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jumping over tree roots and pushing aside branches.

      “Sophie! Wait!” Sam had to sprint to catch up with her. She could go much faster than him when her powers kicked in.

      Sophie slowed down a bit, but excitement was churning through her. Her Guardian powers always made her feel very brave. “What’s that noise?” she asked, hearing a low roaring sound through the trees.

      Sam frowned. “It almost sounds like a waterfall.”

      “It is a waterfall!” said Sophie in astonishment as they emerged through the trees. There was a craggy grey cliff, with water cascading over the top of it into a river below.

      “Weird!” said Sam, turning off his torch. “I didn’t even know there was a waterfall in these woods.”

      Sophie shook her head, lost for words. The exploring they had done in the Shadow Woods had made her realise they were very strange indeed – they never seemed quite the same from one day to the next. Suddenly she noticed something else.

      “Look!” She pointed to the base of the cliff where there were some shadowy caves, their entrances like dark doorways. “They look like just the sort of place a shadow creature might live. Come on, let’s go and check it out!”

      Sam stared uncertainly at the dark opening. “Or we could just walk on by. I bet it’s a quiet and polite shadow creature, staying out of trouble, doing its own thing…” His voice trailed off as Sophie strode off towards the caves, her blonde ponytail swinging. “Oh, why do I bother?” he said, rolling his eyes and hurrying after her.

      Sophie had reached the entrance to the first cave. As she stepped inside the dark, clammy space, she felt her Guardian powers whooshing through her with new force. “Sam, there must be a shadow creature really close by now!” As she spoke, a banner of fog swirled up in front of them. It formed into a column.

      Sam gave a yelp, and his torch slipped from his fingers and fell to the floor, rolling a few inches away. “What’s going on?” he cried. “Where did that fog come from?”

      “I don’t know,” said Sophie, watching the white mist warily. “But I don’t like it.”

      A shiver ran through the fog, and it suddenly became a tall, thin creature with grey skin, a large mouth and the longest, boniest fingers Sophie had ever seen.

      “Whoa!” Sam said, stumbling backwards.

      With a growl, the fog-thing charged straight at them!

      Sophie reacted with superspeed, grabbing Sam out of the way just in time. The creature shot past, swung round in the cave entrance and faced them again.

      “Leave us alone!” said Sophie fiercely, standing in front of Sam. “I’m Sophie Smith. I’m the Guardian!”

      “So?” the creature snarled. “Fog Boggarts are not scared of anyone!” It lunged at them again.

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      Sophie spun round, her foot kicking out hard. She expected to feel the creature’s body, but her foot went straight through it. It was like kicking a ghost! The creature laughed as Sophie fell to the ground.

      “You cannot hurt a Fog Boggart, Guardian, but I can hurt you and your friend!”

      He lashed out at Sophie with his long bony fingers. She ducked to the ground, feeling the damp soil and leaves beneath her hands.

      “Leave her alone!” Sam was scrabbling about on the dark floor, looking for something to use as a weapon.

      Sophie rolled swiftly to one side, her heart pounding. How could she fight something like this? Before she could jump to her feet, the Fog Boggart was upon her. Its ghostly fingers clutched her arm, seeming to freeze her in place.

      As she watched in horror, its mouth drew closer, opening wider and wider…

       Chapter 3 Escape!

      Didn’t you hear me? I said leave her alone!” yelled Sam. Finally, finding a branch on the floor, he grabbed it up and started for the Fog Boggart.

      The monster swung towards him with a hiss. “You keep out of this, boy!”

      “No way!” As Sam strode forwards, his foot kicked the fallen torch, and light streamed through the cavern. “Get away from her!” he shouted, waving the branch threateningly.

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