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going to spend a good portion of the day alone. When our friend Lisa heard of the situation, she decided that God could use her to meet my need. She telecommuted and could work from any location that had Internet. She set up a workspace in my house and spent several weeks working from there during the day. If you could ask her about it, she would tell you she didn’t do much. But to me, having someone around was huge.

      God spoke to Moses and asked him, “What is in your hand?” God wasn’t inquiring about the shepherd’s staff out of ignorance. He was inquiring because he wanted to use Moses’ staff to demonstrate his power by turning it into a serpent. It is unlikely that God will turn our hammer into a serpent, but it is a sure guarantee that he can use it for his glory. What is in your hand? Throw it down and let God use it.

      Commit your finances to the Lord. We will address this at a much deeper level later, but the concept needs to be included here as well. If strangers were to look over your monthly budget, could they tell that you serve Jesus by the way you use your money?

      How about your relationships with friends and neighbors? Do they reflect that you are a child of God? Does your private thought life reflect godliness? Do your attitudes toward your family, work, or church reflect the love of Jesus?

      Paul said, “We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). Practicing the art of worship means that every aspect of life is given over to Christ for him to use as he pleases. When you make this commitment, you will likely discover that most things around you will remain the same. It will be you who changes.

      Try These Activities

      • Thank him for each new day.

      • Spend time reading your Bible every day, even if it is just a few minutes.

      • Commit your day’s activities to God.

      • Pray about any difficult situation you may face today.

      • Pray for an opportunity to glorify him this day.


      Section 2


      Worship and the Church

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