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supposed to act distant and unaffected? How was she supposed to avoid falling under Cabe Jordan’s spell? He was charming enough under the most innocuous of circumstances.

      By the time their jet landed, Jenna still hadn’t figured it out.

      Cabe stood and offered her his hand. “Ready?”

      Of course not. But she simply nodded and let him guide her out of the aircraft, his hand placed gently at the small of her back. She knew he was just being courteous. But his touch wreaked havoc on her senses. The man had absolutely no idea of the effect of his presence. Didn’t he see how women around him practically swooned at his feet? The flight attendant being a perfect example.

      Yet somehow she was supposed to ignore the way his hand on her back sent a tingle clear down to her toes. Or how he so casually vowed to “show her a good time” while here.

      She nearly tripped over the last step as they disembarked.

      “Are you all right?” Cabe said behind her.

      “Yes, I’m fine. It’s just much hotter than I’d anticipated.” That was no exaggeration. A wall of heat and humidity enveloped her as they walked toward the small stucco building that housed the island’s airport. Her smart, fitted suit jacket instantly clung to her skin.

      “It’ll get better,” Cabe assured her. “The airport is always ten to fifteen degrees hotter. You’ll feel more comfortable once we’re closer to the beach with an ocean breeze to temper the heat.”

      And what was going to temper her reaction to Cabe Jordan? She’d said too much on the flight over, drifting dangerously close to “pity me” territory—something she’d sworn never to do over the years. She wasn’t about to start now. Not even if Cabe’s significant charm had her tongue loosening.

      And what was his story? All those things he said about having to prove himself growing up. His accomplishments had seemed to come so easy to him when they were kids. Maybe that had all been an illusion. Not that it was really any of her business. Cabe was her boss.

      A sleek town car awaited them outside once they were through with customs. The driver was a pleasant tall man with skin the color of mocha coffee. He kept up a steady stream of conversation with Cabe as he maneuvered the busy streets. Based on the familiarity, Jenna guessed he was Cabe’s regular driver on the island.

      Jenna found herself too distracted by the scenery outside to focus on their conversation. Among lush, green mountains and the majestic sight of the ocean, the roadside sat peppered with run-down, decrepit shacks. Such poverty among such beauty. On a much smaller scale, it reminded her of the way she’d grown up—the days when they weren’t sure they’d be able to eat while just a few miles away stood the glamorous, ritzy grandeur of downtown Boston. Well, she’d fought tooth and nail to climb out of that bleak existence. And she was proud of it. She’d done it on her own, through hard work and discipline. Unlike her mother, who still to this day waited for the right man to come along and save her—a rich, powerful man. Well, that idea hadn’t really worked out for any of them. Jenna knew better than to fall for such fantasy.

      Within forty-five minutes they arrived at the resort. After the striking displays of poverty on the roads they’d just passed through, it was like entering a different world.

      A guard outside a tall, metal gate pushed a button to let them through.

      “You have a few minutes to freshen up,” Cabe told her. “Then I’d like to show you around, particularly the shopping center attached to the resort. You can see where the new store is to be built.”

      “I won’t need that much time,” she answered, grabbing her things off the seat. “I’d like to get started as soon as we can.”

      He lifted his head and stared at her, as if studying some unfamiliar object. “I know we’re in a bit of a time crunch but there’s no need to be quite so rushed, Jenna.”

      She shrugged. “I’m just anxious to get going, that’s all.”

      “Well, we’re on island time now. Things always move slower down here. You may as well relax.”

      As if that was possible, Jenna thought, watching him remove his jacket as the car came to a stop outside the entrance. His shoulders strained against his well-fitting tailored silk shirt. Deft fingers removed his cuff links and he rolled up his sleeves to reveal toned, tanned arms. His days on the Caribbean had certainly given him a good dose of color.

      She tore her gaze away. None of this was at all conducive to relaxing in any way. The driver helped her out of the car and she emerged to the light sounds of steel-drum music in the air. The aroma of exotic flowers hit her as she stepped out. They were surrounded by lush plants and thick greenery. And large colorful flowers like she’d never before seen. She wanted to run up and inhale the scent of every single one.

      A tall, statuesque woman with a thick braid down her back approached them. “Mr. Jordan. So nice to have you back,” she said to Cabe with a glowing smile.

      “Glad to be back, Seema,” he answered. “Though I wish it were for a more pleasant reason.”

      Her smile wavered. “More snags?”

      “I’m afraid so.” He gestured toward Jenna to join them. “But this time I have some help. Meet Jenna.”

      Jenna put her hand out to greet the woman but she had other ideas. Jenna found herself gripped in a tight hug.

      “Welcome to the Paraiso Resort. So glad to have you here, Miss Jenna.”

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