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he’d pulled on his coat. ‘I can offer you a lift back into the city, if you’d like?’

      Edie blanched and then squeaked out, ‘In the helicopter?’

      He nodded. ‘Ever been in one before?’

      She shook her head, and then gabbled, ‘No, it’s fine, Mr Rivas. I should stay and make some notes. I can take the train back.’

      Coward! whispered a little voice. She ignored it. Taking a helicopter ride with Sebastio Rivas would only compound the conflicting things he made her feel. She needed to keep her feet on the ground. Where she belonged.

      He made a face. ‘Please, call me Sebastio. “Mr Rivas” makes me sound like my father, and he’s dead.’

      Edie felt an immediate burst of compassion. ‘Oh... I’m sorry. Was it recent?’

      But Sebastio’s face was impassive. ‘A year ago. We weren’t close.’ He was turning to go and said, ‘Are you sure about the ride?’

      Edie nodded. She was far too intrigued by this man as it was. And this nugget of information made him even more intriguing.

      ‘Very well, I’ll have my driver come and pick you up and take you back into town—just let Matteo know when you’d like to leave.’

      ‘Thank you, Mr—’ She stopped and could feel herself grow warm.

      Sebastio stopped too, a glint coming into his eye. ‘Go on, Edie...say it. You won’t turn to stone.’

      She crushed the sense of exposure and took a breath, willing her voice to sound totally cool. ‘Sebastio. Thank you, Sebastio.’

      He started walking backwards, his mouth tipping up on one side in a wicked smile. ‘See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?’

      Edie watched him depart and scowled at his broad back. He was making fun of her. Her fascination with him must be blindingly obvious.

      She whirled around and stalked back into the room they’d just left, and when she heard the sound of the helicopter taking off she refused to look out of the window because she had the very irrational sense that even from here she’d see a mocking smile on his face.

      * * *

      ‘Just a bit higher, Jimmy. That’s it.’

      Edie looked up at the massive Christmas tree that stood, almost twenty feet tall, at the foot of the grand marble staircase in the main reception hall. It was finally dressed.

      Jimmy climbed down the ladder and stood with her. In a moment of doubt, she said, ‘You don’t think it’s too rustic, do you?’

      He shook his head. ‘No, it’s perfect. Really different and unique. You’ve done an amazing job, Edie. The place looks stunning.’

      She felt a spurt of pride. But she just wasn’t sure if it was exactly what Sebastio Rivas had been looking for. She hadn’t seen him again for the whole week, and since she’d agreed on a firm to help her with the decorating she hadn’t had time to think.

      Jimmy coughed discreetly beside her and she looked at him, to see him jerking his head slightly. She felt the small hairs on the back of her neck stand up just as she turned around to see Sebastio behind her, looking up at the tree.

      He had obviously recently arrived, and was dressed in another three-piece suit and an overcoat. An immediate flash of heat right through to her core made a mockery of the fact that she’d tried to convince herself all week that her reaction to him had been a fleeting thing, based on a potent memory.

      It didn’t feel fleeting now.

      It felt as if her body had been in a dormant state all week until this moment.

      He looked at her and Jimmy. ‘Why are you working on a Saturday?’

      Edie felt ridiculously defensive. ‘It’s just the two of us. There’s so much to do and it’s easier to finish things off when there’s no one else around. Jimmy is heading home now.’

      Jimmy looked at Edie, as if to say, I can stay if you want? but she shook her head and he backed away.

      ‘See you on Monday morning.’

      ‘Thanks, Jimmy.’

      When she and Sebastio were alone he said, ‘You’re not heading home?’

      ‘Well, I wasn’t going to—not right now. There are still some things I’m tweaking. Your first dinner party is next Tuesday,’ she reminded him a little primly.

      His mouth quirked slightly. ‘I’m well aware of that.’

      She flushed. She noticed that he hadn’t said anything positive about the decorations, but also he wasn’t saying anything negative. And then something struck her. It was Saturday and he was obviously here for the weekend. Possibly with someone in tow. A lover?

      As that suspicion sank in a wave of embarrassment washed over her. Edie immediately started to back away. ‘I’m so sorry. I just assumed we could have the run of the place until the first party, but of course you’re home for the weekend—no doubt looking for privacy. I’ll get my things...leave you in peace.’

      She turned to leave, but her arm was caught in a big hand and she stopped, her face flaming now. She turned back to face him and he was staring down at her.

      ‘What on earth are you talking about?’

      Edie wanted to crawl into a hole. This was far too reminiscent of another time and place. Run along... And she really didn’t want to hang around to see him kiss whatever stunningly beautiful woman he’d brought home for the weekend for recreational purposes. Which was none of her business.

      ‘Obviously you want your privacy for the weekend.’

      He frowned again, shaking his head. ‘What...?’

      Now she was feeling angry, on top of embarrassed. She pulled her arm free. ‘Just let me go home and I’ll leave you and your...guest alone.’

      She’d started walking away again when she heard him behind her.


      Reluctantly she did. He came and stood in front of her, and against every effort her insides clenched in response to his sheer presence. His evocative scent. This was so humiliating. Any second now she expected to hear a woman’s voice, calling for her lover.

      He was frowning. ‘Are you suggesting I have someone here with me?’

      He sounded so incredulous that Edie just looked at him for a moment. ‘Don’t you?’

      He shook his head, and a curious expression crossed his face—half angry, half frustrated—before he said, ‘No, I’m alone.’

      Now Edie wanted the ground to swallow her for an entirely different reason. She’d just exposed herself spectacularly.

      She swallowed. ‘Sorry... I just assumed...’

      He sounded grim. ‘Well, you assumed wrong. The reason I was asking why you were still here is because you shouldn’t be working at the weekend.’

      Sebastio looked down at Edie and saw the evidence of her embarrassment on her flushed face. It made him feel alternately irritated and aroused. Why did he always feel as if he’d insulted her in some way?

      He’d got caught up in a round of social engagements in the past week, and hadn’t been able to make it back to the house. Which in any other circumstances wouldn’t have bothered him in the slightest. But knowing she was there...that was a different matter.

      He’d been in Paris the previous evening, at an exclusive charity ball, surrounded by the crème de la crème of European society. The most beautiful people in the world. Certainly the most beautiful women. All vying for his attention. And not one had sparked his libido like she had...and did.

      As soon

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