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       Chapter Two

      Cassie Lynn found herself entranced by the genuine concern and intelligence reflected in the newcomer’s expression. It made her temporarily forget that she was sitting in the dust and dirt of the livery yard.

      “Can I help you up?”

      She blinked, coming back to herself, and quickly nodded. “Yes, thank you.” Hoping there was no visible sign of the warmth she felt climbing in her cheeks, Cassie Lynn held out her hand.

      He took it in his larger, work-callused one and she had the strangest feeling that she could hold on to that hand forever.

      Then he placed his other hand behind her back, and with surprisingly little effort, the green-eyed stranger had her on her feet in no time. He stepped away once he was certain she was steady, and she found herself missing the protective strength of his touch.

      He continued to eye her cautiously. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

      Cassie Lynn nodded as she busied herself dusting off her skirt.

      What was wrong with her? It wasn’t often she found herself flustered this way. “Please, don’t worry. I’ve taken worse falls tripping over my own feet.” She quickly turned to Noah. “How about you? Are you all right?”

      “Yes, ma’am. Thanks for catching me.”

      She ruffled his hair. “Glad to help.” For the first time she noticed a young girl standing slightly behind the man, chewing her lip as if she didn’t want to be here. Before Cassie Lynn could introduce herself, however, the man spoke up again.

      “I’ve told you before not to wander off without telling me.” His tone was stern.

      Noah’s expression turned defensive. “I just wanted to get out in the sunshine. We’ve been cooped up forever.” The boy scuffed the ground with the toe of his shoe. “Besides, you were right inside, and I didn’t go far.”

      The man didn’t seem the least bit appeased. “That’s no excuse.”

      Noah’s shoulders slumped. Then he gave his uncle a hopeful look. “But you found me right away. And I knew Pru saw where I was going.”

      Watching the interplay between the two of them, Cassie Lynn could detect genuine concern behind the man’s scolding. This, of course, must be the Uncle Riley that Noah had mentioned.

      She studied the boy’s uncle while trying not to appear to be nosy. There was something about the man that intrigued her. It wasn’t just his vivid eyes, or his appearance, though that was appealing enough in a rugged, well-muscled sort of way. No, it was something about his bearing that commanded her attention, an air of self-confidence and strength, balanced with a concern for his nephew, which lent just a hint of vulnerability. It all came together in a way that she found compelling.

      The man gave his nephew a final exasperated look, then turned to face her.

      She quickly schooled her features, hoping she hadn’t given away any hint of her rather inappropriate thoughts. To her relief, his expression was merely polite.

      “My apologies, miss, for any trouble Noah might have caused you.”

      “No need to apologize.” She gave the boy a companionable smile, then held out her hand to the man beside him. “I’m Cassie Lynn Vickers, by the way.”

      He took her hand and gave it a perfunctory shake before releasing it. “Glad to meet you, Miss Vickers. I’m Riley Walker. And I appreciate you coming to Noah’s rescue the way you did.”

      She dipped her head in acknowledgment. “Glad to help.” Then she turned to the little girl. “And I assume you are Noah’s sister, Pru?”

      The girl, who looked to be no older than ten or eleven, nodded.

      Cassie Lynn turned to the children’s uncle. “I understand you folks are new to town. I hope you enjoy your stay here.”

      “I’m sure we will.” Mr. Walker touched the brim of his hat, and she thought for a moment he would make his exit. But instead he hesitated a moment and then nodded toward the corral. “Which one of these horses is yours?”

      “None, I’m afraid. We’re just good friends.” She rested an arm on the fence. “I understand from Noah you’ve brought your own horse to town with you.”

      He nodded. “River goes everywhere I do.” He waved toward the livery end of the corral, where Mr. Humphries was leading what was presumably Mr. Walker’s horse through the gate. “That’s him now.”

      She heard the pride in his voice and turned to study the animal more closely. His coat was silvery-gray with a few darker flecks on his flank and a charcoal colored mane and tail. The animal appeared spirited and well cared for.

      “He looks to be a fine horse.”

      Mr. Walker’s smile had a touch of affection in it. “He is that.” Then he turned serious again. “It was nice meeting you, Miss Vickers, but if you’ll excuse us, I need to get us checked in at the hotel.”

      “Of course.” As he moved away, she called out to them. “Mr. Walker?”

      He paused and turned back, his expression one of polite inquiry. “Ma’am?”

      She felt foolish for her impulsive act. “I just wanted to say if you have questions about any of the local establishments, or need directions of any sort, I’d be glad to help you.”

      “That’s very kind of you, but not necessary at the moment.”

      They resumed their exit and this time she let them. But she overheard another snippet of their conversation before they moved out of hearing range.

      “Are you really going to work here, Uncle Riley?” Noah asked.

      His uncle nodded. “I am. But just for a few hours each day.”

      Were the Walkers going to settle here then? She certainly hoped so. It would give her a chance to see that sweet little Noah again.

      And his uncle.

      She watched them until they disappeared around the corner of the livery. Then she dusted the back of her skirt with her hands and turned to the horses. “Well, now, wasn’t that an interesting little encounter? I must say, I found Mr. Walker and his charges to be quite fascinating.” She stroked Scarlett’s muzzle again. Given that Cassie Lynn was looking for a husband, she couldn’t help but think that Mr. Walker would be a not unpleasant choice.

      Ridiculous, of course, since she didn’t really know him. Then again, she didn’t know any of the local gents very well, either. It certainly couldn’t hurt to put the newcomer on her list while she tried to learn more about him. For instance, learning if he was even planning to settle down in Turnabout or was just passing through.

      She grinned at her own silliness. Then the reminder of just why she was making her husband candidate list came flooding back, and she no longer had any desire to smile.

      It was time to stop her foolish daydreaming and get down to business. Cassie Lynn picked up her shopping basket and walked away from the corral.

      Finding a husband wouldn’t be easy, but it wasn’t altogether impossible.

      Please, God, if this plan be in Your will, prepare the man You have in mind for me so that he is open to my proposal.

      Feeling somewhat better now that she had a direction, Cassie Lynn straightened and moved forward with a lighter step.

      But there was one big problem with her plan. She didn’t know the men in town well enough to evaluate them against her requirements. Which meant she needed an advisor, someone who could help her make those comparisons and who would perhaps think of candidates she might not be aware of. There were only a few people she felt comfortable turning to for that kind of assistance.

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