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yourselves. And now there’s another victim.”

      Before he continued, Selena heard a noise outside. Lupe did, too, since the large, furry dog stood up and barked.

      Selena couldn’t help glancing at the other three wolf shifters in the room. They appeared both alert and confused, looking from one to the other. She suspected they’d heard the outside sounds as well.

      Was there some jeopardy here? No, she knew who had just driven up the driveway to the headquarters.

      “Let’s pause for a moment, okay?” she asked Owen, whose hearing probably hadn’t been tweaked. “And I think you ought to get someone to brew some more coffee.”

      “Why?” He looked concerned and not exactly happy.

      Before Selena could explain her assumption the doorbell rang.

      Lupe barked once more even as Selena hurried from the dining room and down the hall to the front door. She had just grasped the knob when she felt a hand on her shoulder and Owen pulled her away.

      “What the hell are you doing?” Owen demanded. “We don’t know who’s out there. It could be dangerous.”

      Selena hesitated. She could be wrong. She moved away from Owen’s grasp and again approached the door. This time she looked through the peephole viewer.

      Sure enough, she saw whom she’d expected to see.

      Staying out of Owen’s reach, she pulled the door open, then grinned at the men who stood there—her fellow Alpha Force members assigned to this mission. No cover dogs, though. Lupe was the only one on this mission.

      “About time you gentlemen got here,” she told them with a smile, although they had appeared earlier than expected.

      “Easy for you to say,” retorted Patrick Worley. “Wait until we tell you all we went through to arrive early.”

      “Hold that thought,” Selena said, “and come inside. We’re in the middle of a report on why we’re here—and something that just occurred.” She was a little annoyed that the last time she’d spoken with Patrick, he’d indicated there was no way they could arrive this early.

      Was this an attempt to make a good impression on the CAs, by demonstrating that the importance of this mission to Alpha Force made them pull out all the stops to get here fast?

      Maybe. But Selena doubted it would have that effect on Owen.

      It certainly didn’t on her.

      Nevertheless, she was glad to see them.

      “Sergeant Major Owen Dewirter of the RCMP,” Selena said, assuming all the formality expected of a US soldier on duty, “I’d like you to meet Alpha Force members Captain Patrick Worley, Lieutenant Marshall Vincenzo and Captain Jonas Truro.”

      As the group shook hands, Selena smiled, feeling all kinds of relief circulating inside her.

      Formality be damned. These were people with a job to do—herself included.

      A job for which they all needed a briefing.

      “Hey, everyone,” she said. “C’mon back inside so we can talk.”

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