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you sure, honey? What if it’s more complicated?”

      “But we want everyone happy. Let’s have the variety. It’ll cost more, but that’s not a concern.”

      “No. No, you’re right.” I relax in my seat. My father’s not worried about the cost, so why am I? “I do want everyone to be happy.” So happy that they’ll talk about our wedding for months after the grand event…

      “I don’t know why you’re getting so stressed. Seems like everything’s in order.”

      “That’s easy for you to say. You haven’t been doing the planning.”

      I give Adam a look of reproof, and in response he plants a soft kiss on my lips. “You know I love you for it.”

      “You’d better.”

      “I promise you, our honeymoon will be the perfect reward for all your hard work.”

      Right now, the honeymoon seems like some mythical fantasy that will never come to pass. “When will you tell me where we’re going?”

      “When we get there.”

      I should be excited, but I’m not. I think the idea of the honeymoon will really excite me once I know that all the kinks in our wedding plans are ironed out.

      Adam releases my hands to reach for my margarita. He samples it and as I watch him, I can’t help thinking how truly hot he is. He’s six foot two, has closely cropped hair and perfect golden-brown skin. Adam is the kind of guy who commands attention whenever he walks into a room. Even here, at this eatery, I’ve seen the surreptitious and even brazen glances some of the other women have thrown his way.

      But I’m not worried. They can look all they like. Adam isn’t going anywhere. He has no need to. I more than please my man in the bedroom.

      As an attractive sister gives Adam a lingering look, I place a hand on his leg under the table.

      “Mmm,” is his soft response.

      “I love you, Adam Hart,” I whisper.

      “I love you, Claudia Fisher.”

      “I know.” I blow out a huff of air. “That’s why it’s been killing me to keep this from you.” Adam looks at me in alarm, and I realize how he has construed my words. “It’s not bad news,” I quickly assure him. “In fact, it’s the best news.”

      “You’ve got my attention.”

      Excitement bubbles up inside me. What I’m about to tell Adam is absolutely the most thrilling news. The perfect touch to make our wedding forever memorable—and the talk of Atlanta.

      “Remember I told you I had a surprise for you?”

      “Yes,” Adam replies.

      “I wasn’t planning to tell you about this until the rehearsal dinner, but I’m so excited, I can’t wait that long.”

      “What is it, baby?”

      “You’re never going to believe who’ll be singing at our wedding. I’m so blown away by this, I could just die!”

      Adam’s eyes are on fire with curiosity. “Tell me.”

      “Babyface! Can you believe it?”

      Adam plants a serious lip-lock on me, tongue and all, and I don’t even care. When we finally break for air, he asks, “How? When?”

      “My cousin came through for me.” Morgan Fisher, one of my many cousins, is an executive at Palm Records in Los Angeles. He knows Babyface personally, but that wasn’t a guarantee that he’d be available to sing at the wedding.

      “Oh, man.” Adam smiles from ear to ear. “The Babyface?”

      “The one and only. Isn’t it fabulous?”

      “You’re fabulous.” Adam’s tone changes, grows deeper. I can read what he’s thinking in his eyes. He wants to get me naked.

      The waiter appears with our wine. He opens the bottle, pours some wine into a glass, and Adam samples it. “Very good,” Adam tells the waiter.

      When we are alone again, Adam raises his wineglass. “To us,” he says. “And a very bright future.”

      “I’ll drink to that,” I say, then clink my glass against my fiancé’s, knowing that I am the luckiest girl in the world.

      Again, Adam slips a hand between my legs and says, “Come on, baby. Let me make you come.”

      “Adam…” I protest weakly.

      But he’s already stroking me, with much more determination, and against my own resolve, I am getting very wet.

      “Do you know how much I love it when you’re wet like this?” he asks hotly against my ear. He slips a finger inside me and wiggles it around. “Let me taste you. Please, baby…”

      I moan softly. “Right here?”

      “God, yes.”

      He pulls his hand away from me and lifts it to his face. He inhales the scent of my essence, groaning his delight, then slowly puts the finger in his mouth. It’s enough to almost make me orgasm.

      “Damn, I love you,” he utters, then slips his hand between my legs once more. Now he goes in for the kill, putting two fingers inside me while stroking my nub with his thumb.

      “How do you always do this to me?” I ask. “Make me so fucking horny?”

      His movements are faster, and I’m sure people know what’s going on. How could they not?

      Oh, damn. I’m so close…

      I close my legs around his hand and bury my face against his shoulder. “That’s it, baby. You know I own you.”

      And then I come. And come. And come.

      I bite down on Adam’s shoulder. It’s an effort to keep any sound from escaping my mouth. I pray anyone within earshot only thinks I’m laughing.

      “You two must be celebrating something.”

      I whip my gaze up to see the waiter standing at our table. Adam keeps a firm hand wrapped around my waist so I can’t move apart from him. His other hand is still in my panties.

      “Um, yes,” I answer shakily. I’m still light-headed from the aftermath of my orgasm. “We’re getting married.”

      “Ah,” the waiter coos and places the garlic bread on the table. “Congratulations.”

      Only when the waiter disappears do I dare move away from Adam. He grins at me, victorious, knowing he has conquered me sexually once again.

      And I can’t help it. I grin back at him.

      I love this man.

      A little over an hour later—at least I think it’s an hour later (I can’t be sure, since I had the lion’s share of the wine)—I am holding on tight to Adam’s arm as he’s driving along the 285 perimeter around Atlanta. It seems we’ve been going around and around for ages, but I could be wrong, considering my head’s in a fog. I can barely keep my eyes open, but when Adam veers suddenly to the right, I perk up. I see that he is taking an exit several miles from my home.

      “Hey,” I say.

      He squeezes my hand. “Don’t worry, babe.”

      “Where are we going?”

      He glances at me and flashes a playful grin. “You had a surprise for me. Now it’s my turn to surprise you.”

      I eye Adam warily. He’s not big on romantic surprises. Besides, what on earth can he be surprising me with in the middle of nowhere? Unless he’s going to…


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