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      She chewed her lip, as if mulling over the information. “But if it’s so exclusive, how would Kels get in?”

      He shrugged. “Your sister’s a beautiful girl who’s not afraid to show her body. My guess is that they probably hired her on as a server or attendant of some kind.”

      She crossed the few steps to the counter and grabbed her purse and keys. “Well, then, what are we hanging around for? Let’s go to this stupid place and get her.”

      “Brynn.” He grabbed her wrist before she reached the door.

      She glanced back over her shoulder, urgency rolling off her. “What’s wrong?”

      “I have no idea where this place is. And even if I did, you’re not going to be able to get in without an invitation… or a master.”

      All the blood drained from her face. She glanced down at his fingers circling her wrist and jerked her arm free. “What? I can’t—”

      “Look, calm down,” he said, frowning down at her. “We can’t do anything tonight, but I know someone who may have a connection there. Let me see if I can get any information—find out if your sister is even there. In the meantime, you can go home and call anyone you can think of—her friends, boyfriends, whoever. Someone has to know where she is.”

      Brynn chewed her lip, considering him, then nodded. “Okay. I guess that’s the best we can do tonight.”

      He walked her down to her car, keeping an eye on their surroundings to make sure her attacker hadn’t decided to hang around.

      She pulled open her car door and slid in, looking up at him with tired eyes. “Thanks for your help. I take back the comment about you not being able to scare off bad guys.”

      He smiled. “Thanks, and I don’t mind helping.”

      She dug in her purse and pulled out a business card. “Here. My cell is on there. Call me if you find anything out.”

      He took the card from her and slipped it into his pocket, then feigned a grimace. “Shit.”

      “What’s wrong?”

      “I must’ve left my cell upstairs.”

      She moved to climb out of the car. “Oh, well, I can go grab it for you.”

      He held up a hand. “No, it’s late, and the sooner you’re out of this neighborhood, the better. Why don’t you just give me your sister’s key and you can leave? I’ll get the key back to you on Monday.”

      She paused, evaluating him for a moment, then glanced down the darkened street. “Yeah, okay, but just make sure everything’s locked when you leave.”

      She slid the key off her key chain and handed it over. Trusting him.

      Guilt flooded him, but he charged forward with his plan anyway. “No worries. I’ll just run in and then lock back up. And

      I promise I’ll touch base with you tomorrow if I can find anything out.”

      “Thanks.” She pulled her seat belt across her chest. “Good night, Reid.”

      “Drive safe, sugar.” He shut her door and waited on the curb, watching her taillights fade around the corner. As soon as he was sure she was far enough away, he jogged back up the stairs and let himself into Kelsey’s apartment, locking the door behind him.

      Surveying the room, his eyes honed in on the boxes he hadn’t been able to explore while Brynn was there. The ones labeled Mom’s things. Thinking about what could be in those boxes had made his heart pick up speed. Last week when he’d visited Hank in jail, he’d told Reid that Kelsey had called him—said she may have found something that could help him get an appeal. Reid had planned to contact Kelsey to see what she had come across, but now…

      He tapped down the guilt about being there uninvited and went into the kitchen to grab a pair of rubber gloves from under the sink. If he found anything of use, he didn’t want his fingerprints all over it. He hoped what he needed was in one of those boxes. But if it wasn’t, he wasn’t going to leave the apartment until he’d searched every inch of the place. If Kelsey had some key to getting Hank out of jail, he was going to do every damn thing possible to get his hands on it.

      Even if that meant he’d have to hunt down Brynn’s sister ­himself.


      Mr. Jamison stepped out of his office with Reid not far behind. Brynn smiled as the older man stopped in front of her desk.

      “Ms. LeBreck, it’s almost seven, what are you still doing slaving away?”

      She held up a stack of envelopes. “I told Mr. Ackerman I would stay late tonight and stuff these.”

      He leaned over her desk and looked at the piles of flyers on the floor. He shook his head. “You work late all the time. You’re too young to work that hard. Go home, my dear. Take a night off. I’ll make sure you get paid overtime for the evening.”

      Reid broke into a wide grin behind his uncle.

      Brynn smiled. “That’s really nice of you, but I don’t mind staying.”

      He tapped his palm against the desk. “That’s an order, Ms. LeBreck. Get out of here. I’ll close up behind you.”

      Well, she wasn’t going to argue with that. Mr. Jamison strolled off toward the copy room, and Reid replaced him at the front of her desk. She raised an eyebrow at him and pulled out her purse. “What’s with the shit-eating grin?”

      “I have a date tonight.”

      She choked back the bitter taste that stole across her tongue, knowing that she had no right to be upset. She and Reid had fallen into a comfortable friendship at work over the last few weeks—their playful banter the bright spot in her long days. But she’d never given him any indication she was interested in anything more or told him that when she finally lay in bed at night, that it was his face she pictured, his hands she imagined on her when she touched herself.

      She couldn’t tell him. Their lives were so far apart from each other, they might as well belong to different species. She gave him a stiff smile. “Good for you.”

      He laughed and held out his hand. “Come on, LeBreck. Let’s go.”

      She stared at his open palm. “What are you talking about?”

      He smirked. “I’m talking about a date—me, you, some food, all congregating in the same general area. You told me the day we met you didn’t have time for a burger. Now you’ve been given two hours you didn’t plan on having, so you owe me a date.”

      She sighed and pushed her hair behind her ears. “Reid—”

      He wagged his finger at her. “Nope, can’t turn me down. You don’t want to be responsible for crushing my fragile ego, do you?”

      She snorted, but slipped her hand into his and let him help her to her feet. “Your ego is about as delicate as a freight train.”

      He pulled her closer to his side and guided her toward the door. “It’s just a burger, Brynn.”

      A few minutes later, Reid turned his truck into the drive-thru at the Burger Haven and ordered their meals. She shifted in her seat, the leather sticking to her bare legs. “I thought we were going to eat here.”

      He pulled up to the window and paid for the food, then handed her the greasy paper bags. “The grub here is good, but the ambience leaves a lot to be desired.”

      She snuck a fry from one of the bags and popped it in her mouth. “So where are you taking me, then?”

      He waggled his eyebrows. “My evil

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