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near perfect. Like a ballerina, her body looked delicate but strong, her muscles defined. She was probably a runner.

      But no matter how fast she was, she wasn’t going to outrun him.

      Trev was going to catch her. He had the mole, and she was not going to get away from him. She was not going to get away with what she’d done.


      TREVOR SINCLAIR’S OFFICE was huge, but when the door was closed, shutting her inside and alone with him, it felt small. And Allison felt trapped.

      It wasn’t just his physical size that overwhelmed her. She was tall, too. He was even taller, well over six feet. And he was muscular with shoulders so broad that he probably had to turn sideways to get through doorways. The only thing bigger than his size was his personality. He had a deep, booming voice that resonated inside a courtroom and outside it. He also had an energy about him, a restlessness that made Allison restless, too.

      She hated that restless feeling even as much as it, and he, fascinated her. Or maybe that was why she hated it—because she didn’t want to be fascinated. And she certainly didn’t want to be attracted to him.

      “I thought this meeting was with all of the partners,” she said, glancing at the closed door, willing the others to return. Sure, she had been outnumbered with the four of them, but she’d liked her odds better with all of them than with being alone with Trevor Sinclair.

      Admittedly, it wasn’t just him she didn’t trust. She didn’t trust herself.

      He shook his head, and his hair brushed across the collar of his black shirt. His hair was too long. Her fingers itched to run them through the dark auburn strands. He looked more like a rock star than a lawyer.

      But then as a lawyer, he was a rock star. The minute he stepped into a courtroom, he commanded all the attention. He played it just like a rock star played the stage.

      “My meeting was with all the partners,” he said. “Your meeting is with just me.”

       Just me...

      Nobody would ever refer to him as just him. He was so much more, and she had no doubt that he knew it, that he was fully aware of how damn handsome he was. Like a rock star, he had fans of his work as a lawyer and his prowess in the bedroom. She’d heard stories about him as well as his partners. They were legendary lovers.

      Her skin heated at the thought of Trevor Sinclair touching her, of him stroking his big hands over her body. Of his lips moving over hers.

      He didn’t have the thin lips so many other men possessed. Trevor’s lips were full and wide and moved easily into big, wicked grins. How would they feel against hers? Or on other parts of her body?

      She suppressed a shiver, just like she’d tried when she’d felt his breath touch her hair moments ago. His breath had been hot and scented with coffee and something sweet, probably from the tray of goodies sitting in the middle of the conference table.

      He must have noticed her glance at it because he gestured at that tray as he moved toward her. His legs were heavily muscled, too, his thighs straining against his dress pants as he walked. His body looked strong, powerful.

      “Are you hungry?” he asked.

      She was—but apparently not for food. Maybe she’d denied herself too long. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d had sex and not just because it must have been a while ago but because it must not have been very memorable.

      She suspected that it would be memorable with Trevor Sinclair. With his body, his mouth, his big hands, she had no doubt sex with him would be very memorable.

      She shook her head. “No, I’m not hungry,” she lied, willing herself to deny her hunger for him. She would not mix business with pleasure.

      But for a few moments, when all the partners had been staring at her, she’d wondered if her business with Street Legal was about to end. Even if it did, she still wouldn’t risk a sexual relationship with one of them.

      Least of all Trevor Sinclair...

      How would she feel if she were in bed with him?

      Even more overwhelmed...

      And vulnerable.

      Allison hated feeling vulnerable. She wouldn’t date someone who might affect her too much, who might make her want too much. She knew that only led to disappointment and heartbreak.

      “Good,” he said.

      She blinked, trying to focus on what he was saying. It was hard to focus with him standing so close. He had moved quickly from the door to the table and she hadn’t had a chance to step back. Not that she would have. Allison never backed down. “What?”

      “I’m glad you’re not hungry,” he said, “because now we can get right to it.”

      She blinked again because it didn’t make sense. Get right to what? Sex?

      No. She didn’t want that. Not with him.

      All she wanted was another assignment, and that had to be the reason he’d requested this meeting. That had to be the reason the other partners had left.

      “You took on a new case?” she asked, and excitement surged through her again.

      It was much safer for Allison to focus on business. And she actually enjoyed business with Trevor Sinclair. His cases involved taking down big companies, making them pay for any harm they might have done the public or the environment. Helping him made up for the other Street Legal cases, like Ronan Hall’s messy divorce ones or Stone Michaelsen’s criminal ones.

      But he shook his head. “Nope. I’m not taking on any new cases right now.”

      She felt a pang of disappointment, which was followed quickly with curiosity. “Then why did you want to meet with me?” she asked.


      He stared down at her for a long moment, his deep green eyes intense. She could feel the heat of his muscular body. An answering wave of heat rushed through her as her pulse quickened. Maybe she should have stayed in the chair Simon Kramer had pulled out for her because then Trevor might have sat down, as well. Then he wouldn’t be so close.

      “I wanted you to come here,” he said, and his deep voice sounded even deeper than usual, “because I have a proposition for you.”

      A proposition? That had nothing to do with a case?

      If it wasn’t business, didn’t it have to be pleasure?

      She sucked in a shaky breath.

      And he flashed one of those wide, wicked grins of his, and his green eyes sparkled with amusement and something else.



      Maybe she was still sleeping. Maybe she was dreaming—that Trevor Sinclair was propositioning her...

      Her mouth fell open, her lips—which were nearly as red as her hair—parted on a gasp. Her pale skin finally flushed with color while her pale eyes also darkened as her pupils dilated.

      He had her. He’d caught the notorious ice queen off guard with his remark. She wasn’t so cool now. He had flustered the usually unflappable publicist. He laughed. “Not that kind of proposition, Allison.”

      She shook her head, tumbling the red waves of her hair around her slender shoulders. “I—I don’t know what you mean.”

      Trev was standing close to her, so close that he knew everybody who had called her the ice queen, himself included, was wrong. He felt the heat of her body even though he hadn’t touched her. He really wanted to touch her. Hell, he really wanted her.

      So he turned and slid onto the table right next

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