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Alice opened the door and, wrapping the robe more tightly around her slender figure, she marched along the passage, knocked and entered a cabin at the far end without waiting for a response.

      Essie hurried after her. Wearing nothing but a thin sheet made her feel vulnerable and extremely uncomfortable, but she forgot her own problems when she saw Raven prostrate on a bunk with a strange man standing over him.

      ‘How is he, Capitano Falco?’ Lady Alice asked anxiously.

      ‘I am not a doctor, my lady. All I can say is that he is a strong man, and I have seen worse injuries. By the time we reach Brindisi he should be able to leave the ship.’ He spoke perfect English, with a strong accent that Essie found very attractive, and with his dark good looks he had the romantic appeal of a corsair.

      ‘But you will put us ashore as soon as possible, Capitano.’ Lady Alice gave him a direct look. ‘And we need our clothes, whether or not they are dry.’

      ‘Alas, I cannot put into port along the river, my lady. If what you said is true, the authorities will have been alerted and the police will be looking for him. We make our way full speed to the Channel where we will be safe.’

      ‘But you must allow me to go ashore,’ Lady Alice protested. ‘I will be missed and you will be accused of kidnapping me and my maid, not to mention this poor girl.’ She waved her hand in Essie’s direction. ‘Her father will be distraught.’

      Falco shrugged his shoulders. ‘Perhaps you should have thought of that before you boarded my ship, my lady. I am not responsible for you or your companions. Now, please go back to your cabin. Your clothes will be returned to you when they are dry.’

      For a moment Essie thought that Lady Alice was going to argue, but she merely nodded and walked out of the cabin with her head held high. ‘Come with me, Esther. I know where I’m not wanted.’ She marched out and headed for her own cabin, swaying with the movement of the ship as it met the opposition of the incoming tide.

      ‘What are we to do?’ Essie asked anxiously.

      ‘Come inside and close the door.’ Lady Alice slumped down on the bunk. ‘There must be a place where Capitano Falco could put us ashore. I refuse to accept his decision, but perhaps a little tact and a few charming smiles might do the trick.’

      ‘Pa won’t notice I’m missing until morning, but I’m afraid he will call a constable and report me as lost, stolen or strayed – like a pet dog.’ An irrepressible giggle bubbled to the surface and Essie covered her mouth with her hand. ‘I’m sorry – I know it isn’t funny, but our predicament is so unbelievable that any minute I think I might wake up and find it was all a dream.’

      ‘A nightmare, more like.’ Lady Alice ran her hand through her hair. ‘I really don’t understand you, Esther. This isn’t at all funny – I haven’t got a hairbrush or a mirror, let alone a change of clothes. When I’m dressed I’ll speak to the captain again, and this time I’ll back my demands with money. It never fails to work; everyone has a price.’

      Next morning, seated in the small saloon where the captain and officers ate and took their brief moments of leisure, Lady Alice was even more downcast. Sadie seemed to be the only one of them who was enjoying the experience, and she chattered endlessly until Lady Alice silenced her with a searing glance. Sadie subsided, eyeing her mistress nervously, and Essie felt sorry for her. None of them had had a good night’s sleep, and, as there was not a spare cabin for Sadie, she had slept on the floor in Essie’s cabin. Her groans and the sound of thuds as she turned over and bumped herself on the bulkhead had kept Essie awake until the small hours, and even then she had slept fitfully. The movement of the vessel and the rhythmic throbbing of the engine created an alien environment, and she could not help worrying about Raven, whose life might hang in the balance. Captain Falco had insisted that he would be cared for by the first mate, who had a smattering of medical knowledge, but Essie had met the man at supper and she was not impressed. She had come across many seafarers during her days on the river, and the officers and crew of the Santa Gabriella were more like her idea of Barbary pirates than a disciplined bunch of professional mariners.

      Lady Alice toyed with a slice of stale bread and rancid butter. ‘If this is their daily fare no wonder the crew look like rabid dogs. What possessed Raven to hire the captain’s services is beyond me.’ She pushed her plate away and sipped her coffee, pulling a face. ‘This is so strong it tastes like tar. Maybe it’s what they use to caulk the ship, but it’s filthy stuff. Just wait until I get a chance to speak to Falco. I’ll tell him what I think of him and his vessel.’

      ‘And what is that, my lady?’ Captain Falco strolled into the saloon and pulled up a chair. ‘You wish to speak to me?’

      Essie shifted uncomfortably in her seat, wondering exactly how much he had heard of Lady Alice’s candid opinion, and Sadie shrank into a corner, eyeing the master of the ship as if she expected him to rant and rave, even though he appeared to be mildly amused. Lady Alice’s cheeks flushed rosily but she met his quizzical look with a defiant stare.

      ‘Yes, Capitano. I could complain about the food and this disgusting brew you call coffee, but as we will only be on board for a short while, I will refrain from doing so. However, I demand to be put ashore at the first possible opportunity. Keeping us here amounts to kidnapping and that is against the law here, as I am certain it must be in Italy.’

      ‘You boarded my vessel of your own free will, my lady,’ Captain Falco said smoothly. ‘As to the food, I can only say that the crew have never complained.’

      ‘They wouldn’t dare,’ Lady Alice countered. ‘And as to the accommodation, I am speechless.’

      Captain Falco rose to his feet. ‘Then that is the end of our conversation. Now if you will excuse me I have work to do.’

      ‘Just a moment,’ Essie said boldly. ‘You’ve ignored my lady’s request, which is perfectly reasonable. Circumstances forced us to come on board, and the least you could do is to set us back on dry land as soon as possible.’

      His wolfish smile revealed canine teeth that looked suspiciously like fangs. ‘And your wish will be granted – in a week or so, when we reach Brindisi.’

      ‘But that’s ridiculous,’ Lady Alice protested. ‘I don’t want to go to Italy. For one thing, I haven’t any clothes to wear, and for another, I will be missed. The police will already be looking for me.’

      ‘They won’t find you unless they hire a faster ship than the Santa Gabriella.’ Falco bowed and backed out of the small saloon, still smiling.

      ‘He thinks this is a joke,’ Lady Alice said angrily.

      ‘Maybe Raven can help,’ Essie suggested. ‘Surely getting him better is the most important thing to do now. I’ve never sailed as far as the estuary, but I know it’s a long way off.’

      ‘You’re right.’ Lady Alice rose to her feet. ‘Come with me, Esther. I might need your help.’

      ‘What about me?’ Sadie asked anxiously.

      ‘You could give our cabin a clean.’ Essie stood up, swaying with the movement of the ship as she gained her balance. ‘It looks as if we might be on board for some time yet.’

      ‘Not if I can help it.’ Lady Alice steadied herself by grasping the door handle. ‘Come along, Esther. Don’t dawdle.’

      Raven was propped up on grubby pillows and fully conscious. He looked pale, and dark circles underlined his eyes, but he was awake and alert. There was no sign of the man who had been assigned to tend to his needs and last night’s bloodied dressings had been left to congeal in an enamel bowl.

      ‘How are you feeling?’ Lady Alice glanced round the cabin, wrinkling her small nose. ‘It smells foul in here.’

      ‘I’m all right, Alice. You needn’t worry about me. I’d get up, but I’m not dressed.’

      She laid her hand on his forehead. ‘You feel cool enough. Thank

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