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and it would be a way of helping him out without hurting his pride.’

      ‘Oh, yes, let’s worry about Gib’s pride!’ said Phoebe sarcastically. ‘What about mine?’

      ‘Just think of it as a business arrangement,’ said Bella. ‘It’s all it would be, after all. You were prepared to go to an escort agency, and who knows what kind of psychopath you could end up with there? At least Gib would be a better option than that!’

      Phoebe opened her mouth to point out that she hadn’t in fact got anywhere near agreeing to the idea of hiring an escort, but the sound of the front door banging made her stop.

      Bella smiled triumphantly as if she had just won the argument. ‘Here’s Gib now,’ she said unnecessarily. ‘You can at least ask him, Phoebe.’

      A few moments later, Gib himself breezed into the kitchen. As usual, he brought with him a surge of energy that swirled around the room as if a fresh wind had blown in with him, and as usual Phoebe found herself braced against the impact of his smile.

      ‘Hey, girls,’ he said and lifted a carrier bag in their direction. ‘I bought more tonic.’

      ‘You see!’ whispered Kate. ‘How can you say he’s not perfect?’

      Phoebe pretended not to hear. Draining her glass, she began to get to her feet. She was not going to let Kate and Bella push her into this stupid idea. There was nothing wrong with going to Ben’s wedding on her own!

      ‘Gib, we were just talking about you,’ said Bella.

      ‘Oh?’ Gib turned from the fridge where he was stacking the bottles of tonic.

      ‘Phoebe’s got something to ask you.’

      Jerking upright, Phoebe glared at her friend. ‘Bel-la,’ she said warningly.

      ‘Look Phoebe, you’ve been going on and on about how much you’re dreading this wedding,’ Bella said in a firm voice. ‘You were worried about your pride. Well, here’s a way to get through it with your pride intact. What’s the harm in at least asking Gib?’

      Gib looked from one to the other. ‘Ask me what?’

      ‘Come on, Kate, we’ll let Phoebe ask him herself,’ said Bella, getting up. ‘We’ll leave you two alone, and then she can tell you it’s all our fault,’ she added kindly to Gib, who raised an amused eyebrow and turned to Phoebe with an enquiring look.

      She put up her chin. ‘I don’t want to ask you anything,’ she said bravely, but Kate and Bella had already whisked out of the door, and she couldn’t follow them because Gib was standing in front of it, his blue eyes alight with that disturbing laughter that never failed to send the air leaking out of her lungs.

      ‘Yes,’ he said.

      Phoebe looked blankly at him. ‘Yes, what?’

      ‘Yes, I’ll do whatever it is you want me to do.’

      ‘But you don’t know what it is yet!’

      ‘Is it illegal?’

      ‘Of course not!’



      Gib shrugged. ‘Then why would I refuse?’

      To her chagrin, Phoebe realised she had been manoeuvred into beginning to talk about Kate and Bella’s idea with Gib, exactly the thing she hadn’t wanted to happen! But she could hardly walk out in mid-conversation.

      ‘Because it’s embarrassing,’ she muttered.

      ‘For you or for me?’

      ‘For both of us.’

      ‘This is beginning to sound like fun!’

      Gib strolled over towards her, and Phoebe found herself backing down into her chair once more. ‘Come on,’ he said encouragingly, sitting on the arm of the sofa. ‘You’ve got this far, so you might as well tell me the worst!’

      He wasn’t anywhere near her, but Phoebe was desperately aware of him. She wished he’d go back to the fridge. If only he wasn’t so … so overwhelming.

      ‘It was just a silly idea,’ she mumbled.

      ‘All the best ideas are silly to start with,’ said Gib. ‘If they were sensible, somebody else would have thought of them before.’

      ‘Well, this one really is silly,’ she told him almost belligerently.

      He smiled. ‘Why don’t you let me be the judge of that?’

      Phoebe tore her eyes away from the warm blue eyes and scowled at the mess on the table.

      ‘All right,’ she said, giving in. ‘I need a lover.’

      There was a tiny silence. ‘In that case, I’m glad I said yes,’ said Gib, and although she wasn’t looking at him, she could hear him smiling and the colour deepened in her cheeks.

      ‘Not a real one! Don’t be stupid,’ she snapped.

      ‘Right,’ he said, humouring her.

      ‘The thing is …’ Somehow Phoebe stumbled through the whole sorry saga of Ben’s wedding and her attempts to keep everyone in the family happy. ‘So we were wondering—it was Kate’s idea, I’d never have thought of it—and it’s entirely up to you, of course—you can say no, it won’t be a problem at all….’

      She floundered to a halt, lost in a morass of sentences, and looked a little helplessly at Gib, who was studying her with a disconcerting half-smile.

      ‘Well, I’ve already said yes, so I’m sure it won’t be a problem,’ he agreed, ‘but I’m still not entirely clear what it is you want me to do, other than not be a real lover.’

      Wasn’t it obvious? Phoebe was hating this. If she had to spell it out for him, she would, but she couldn’t help resenting Gib for not being able to make immediate sense of her incoherent ramblings.

      ‘OK.’ She drew a breath. ‘I wondered if you’d be interested in earning some extra cash, that’s all.’

      Gib’s brows rose. ‘You’re offering me a job?’ he said blankly.

      ‘We had the impression that things weren’t very easy for you at moment,’ said Phoebe stiffly, borrowing Kate’s comment. ‘In the circumstances, I’d be prepared to pay you to come to wedding with me and pretend … well, pretend … ‘

      ‘That I’m in love with you?’ he finished for her, a smile lurking around his mouth, and she let out a breath that she hadn’t been aware until then that she had been holding.


      His lips twitched. ‘You want me to be a male escort?’


      There, it was out. Phoebe sat back, oddly relieved. Maybe Kate and Bella were right. He could only say no, and when it came down to it, all she had done was offer him a chance to earn some extra money. What was so embarrassing about that?

      ‘Well, I’ve never been offered a job like that before!’ Gib shook his head, but he was grinning.

      ‘It would be just a job, of course,’ said Phoebe hastily. ‘There wouldn’t be any … any of the reason why you might normally pay for a male escort.’ She could feel the treacherous colour creeping back up into her cheeks. So much for not being embarrassed! ‘I’d be paying you to be an actor, that’s all.’

      Gib didn’t answer immediately. ‘You know, Phoebe, you don’t need to pay me,’ he said carefully at last. ‘We’re friends, aren’t we? If Josh was sitting here now, you wouldn’t even think of offering him money to help you, would you?’

      It was true, of course. Phoebe wished that

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