, but Diego caught her hand and pulled her close to him. “With a bid like that, I think you deserve my everything.”

      Up close she realized that his brown eyes had flecks of gold in them. His lips were full, and he winked at her as he dipped her low in his arms and then brought his mouth down on hers. She stopped thinking and just let go.

      * * *

      Diego stood in the line at the bar watching Pippa talking to Kinley and Bianca. His sister was a former supermodel, but Pippa outshone her in his eyes. He wasn’t sure what they were saying, but he noticed that Pippa smiled and laughed easily. He ordered two margaritas and then made his way back over to her.

      “So I guess we shouldn’t wait up for you,” Kinley said as he approached.

      Pippa’s gaze met his and she blushed, the pink tint moving up from her décolletage to her neck.

      “You’ll see me when you see me,” Pippa said in her very proper British accent.

      She reached around Kinley and took one of the margaritas from him. He lifted his glass toward hers and took a sip before he moved to stand next to her. Kinley hugged her and went to join her husband across the room.

      “Mama is very proud of the Velasquez family tonight,” Bianca said.

      “She should be. She did a good job raising us,” Diego said. “And we are all home tonight, which you know always makes her happy.”

      “She’s not the only one who’s over the moon,” Bianca said. “Benito can’t wait until tomorrow morning for our family brunch. He loves his tios.”

      His nephew was four years old and had seen a lot in his short life. His father had died while racing, something that had made Diego’s own mother more determined to try to find another career for Inigo. But his youngest brother had the legendary Velasquez hardheadedness.

      “We adore him,” Diego said.

      “Of course you do. Now, I am going to try to claim a dance with my husband. He’s got early surgery tomorrow, so we can’t stay late,” Bianca said, leaning over to kiss his cheek. Then she gave Pippa a hug before she walked away.

      He glanced over at the woman who’d been shutting him down in town but tonight had made the highest bid to spend the evening with him. “You could have saved yourself some money if you’d said yes when I asked you out a few weeks ago.”

      “Oh, well, then the charity wouldn’t have made as much tonight. Somehow, I think that makes it all worth it,” she said.

      There was something different about her tonight. She was more confident. She’d always seemed to be a little bit on edge, her eyes frequently going to the door of the café where they’d met. It used to bother him when he’d first started running into her in town, but now he’d gotten used to it.

      “Was that what brought out your wallet? The charity?”

      She flushed again. “It is a very good cause. Children are so vulnerable and really at the mercy of the adults in their lives.”

      “Were you?” he asked. He couldn’t help but be curious about her past. And how could a nanny afford the generous bid she’d placed? Maybe it was because she didn’t really have any expenses living in her own house on the Rockin’ C ranch. And she’d told him at the coffee shop that her daily lattes were her only indulgence. But still. No one knew much about her. She never mentioned her last name, and he knew from Nathan—Kinley’s husband—that Pippa had met Kinley on a bus in Las Vegas, of all places.

      But she was a British woman with no apparent connection to her homeland. And Diego, who was proud of being American, didn’t understand that.

      “I had everything a child could wish for,” Pippa said. “The best toys, a first-class education and a stable with horses that even the legendary Diego Velasquez would envy.”

      “Legendary?” he asked, ignoring the sadness that underpinned her words. So she had been born with money, but when she’d come to the United States, she’d left that behind. He’d seen the way she lived. Frugal was one word for it. But it was deliberate.

      “Don’t let it go to your head, but you are sort of a superstar with horses. I mean, when I’ve brought Pippa out to your stables to ride, I’ve seen the way the rowdiest stallion settles down for you.”

      “I get horses,” Diego said.

      “But not people?”

      “Some people,” he admitted. Mo had warned him to not talk about his horses or breeding program around women and bore them when he was in his early twenties. Diego had seen his success with the ladies increase after his brother’s advice and still followed it now.

      The DJ had gotten set up, and as the drinks from the open bar flowed, more people were moving toward the dance floor. Pippa finished her margarita.

      “Do you want another drink?” he asked.

      She shrugged. “I’m not a huge fan of tequila.”

      “What would you prefer?” he asked.

      “Something sparkling. I want to celebrate.”

      He raised one eyebrow and took the margarita glass from her. “I’ll be right back.”

      He went to get them both some prosecco and then returned. “How’s that?”

      “Much better,” she said, lifting her glass toward his.

      “What are we celebrating?” he asked.

      “My birthday,” she said. “I’m twenty-five today.”

      “Happy birthday, Pippa.”

      Twenty-five. She was five years younger than him, but the way she said it made him realize there

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