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hands seemed to move of their own volition to cover his hands at her hips; her head fell back and to the side against his firm chest. Her neck exposed to him. He accepted her silent invitation and took complete control of her body, running kisses up her neck as she closed her eyes and maximised the sensations her body was feeling, unable to turn around.

      Someone groaned; she wasn’t sure who but as her traitorous body was responding to his touch like a cat in heat, it was likely her.

      “Hmm, so goddamn wrong but I just don’t care any more.” He moaned against her skin as he brushed his chin over the sensitive part where her neck met her shoulder, her body set alight at the feel of his slight stubble—huh, she had the strangest thought that she’d been wearing a jacket earlier. She must have taken it off in his car.

      “Going to hell but at least I’ll have tasted you before I go,” he murmured. God his voice was amazing and much better when it wasn’t yelling at her in the office.

      She squirmed involuntarily as he moved his hands from her hips to her inner thighs. He used his foot to part her legs further, their bodies so tight that she could feel his body’s excitement against her lower back. She braced her hands against the door and pushed back against him harder, delighted by his strangled moan in response.

      For a fleeting moment she worried about her neighbours, but when his fingers moved tantalisingly over her damp knickers all such worries were forgotten…and merely added to her excitement.

      “Oohhhh—” This time she knew for certain that the moan belonged to her as he pulled her lace knickers to one side and slid one and then a second finger into her tight slickness.

      “Come for me, Pippa. Come now.”

       Yes, sir…

      The man had magic fingers that were about to make her come apart in less than a minute. Abracadabra one…two…


      Whoa whoa whoa, what the hell was that bloody noise? Was it a neighbour’s car alarm?!

      “No, No, NO!” she complained as she came violently awake. Her arm shot out aimlessly towards her bedside table, knocking her glass of water and the blasted alarm clock to the floor.

      A dream, just a goddamn dream… She felt robbed and utterly cheated. She hadn’t even got to come in her first wet dream!

      She slumped back against her pillows and slapped her palms against the duvet, completely deflated but highly aware of the delicious, if unsatisfied, ache between her legs and the sheen of sweat decorating her brow. She shivered involuntarily as a chill swept over her body from the air conditioning and decided to ignore the fact that she’d had a naughty dream about her boss—her brother’s best friend. Nope. She’d think about that later. Much later. It could be filed under “Forbidden Fantasy”.

      With a roll of her eyes she remembered setting her alarm early so she could make a start on going over the contract Jumal had thrown on her desk last night.

      “Agghh,” she complained to no one, throwing back her duvet and stumbling over her discarded shoes on her way to her kitchen/diner. “Ouch. Bloody shoes,” she cried out as she then stumbled over her lazily discarded bag. She treated herself to a mug of hot chocolate, grabbed the file from her bag and settled herself at her kitchen table, elbows resting, propping her head up on her hands, and decided that this activity might actually cure her infatuation!


      As his alarm clock turned six a.m., Jumal finally conceded that he wasn’t going to get any sleep. He’d watched the hours tick by since finally getting into bed four hours or so ago, without a wink of sleep.

      He absently ran his hand over his head as he made his way to the kitchen to grab a coffee and tapped the note he’d seen late last night from his housekeeper reminding him that she was now away for an extended holiday. She was travelling to California for her daughter’s wedding and to help with the final organisation and hen party or whatever they called it in America. He grimaced and shook his head as he recalled Ana and Matt’s wedding, preceded by the stag weekend in London. He still couldn’t face drinking whisky.

      As promised, his housekeeper had filled his fridge and had made frozen meals for him with notes stuck to them telling him how long to microwave. He didn’t have the heart to explain that he could actually cook and enjoyed doing it when given the chance. It was obvious that the woman missed her daughter and Jumal was happy to meet her need to care for him in substitution. Her note also reminded him that the plumber was coming back to fix the guest bathroom water supply and she’d given the spare key to the concierge. “What would I do without you, Maria?” he mumbled, before filling his cup and leaning back against the kitchen counter. His mind wandered yet again back to the image he’d seen in his mind all night. Pippa Darling. Her angel-like pixie face, long dark hair with a fringe she constantly blew out of her pale blue eyes—eyes framed by her strangely attractive Buddy Holly-esque thick black-rimmed glasses. At all of five foot three, she was adorably sexy and in his opinion, her breasts were perfect regardless of whether they were “boosted” or not. He found himself smiling at the image in his head and chastised himself yet again, “She’s too damn young. End of…” He slammed his cup into the dishwasher before heading for the shower.


      After an hour and a half, Pip’s eyesight was blurred and her head ached. She dropped her head to the table and gently banged it in despair. She decided to shower before coming back to have one last look over the contract and finalise the notes on her laptop. She needed a break. Terms in the contract just weren’t making any sense to her. No doubt they were completely understandable to Miss Tall Dark and Sultry.

      As she leaned against the cool tiles of the shower and allowed the hot water to pound over her aching neck muscles she cast her thoughts back to her decision to approach Jumal and take the step of leaving England. She had never been one to take the easy route or allow an opportunity to pass by and even at her relatively young age, she’d travelled both with her parents as a child but more independently once she’d finished her A levels. Her parents were a lot older than most of her friends’ parents but they hadn’t been stifling or overprotective; instead they’d encouraged their daughter in her desires to travel and undertake just about every hobby and sporting activity possible. Whenever she got homesick, which was usually just after she’d spoken to her brother and Ana on Skype, she would mentally slap herself and remind herself just how lucky she was to have such an opportunity.

      Matt’s whirlwind romance with the world-famous super model Ana Harper aka her sister-in-law, had taken even her by surprise and made her look closely at her own future. Matt was now a father with another mini Darling already on the way; he was a successful businessman in his own right and had never been happier. She honestly wasn’t jealous of her brother and his new family, never that, but he’d always been there for her, particularly after their parents’ deaths. However, she couldn’t keep relying on him and assuming he would be there to pick up the pieces as she raced through life like a whirlwind. She needed to gather her inner strength and assert her independence once again—make a stand on her own. Even if the very thought of a new environment with new work colleagues in a foreign land and unfamiliar culture had made her nauseous and brought back the panic and dread of her earlier life experiences.


      “Afwan! Oops sorry, oh pardon me, sorry, afwan! Oh heck was that your bag? I’m so very sorry—agghh—”

      Pip sighed heavily and blew her fringe out of her eyes as she finally dropped down into the window seat of the heavenly air-conditioned Metro Rail, letting her bags fall to the floor. She knew she was still blushing and had already apologised profusely to the man sitting next to her in the aisle seat and whose lap she’d sat on as the metro started to depart with a sudden jerk. She was pretty sure she’d also clobbered him on the head with her fully packed lunch box.

      She’d had to run for the bloody tram as, being sleep deprived, she’d forgotten the report for Jumal on her first attempt to leave her apartment earlier and had to double back.

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