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like this.”

      Behind me, I feel Jason kiss my butt through my gown. A sexual charge shoots through me.

      Oh, God help me.

      “I’m not sure—”

      “The moment you feel uncomfortable, we’ll stop. Okay?”

      My reply is a shaky breath. Then Adam is kissing me, and Jason’s hands are trailing up my thigh…

      I’m tense for a good ten seconds—Adam kissing me, Jason stroking my skin. I’m a little surprised that Jason’s fingers feel so…so gentle. Like he’s trying to savor every moment of this. Trying to seduce me.

      But I jerk when his fingers graze my clit.

      “Relax, baby,” Adam whispers. “Close your eyes.”

      “I don’t know, Adam…”

      Jason pushes my dress up and kisses my ass. I shudder. Then stiffen. This is disgusting. It’s wrong. Friggin’ twisted. And yet…his touch is strangely erotic.


      Jason slowly turns me around, and though I can hardly breathe, I don’t fight him. Fingering the lace of my thong, Jason groans with pleasure. “Oh my God, Claudia. What a beautiful pussy.”

      I feel a jolt of unexpected heat.

      Behind me, Adam unzips my gown. Jason wets his fingers and massages my nub. Adam’s warm lips kiss one of my shoulders as he pulls my dress straps down my arms. Now, my breasts are exposed. And to my shock, my body is thrumming with sexual energy. I’m feeling turned on. My body is excited and alive, reveling in the taboo of having a strange man’s fingers on my pussy.

      “Fuck, I want to eat you, Claudia,” Jason rasps. “I want my tongue so far inside you…”

      “You’ll like that, baby,” Adam says hotly against my ear as he tweaks my nipples. “You want that, don’t you?”

      “Yes.” The word escapes on its own.

      Jason pulls my clit into his mouth, and I gasp. And then I flinch. He’s sucking me so fervently, it’s too intense.

      “Softer,” I tell him. “Not so much.”

      Jason slows down, gently flicking his tongue now. “Like that?”


      Adam nibbles on my ear while playing with my nipples. “God, baby. You’re so beautiful. So amazing…”

      An electrical charge of pleasure zaps me when Jason inserts a finger inside me. And then he starts sucking my clit again, softly this time, and my legs weaken. My breathing grows shallow.

      “Yes, baby,” Adam whispers.

      I explode, coming hard and panting fast. I close my eyes against the delicious sensations. Adam turns my face to his and kisses me while I ride the wave.

      “I love you, baby,” he says. “God, I love you.”

      “I love you, too.” And for a moment, I’m in orgasm heaven. But as my carnal bliss subsides, I glance down at Jason, see his smiling face. I’ve just shared the most intimate part of me with a stranger.

      Christ, I came in his mouth.

      I’m disgusted with myself.

      Chapter Eleven


      It’s Sunday afternoon, the day after the charity fundraiser, and I’m sitting with Lishelle and Claudia at our booth in Liaisons. I’m in a pissy mood and need to bitch.

      “I mean, what is wrong with a sexual-wellness spa? Does something seedy happen there—something dirty? Because that’s what Charles implied on the way home last night. Worried that he could tarnish his reputation if people found out we went there. Am I completely clueless? Everything I’ve read says that couples go there to reconnect sexually—and what’s wrong with that?”

      Lishelle swallows her mouthful of food, then answers. “Nothing. I would think Charles would jump at the chance to go.”

      My own plate of scrambled eggs and bacon is mostly untouched. Instead, I’m sucking back mimosas like I didn’t wake up with a hangover. “I’m beginning to think that even if Charles can get it up, he doesn’t want to.”

      “Did you bring up the whole impotency thing?” Lishelle asks.

      “I tried. Another brush-off.” I can’t help groaning. “What am I supposed to do—live without a man forever just because I’m married to a guy who doesn’t want to make love to me? We got home last night and I hoped, I prayed he would make a decent effort to get it up. But he went right to bed. Leaving me there in a Dolce & Gabbana gown any other man would have wanted to rip off. I’m not sure I can take much more of this. I need to have sex.”

      “I understand your frus—”

      “No, you don’t,” I say, cutting Claudia off. “I’m so desperate, I’m considering having an affair.”

      Claudia and Lishelle exchange a glance before looking at me again.

      “I met someone,” I continue. “He came into my studio. And the way he looked at me…I don’t remember ever feeling so sexually charged just from a look. This guy made me remember that I’m a woman. He made me remember all the times I’ve been hit on in my life. Even by some of my clients’ fiancés—you remember the stories. I used to look in the mirror and see a confident and beautiful woman, but somehow, Charles has taken that from me. I want that back.”

      “Wow.” Lishelle pushes her plate of pastries to the side. Claudia suddenly stops chewing her bacon.

      “After I met this guy, I went home and used a vibrator for the first time, thinking of him through it all, and I had the best orgasm.”

      “Aren’t vibrators fucking great?” Lishelle asks. “I’ve been telling you for years to buy one.”

      “I thought that would be enough,” I say sadly, “but it wasn’t.”

      “So now you want to have sex with him?” Claudia asks, sounding a little shocked.

      A beat passes before I answer. “I’m not sure. I thought I wanted that, but then I ripped up his card, so I have no way to contact him. Unless…”

      “Unless what?” Lishelle asks.

      “He came in with his younger brother and the brother’s fiancée. They said they want to hire me, but they haven’t been back, so who knows?”

      “Maybe that’s a good thing,” Claudia comments.

      “You think I shouldn’t have an affair?”

      Claudia holds her forkful of eggs before her mouth. “If you want my honest opinion, no. But I’m about to get married.”

      “Yeah,” Lishelle says. “You’re still in that blissful stage. When everything about marriage seems wonderful and perfect.”

      “And what about you, Miss Suddenly Engaged to your first love.”

      “I’m just saying—I was married, and it wasn’t always wonderful, and the sad reality is that yes, some people have affairs.” Now Lishelle faces me. “I am in no way saying you should have an affair. But then, that’s not my decision to make. If things are rough with Charles and you’ve tried all you can and you need to get some sex on the side…” She shrugs. “I’ll support you, whatever you decide.”

      “Wonders never cease,” Claudia mutters.

      “Annelise is a grown woman, and we’re not her parents. We’re her friends.”

      As Lishelle and Claudia banter back and forth about what’s morally right, my mind

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