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the law or from myself. But there are some things you just can’t run from – this being one of them.’ He pleaded guilty.

      The jury unanimously recommended the death sentence. Judge Morris agreed. However, like many killers in the United States, Rolling had a long wait between his sentencing and his actual execution. Twelve years, in fact, to relish his role as a Death Row celeb. During that time, he wrote and published his memoirs, got engaged and fielded off other offers of marriage from the hordes of serial-killer groupies vying for his attention. As well as becoming a published author, he also became a commercially successful artist. That said, Rolling made no money from the sales of his book The Making of a Serial Killer. This was because the State of Florida won a court case against Rolling and his co-author London, which ruled that neither should be able to earn any royalties from the book under the Florida version of the ‘Son of Sam Law’, a law that was passed in 1977 in New York. The ‘Son of Sam Law’ rules that killers may not financially benefit by selling their stories to the press and thereby profit from the notoriety of their crimes.

      The ‘Son of Sam Law’ came about after the conviction of David Richard Berkowitz in 1977. Berkowitz was found guilty of six murders and seven woundings after a one-year-long killing spree in which he shot his victims with a 44-calibre handgun.

      In notes he sent to the press and one note he left at one of the crime scenes, he referred to himself as the ‘Son of Sam’. The reference was to his neighbour’s dog. His neighbour was called Mr Sam Carr and Berkowitz claimed Mr Sam Carr’s dog was possessed by the devil and was ordering him to kill. Hence the name ‘Son of Sam’.

      The ‘Son of Sam Law’ was put into place to stop Berkowitz from signing a book deal amid press speculation at the time that he was about to sell his life story to a publisher for a huge fee.

      The law has yet to be applied to serial-killer collector websites and Rolling certainly cashed in on his notoriety in order to sell his paintings. In fact, his artwork is still today avidly collected the world over by serial-killer art collectors. One of the collector websites I contacted told me that a Rolling sketch sold recently for over $1,000.

      Finally, after Rolling’s last-ditch appeal – which argued that execution by lethal injection constituted cruel and unusual punishment – was deemed without merit by a Florida Supreme Court, Danny Rolling’s execution date was set. He had been on Death Row since 20 April 1994, but in October 2006 Rolling finally went to his well-deserved death. Singing all the way.

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