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your own.’

      The Envoy’s face darkened. ‘I do not appreciate that kind of comment. As I keep stressing, it’s only in methods that we –’

      ‘Yes, yes, I know. Take a jest, man. Your views are simply misplaced; Karr’s border on treachery.’

      ‘I’ll take that as a back-handed compliment,’ Talgorian replied coolly. ‘At least you appreciate the difference between my concerns about strategy and Karr’s flirting with anti-social elements.’

      ‘You know it’s more than flirting. We’ve suspected him for years, and so have your people. He’s a sympathiser, a fellow traveller. Maybe more than that.’

      ‘Suspicion’s one thing, proof’s another.’

      ‘Circumstances have changed. We have a freer hand, remember. And in a couple of weeks he’ll be stepping down from his patricianship. That office gave him a measure of protection. Once he goes, the restrictions go.’

      ‘He’s not a man to underestimate. It takes a certain cunning to sail so close to the wind all these years.’

      ‘He’ll be given every opportunity to stumble, believe me. If he has so much as a hair out of place –’

      ‘He’s seen us.’

      Skirting the outlandish dancers, Karr made his way to them. They greeted him with sham smiles and hollow salutations.

      ‘Patrician,’ Talgorian drawled. ‘An excellent speech.’

      ‘Very enlightening,’ Bastorran echoed.

      ‘Thank you.’

      Talgorian indicated the spare chair. ‘Please, take a seat.’

      ‘So,’ the diplomat said, ‘you’re finally retiring from public service. After … how many years is it?’

      ‘Too many, it sometimes seems.’

      They gave expedient, empty laughs.

      ‘And how will you fill your days?’

      ‘I expect I’ll have plenty to occupy me, Clan High Chief.’

      ‘No doubt your passion for the downtrodden will continue to find expression,’ Talgorian suggested. ‘Perhaps in the form of charitable works?’

      ‘I hope I’ll always find time for the less fortunate.’

      ‘I see you’re showing solidarity with them tonight in your choice of dress,’ Bastorran commented, in reference to Karr’s plain, unglamoured mask.

      The patrician smiled thinly. ‘I think it behoves the more privileged to set an example.’

      ‘By looking impoverished ourselves? You’re to take no offence from that yourself, of course.’

      ‘Of course, Ambassador. The example I had in mind was one of modest consumption.’ He saw their puzzled expressions. ‘Look about you.’

      Bastorran sniffed. ‘I see men and women of substance. The example they hold out is the possibility of a better life for all.’

      ‘Prospering under the wing of the empire,’ Talgorian added, almost piously.

      ‘How many here have earned it?’ Karr wondered.

      ‘Ever the controversialist, eh, Karr? Public life will be the poorer for the lack of your witticisms.’

      ‘I don’t think the destitute are laughing too heartily.’

      ‘Your beloved downtrodden,’ the paladin leader came in irritably, ‘would be best employed improving their lot through honest hard work.’

      ‘Most would like nothing better. Assuming work existed, and they didn’t risk being arbitrarily rounded-up and brutalised every time they stepped onto the streets.’

      ‘If they’ve done no wrong they have nothing to fear.’

      ‘They’d say they’re treated as enemies of the state regardless. Not all of them are necessarily insurgents, you know.’

      Bastorran fixed him with a hard stare. ‘You’d be surprised who is, Patrician.’

      ‘I’m sure your sentiments are commendable, Karr,’ Talgorian interjected, ‘and we can all applaud your humanitarian instincts. Let’s charge our glasses and toast your retirement.’ He made to beckon a waiter.

      ‘No,’ Karr replied. ‘Thank you, but … it’s been a long day and I have others to see before I can leave.’

      ‘You are looking a little out of sorts, if you don’t mind me saying.’

      ‘It’s nothing. Overwork. You know, trying to clear everything before I retire.’

      ‘It wouldn’t do to jeopardise your health,’ Bastorran said, an unmistakably barbed edge to his words. ‘Retirement was a wise decision. Now you can lay down your burden and let others worry about the welfare of the people.’

      ‘Indeed.’ He gave each a small nod in turn. ‘High Chief. Ambassador Talgorian.’ Then he left.

      As they watched him moving through the crowd, Talgorian breathed, ‘Scandalous.’

      ‘Wouldn’t so much as take a drink with us. As for his views … Free expression’s all very well, but –’

      ‘He looked ill, don’t you think?’

      ‘I’m a great believer in the inner man determining the outer. Nine times out of ten it’s a guilty conscience that brings about the appearance of poor health.’

      ‘At least he’s abandoned what little power his position gave him.’

      ‘Doesn’t mean he’ll stop fighting for lost causes. The man’s a born meddler.’

      ‘You’ll be keeping an eye on him, then?’

      ‘Oh, we will. Ambassador, we will. As no doubt you will yourself.’

      Talgorian leaned closer. ‘You are aware that there have been attempts on his life?’

      ‘More than a few, I understand. And with all the hallmarks of being officially sanctioned.’

      ‘Not by my people. Or any of the other departments of state that I’m aware of.’ His voice dropped to a whisper. ‘I suspect they were the work of the CIS.’

      ‘There’d be no mishaps if the paladins were given the job.’

      ‘No doubt. My point is that the CIS aren’t supposed to operate beyond Gath Tampoor’s shores. Legally, that is. But I’ve been hearing rumours that their methods might be exported to the protectorates.’

      ‘What’s your meaning?’

      ‘Should Karr be the victim of assassination, my superiors, your employers, could hardly kick up a fuss when one of their agencies has been trying the same thing.’

      ‘Interesting. I’ll bear it in mind.’ He surveyed the bizarre throng. ‘We’re neglecting our duties. Better get back to it.’ The touch of a finger against his medallion re-formed his mask. An elongated snout appeared, the eyes grew slitty, yellow-green scales formed.

      ‘Excellent guise,’ Talgorian commented.

      ‘It is rather fine, isn’t it?’ Bastorran admired himself in a nearby wall mirror.

      The Ambassador reactivated his own mask. Grey fur erupted, the nose blossomed, whiskers sprouted.

      Bastorran glanced at his companion. ‘I meant to ask.’


      ‘Why a rat?’


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