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bow and peeked out the window. Cahil waited outside. His hair and beard appeared white in the moonlight.

      Opening the door, I said, “I thought we agreed to meet …” I gaped.

      Cahil wore a long silk tunic of midnight-blue. The collar stood up and silver piping followed the edge of the fabric to form a vee far enough below his throat to allow a glimpse of his muscular chest. The piping also went across his shoulders and dropped down the outside seam of his full sleeves. A silver mesh belt studded with gemstones cinched the tunic around his narrow waist. His trousers matched his shirt, and, once again, silver piping traced the outside seam of his pants, carrying my eyes down to a pair of polished leather boots. Royalty incarnated.

      “I pass your rooms on the way. Seemed silly not to stop,” Cahil said.

      He squinted into the lantern light that glowed behind me, and I realized he couldn’t see my openmouthed stare.

      “Ready?” he asked.

      “Give me a moment.” Returning to the sitting area, I gestured Cahil toward a chair as I went into my bedroom, where I secured my switchblade then smoothed my skirt. With no time to fix my hair, I settled for tucking it behind my ears. Curls! Living in Sitia had made me soft.

      Cahil smiled broadly when he saw me in the light.

      “Don’t laugh,” I warned.

      “I never laugh at a beautiful woman. I’d much rather laugh and dance with her.”

      “False flattery won’t work on me.”

      “I meant every word.” Cahil offered his arm. “Shall we?”

      After a slight hesitation, I linked my arm in his.

      “Don’t worry. I’m only your escort tonight. I would offer to protect you from the drunken attentions of the other men, but I know all too well that you’re quite capable of holding your own. You’re probably armed. Right?”


      We walked in companionable silence. Groups of students and other couples headed in the same direction soon joined us. Lively music pulsed through the air, becoming louder as we approached.

      The dining room had been converted into a ballroom. Orange, red and yellow velvet streamers twisted along the ceiling and draped the walls. Laughter and conversation competed with the music as some people drank and ate, while others danced on the wooden dance floor. Everyone appeared to be wearing their finest clothes. The room sparkled with jewelry in the candlelight.

      Our arrival went unnoticed. But as Cahil pulled me through the crowd toward the back of the room, a couple of surprised glances marked our passing.

      A jolt snapped through me as we cleared the crowd and I spotted Leif. I hadn’t seen him since Irys had left, and I had assumed since he had graduated from the Keep he was no longer involved with the students or classes. But there he stood, next to Roze and Bain. Cahil aimed for them.

      I almost fainted when Leif smiled at me as we approached, but when he recognized me it turned into a scowl. I wondered what I would have to do to get a true smile from Leif. Dismissing the thought, I didn’t want to earn his goodwill, and I certainly didn’t need it. Now, if I could keep saying that over and over in my mind, I might just start to believe it.

      When we joined the group, Bain complimented my hairstyle, while Roze ignored me. Our group only truly came alive when Zitora joined us.

      “Perfect! Absolutely perfect!” Zitora exclaimed over my outfit.

      The talk soon turned to Council business and Cahil pressed Roze to get him on the agenda. Having no interest in discussing politics, my attention wandered as I scanned the crowd. I saw only a few of Cahil’s men. They wore dress uniforms and stood awkwardly to the side as if on duty instead of being there for pleasure. Perhaps they were.

      I watched the dancers for a while. They circled the floor in pairs. After eight beats, they stopped and then took four steps into the center, then four steps back and continued around the circle. The pattern was then repeated. Similar to some of my self-defense katas, the dance resembled a prescribed set of moves.

      Dax and Gelsi appeared. Bain’s students greeted the three Master Magicians with a stiff formality. Gelsi wore a soft green gown that shimmered in the lantern light. The gown’s color matched her big eyes. Studded with gold buttons, Dax’s red shirt had a mandarin collar. Gold piping lined the outside seam of his black pants.

      “Hey, we match,” Dax said to me. I could just hear him over the music. “Would you like to dance?”

      I glanced at Cahil, debating with Leif. “Sure.”

      Dax smiled and pulled me into an opening on the dance floor. Watching had been easier than doing, but with Dax’s steady guidance, I soon caught the rhythm.

      As we circled the floor, Dax said, “Remember when I said you had three points against you?”

      I nodded.

      “Now there are five.”

      “What now?” I asked in exasperation. It was hard to believe I’d had time to make anyone else mad.

      “You came to the feast on Cahil’s arm. Everyone will assume two things. One. That you’re his girlfriend. And two. That you’re an Ixian sympathizer, which is the greater of the two evils.”

      “Well, they would be wrong. Who comes up with all these points and assumptions?” I demanded.

      “Not me, that’s for sure,” Dax said. “If I were in charge, we’d have more desserts at dinner, more feasts and much more dancing.”

      We danced for a while in silence. I mulled over the implications and decided not to waste my time worrying about what everyone else thought, or to bother attempting to change their perceptions. My time at the Keep was just a stopover. Let them wonder. My nervousness about the evening dissipated with my decision. I smiled at Dax.

      “You have a mischievous glint. What are you planning?”

      “Only five points against me?” I narrowed my eyes in mock concern. “Such a small number. I say we try for eight or ten.”

      A wolfish grin spread across Dax’s face. “My lady, you are far too modest. You’re more than capable of handling fifteen or twenty.”

      I laughed with genuine pleasure. Dax and I twirled around the dance floor for a few more songs before rejoining the group. Cahil met our return with a sour look. Before he could say anything or go back to debating with Leif, I grabbed Cahil’s hand and pulled him toward the dancers.

      “Tonight is not for business,” I said as we followed Dax and Gelsi around the floor. “Tonight is for fun. Dancing instead of fighting.”

      He laughed. “You’re right.”

      The evening flew by as I danced with Cahil, Dax and Bain. Even the Stable Master swung me around for a rowdy foot-stomping song. If Cahil hadn’t insisted, I wouldn’t have stopped to eat.

      Irys’s arrival should have made the evening perfect, but I could see exhaustion etched in her face. Wearing a simple light blue gown instead of traveling clothes, she must have taken the time to bathe and to decorate her regal bun with rubies and diamonds before coming to the feast.

      “Is everything okay? Did you find Tula’s sister?” I asked.

      Irys nodded. “Her sister, Opal, is with Tula now.” She gave me an odd look.

      “Should we try to help Tula tonight?”

      Irys shook her head. “Let Opal spend some time with her sister. It’s the first she’s seen her since Tula was kidnapped.” Again, Irys flashed me that strange look.

      “What then? There’s something you’re not telling me.”

      “I warned Opal of Tula’s condition—both mental and physical.” Irys rubbed a hand along her cheek.

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